Articles in the Detroit Lions Category
Chicago Bears, Detroit, Detroit Lions, NFL »

When deciding where we wanted to go this weekend there was two main reasons to go to Detroit. First, the Bears were playing the Lions. Second, skaters from Nicole’s ice rink were participating in a synchronized skating competition in Dearborn, MI on Saturday night. Thus, with two good reasons, we chose Detroit.
As I wrote yesterday, we were staying at the Westin Book Cadillac Detroit which was a short walk to Ford Field. After eating brunch in the hotel, the Ultimate Sports Wife and Ultimate Sports Baby took a nap while …
Chicago, Chicago Bears, Detroit Lions, NFL »

This season is the first in awhile where the Chicago Bears and Chicago Cubs home games do not conflict with each other – meaning I do not have to choose which game to attend. Two years ago, I chose to attend the Bears home opener rather than the Cubs game since Tailgate Rob was tailgating before the game. This year was no exception as Tailgate Rob tries to attend the Bears home opener each season. Needless to say we were in the South Lot by 8:30 am.
After the tailgate, my …
Detroit Lions, NFL, San Francisco, San Francisco 49ers »
As I wrote for the Emerald Bowl, I needed to buy seven tickets for the 49ers game today versus the Lions. However, Nicole, who usually is excited about tailgating before any football game was not that enthusiastic. After a short conversation it turned out she did not really want to attend the game and was only going for the tailgate. Rather than have her and her great uncle attend the game, we decided to go to brunch before the game instead. My parents, brother and I would still attend.
Obtaining TicketsFortunately …