Home » Day Games

Break of Dawn for Baseball

24 April 2008 2 Comments

I always wondered how people were able to go to a Cubs day game. Don’t these people have jobs? How are they at the park when I am stuck at work? Well, don’t make a little thing like a job stand in your way from a day of baseball.

On Tuesday, going to the Cubs vs. Mets day game meant getting up at the break of dawn for baseball and needing a day to recover. But, it was worth it. The Ultimate Sports Fan and I work up for work at 5:45am. We car pooled to work and rushed through as much work as possible until 12:45pm. We were super efficient. No talking and socializing with others. No coffee breaks. No facebook. We got back to Chicago at about 1:10pm…grabbed our game day essentials and were in the park in the 1st inning.

Now, by the end of the game, the pace of the day caught up with me. But, the Ultimate Sports Fan did the Red Line double header. He took a short nap after the Cubs game, change jackets (yes, he has a Sox jacket), and headed South to see the Sox vs. Yankees.

This level of fan endurance is rare but feel free to pick a leg of this journey and try it yourself.


  • Will said:

    I would not own or wear an Angels jersey!!!

  • Nicole Martorano Van Cleve said:

    just do what I do when I go to Sox games….root for the opposing team.

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