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Grilling with the Enemy

20 April 2008 One Comment

I have this theory about St. Louis Fans…I believe they live amongst us in Wrigleyville- posing as Cubs fans, hanging out at Murphy’s, wearing their Cubs gear…only to betray us when their “real” team comes to town. This is a possible explanation for over abundance of St. Louis fans inundating Wrigley when the Cards play the Cubs.

I have always been open about my distain and bias against the Cards. In fact, I have an equation for expressing fan loyalty through hatred:

Your love of the Cubs must be equal to your hatred of the Cub’s WORST enemy (White Sox and Cards, in my case).
So, it is inevitable that I must harbor such resentment for the Cards, their fans and of course, their players.

This leads to my unsettling confession that I am about grill with the enemy! “Old Style Tom” is coming over for a grill and chill afternoon shortly after the Cubs game. You would think “Old Style Tom” is a loyal Cubs fan. He does marketing for Old Style (a dream job to most), and Old Style is the beer of Cubs fans everywhere. We were shocked when Tom confessed that he was a Cards fan. Total shock!

Accepting this was difficult. He often woos us with enticing free Cubs gear and other Old Style/Cubs souvenirs. Not to mention that “Old Style Tom” is very nice, which makes hating him all the more difficult. Today, I gave in and decided to grill with the enemy. He is bringing ribs, after all, and I believe he will greet us with more Old Style/Cubs stuff. I admit it. It’s like an addiction. He is the pusher with the goods, and I have no choice but to always go back for more.

One Comment »

  • oldstyletom said:

    Old Style Tom here. The ribs and the company were both excellent – thanks for having us over! And there’s nothing wrong with a little friendly rivalry. Congrats on being in first place…for now. :-)

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