Quick Hit Commentary Senior Women All-Around and
Individual Events - Day 2 Saturday, August 18| DAILY
| - Updated periodically during the
Round 4
- VT - Jana Bieger - Yurchenko 1½ - sits
- VT - Bridget Sloan - Yurchenko 1½ -
- VT - Gerlen Stack-Eaton - Yurchenko 1½
- tiny hop forward
- VT - Alaina Johnson - Yurchenko 1/1 -
step back
- VT - Ivana Hong - Yurchenko 2/1 - lands
low and steps out of the area.
- VT - Amber Trani - 1st vault: Yurchenko
2/1 - step
2nd vault: scratch
- UB - Shawn Johnson - straddle Jaeger...
free hip, ½ pir, giant 1/1... Geinger... free hip HS... toe
HS... bail... stalder... giant... stuck double twisting
double layout
- UB - Samantha Peszek - toe shoot HB...
free hip blind.. Jaeger... giant ½... high Geinger... free
hip bail to HS... stalder to HB... giant 1/1... double
layout (1 step back)
- UB - Natasha Kelley - Hindorff... toe
blind... Jaeger... toe 1/1...Pak salto... Maloney... bail to
HS... toe shoot to HB... stuck double front dismount
- UB - Darlene Hill - Hindorff... free
hip hand, Pak salto... Shapos... bail hand... free hip shoot
to HB... giant 1/1... giant blind... front giant... double
front - small hop back
- BB - Catherine Nyugen - double turn in
cat position... switch ring... FF, layout step out... front
aerial, back tuck (balance check).. 1/1 turn leg horiz...
side aerial... wolf jump, split jump... double tuck 1-step
- BB - Nastia Liukin - press... front
aerial, FF, layout step out, back pike.. 1/1 turn... side
sommie... Onodi... wolf 1/1... sheep jump... switch ring,
sissone, wolf jump... bk 2½ stuck!
- BB - Shayla Worley - standing arabian
(big step back)... Onodi to sheep jump... Kochetkovea...
Onodi to 2-feet... illusion turn... front aerial, FF, layout
stepout... Rulfova... RO double tuck
- BB - Katelyn Mohr - punch front
mount... 1-arm FF, layout stepout... side aerial... 1/1
turn... punch tuck front.. back tuck... split leap... switch
side... RO, 2½ stuck!
- BB - Christa Tanella - switch leap,
sissone... FF, layout step out... front aerial... sheep
jump... 1/1 turn leg up... side sommie... switch side
leap... Onodi... wolf 1/1... RO, 2/1 (1-step)
- BB - Randy Stageberg - press planche...
standing back tuck... front aerial.. sheep jump... FF, back
pike (wobble)... switch leap, switch side... side sommie...
FF, FF, double tuck (under-rotated and fall)
Round 3
- VT - Darlene Hill - Yurchenko 1½ - step
- VT - Shawn Johnson - Yurchenko 2/1 - 1
- VT - Alicia Sacramone - 1st vault:
Beautiful FHS, Rudi
2nd vault:
Yurchenko 2/1 - tiny hop
- VT - Samantha Peszek - very nice
Yourchenko 2/1 - 1 step
- VT - Natasha Kelley - Hristakieva
(layout arabian Yurchenko)
- UB - Randy Stageberg - stalder shoot to
HB... misses a Geinger (no catch)... struggling a bit with
pirouetting work... Fontaine dismount
- UB - Catherine Nyugen - toe 1/1... toe
shoot to HB... stalder 1/1, reverse hecht... toe blind,
Endo... Jaeger... bail to HS... stalder shoot to HB...
double pike dismount (hop forward)
- UB - Nastia Liukin - stalder shoot to
HB... inside stalder, Higgens roll, inverted Endo, Ono to
immediate 1/2 pir.. layout Geinger... inside stalder to
reverse hecht, stalder Higgens roll, 1/1 pir on top of
bar... Pak salto... toe shoot to HB... Hogges roll... stuck
double fromt barani out. Great routine...
