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Hostel, The Documentary

10 April 2008 No Comment

We are planning a trip in the summer to go to the EuroCup. For you non-football fans, this is event is like a World Cup, but just a big ole’ tourney for the Europeans to decide who is the best national team of Europe. Equivalent tournaments are La Copa America for all of Latin America and the African Cup for all of Africa. We are traveling to Switzerland and Austria for this event in June and we, of course, are combining it with sightseeing and some rest and relaxation.

The Ultimate Sports Fan, is usually our travel agent for all our events. I have veto power but I am usually inclined to agree with most of his recommendations because I am too lazy to plan anything myself. This has worked well in the past…but last night, I was approached with a startling question: “Perhaps we should stay in a hostel in Vienna, Austria.” A HOTEL?…..no no no…a HOSTEL.

No way. I am too old for that nonsense. Andrew tried to assure me that these international sporting events are about meeting new people, the camaraderie of the international sports community…blah, blah, blah…

I referred him to a fine “documentary” film entitled, Hostel…where some unsuspecting men, looking for camaraderie, were sharply put in their place.

This planning discussion for the Euro Cup will continue, but I am sure this movie will persuade him that some times it does not pay to try to save money under the guise of camaraderie.

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