Home » Chicago Bulls

Atlanta Hawks at Chicago Bulls

27 March 2008 No Comment

Again, there was a lack of scalpers outside the Bulls game. It must be the low prices Bulls tickets are selling for now. I walked up to one of the box offices and a man had a $120 ticket available. He offered it for $60 but that was still too much for me. I probably would have paid $30 but never made the offer. After a couple minutes I asked another guy if he had an extra ticket. He had a $10 ticket and gave it to me for free! It was ticketfast but since it was free I could not complain. Once I was in the game, I asked a couple of people for a hard ticket. One woman gave me hers.

The Bulls almost gave up another 10+ point lead after the 4th quarter. But they hung on for the win and scored more than 100 points which was good enough for a free Big Mac.

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