- UB - Shayla Worley -
Maloney... Ray... Hindorff... toe 1/1 to bail HS, stalder
shoot, stalder 1/1 pir... huge reverse hecht... giant blind,
front giant... double front.
- UB - Katelyn Mohr - toe 1/1... toe on
blind to highstraddle Jaeger... baill to HS, toe shoot to
HB.. giant blind.. double front (swings it out, but manages
to stick it!)
- UB - Christa Tanella - toe 1/1... toe
shoot to HB... toe blind... big Jaeger, stalder, Higgens,
invert ½ pir, giant ½, bail to HS stalder to HB.. giant
1/1... double pike (1-step)
- FX - Amber Trani - double arabian...
punch double front... switch split... 1½ thru to to double
tuck... running front 1/1 side pass... double pike...
- FX - Jana Bieger - out-of-bounds dble
layout.. funning front 1/1... (out- of-bounds again)...
double pike... out-of-bounds again.. arabian double front
(out-of-bounds)... punch Rudi... punch front 2/1 full
- FX - Bridget Sloan - full-in pike
out... 3/1... 3/1 turn.. switch leap, tourjete ½... FHS,
front 2/1, front layout... RO, 2/1... side pass... double
- FX - Gerlen Stack-Eaton - 1/1 twisting
double pike... arabian double front... switch ring to
tourjete ½... 1½, to double twist (out-of-bounds)... stumble
on 3/1 turn... double pike (a little short)
- FX - Alaina Johnson - tuck full-in...
arabian double front... switch ring, cat ½... bk 1½, punch
front tuck... double pike
- FX - Ivana Hong - 3/1... switch leap...
2½, punch barani... 2/1 side pass... nice double pike... 2/1
turn w/ horiz leg.
Round 2
- VT - Christa Tanella - Yurchenko 1/1 -
hop forward
- VT - Randy Stageberg - Yurchenko 2/1 -
1 step
- VT - Catherine Nyugen - Yurchenko 1/1 -
landed low with step forward.
- VT - Nastia Liukin - Yurchenko 1½ - low
- VT - Shayla Worley - Yurchenko 1½ -
step to side
- VT - Katelyn Mohr - Tuck Tsul 1½ -
small hop
- BB - Ivana Hong - McCool... side
aerial... switch leap, Onodi... front aerial.. FF, layout
stepout... standing back tuck... switch ring leap... sheep
jump, split jump... 1/1 turn... FF, FF, double pike (back
roll out of it).
- BB - Amber Trani - stoop in to V
seat... switch leap, split jump... standing arabian... front
aerial ... FF, layout step out (balance check)... switch
side leap... standing back tuck... sheep jump... side
aerial... punch front... RO, dbl pike (1-step).
- BB - Jana Bieger - press HS ... fall on
a barani... front aerial.. FF, layout step out (balance
check)... front aerial to 2-feet... punch front tuck to
standing back pike... switch split... punch dbl front (step
- BB - Bridget Sloan - press HS, stoop in
to V seat... switch leap, sissone... punch front tuck...
front aerial (balance)... FF, layout step out (fall)... fall
on 2/1 turn... side aerial... standing back tuck, sheep
jump... RO, double pike (hop back).
- BB - Gerlen Stack-Eaton - switch leap,
split jump... FF, tuck 1/1 (fall)... front aerial, sheep
jump... standing back tuck... Onodi... 1/1 turn... side
aerial... punch front tuck... FF, FF, doube tuck (very small
- BB - Alaina Johnson - standing
arabian... sheep jump... front aerial, back tuck... side
aerial... punch front tuck (shakey)... FF, layout stepout...
FF, FF, double tuck (big step back).
- FX - Natasha Kelley - pike full-in...
tuck dbl arabian (good)... whip, whip, FF, double pike (out
of bounds)... 2/1 side pass... 2½, lunges out-of-bounds.
- FX - Darlene Hill - very high Dos
Santos mount... stuck arabian double front... switch split,
tourjete ½... 1½, punch front layout.... FHS, double front
(steps out-of-bounds)
- FX - Shawn Johnson - tuck double
double... front 1/1, punch Rudi... (crowd getting into
it)... double full side pass... full-in... double pike
dismount... big crowd roar.
- FX - Alicia Sacramone - 2/1 turn leg
horiz... huge tuck full-in... pike double arabian... front
1/1 side pass... switch ring... switch side... 2½, punch
front layout... Gogean... double pike. (changes 3rd and 4th
passes from night 1)
- FX - Samantha Peszek - tuck double
double... 2½, punch front 1/1... switch ring, cat 1½... FHS,
front 2/1... back 1½ side pass.... nice double pike dismount
Round 1
- UB - Alaina Johnson - started with a
very clean routine.. . ends with dbl layout 1-step
- UB - Ivana Hong - inside stalder,
giant, stoop ino a German giant, Li li, giant blind Endo
(doesn't make it over top)... giant giant ½,, stalder 1/1
staldr handstand... toe on 1/1 out of handstand to revese
hecht.. tuck full-in (1-step)
- UB - Amber Trani - Ray... struggles on
toe full... reverse 1/1, Pak salto... giant 1/1, giant
bline... front giant to stuck dbl front.
- UB - Jana Bieger - jump to HS...
Endo... Pak.... toe shoot ... stalder HB (over arches)..
stalder. Ricna... bail to HS... stalder shoot to HB..
stalder 1/1... reverse hecht... stuck full-in
- UB - Bridget Sloan - toe blind, Ento 12
pir to toe shoot HB... stalder 1/1.. reverse hecht... Ray...
bail to handstand... giants to double layout (small shuffle
- UB - Gerlen Stack-Eaton - toe on front
giant.. ½ turn Maloney to HB.. toe full.. reverse hecht...
Pak, toe on to HS, toe 1/ pir.. stalder shoot.. giant 1/1...
Fontaine dismount
- BB - Samantha Peszek - split jump on...
front aerial... standing back tuck... punch jump tuck
immediate sheep jump.. FF, layout... wolf jump, gainer
layout stepout... RO, pike dbl back (1-step) -- very good
- BB - Natasha Kelley - standing 1/1...
aerial.... standing arabian... front aerial... FF, layout...
standing back pike... sheep jump... wolf jump... RO, FF, dbl
pike (1-step)
- BB - Darlene Hill - ... FF, layout..
breat on switch leap 1/2.... standing back pike... standing
front... back tuck... runing punch dble front (hop back)
- BB - Shawn Johnson - jump on side...
FF, FF, layout (all 2-feet)... punch front tuck... standing
1/1... switch leap, layout stepout, back pike.. switch
side.. split jump, pike jump, back tuck... RO, tuck full-in
(1 step forward).
- BB - Alicia Sacramone - front pike,
tourjete 1/1... FF, whip... punch front tuck... standing
layout stepout... switch leap, switch side... FF, FF, double
pike - stuck!
- FX - Katelyn Mohr - knees together dbl
arabian... punch front layout, Rudi... RO, 1½, punch front
1/1.. RO, 2/1 side pass... k 212 twist -- nice start.
- FX - Christa Tanella - front layout,
front 2/1... High dbl pike... 2/1 turn... switch ring,
tourjete ½... 1½, punch front 1/1 (out-of-bounds)... .. bk
2½ -- pretty routine!
- FX - Randy Stageberg - double layout...
dbl arabian... 2/1 on the side... bk 2½, punch front layout
(pulls it out!)... dbl pike dismount
- FX - Catherine Nyugen - double pike
mount... 1½, punch front... switch ring, tourjete 1/2....
FHS, Rudi... 2/1 turn leg horiz... 2½; twist dismount.
- FX - Nastia Liukin - FHS, dbl front...
Front 2/1... Front 1/1, Rudi... 2/1 turn horiz leg... 2½,
punch tuck front fall
- Shalya Worley - punch front layout,
front 2/1.... 3/1...... turn... big arabian dbl front....3/1
full... (judges raises flag right before final pass for
out-of-bounds) double pike...
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