Home » Opening Day 2008

Spring has Sprung: Opening Day-the Sequel

5 April 2008 No Comment

I teach ice skating on Saturday mornings at an unreasonable hour (6am). When I left for the rink, I was in snow pants, a ski jacket and I still saw one lingering, black snow pile behind our garage. Come 12pm- right before the Cubs game- it seems as though Spring decided to show up. There is sun and 65 degree weather. The snow pile has vanished into muck.

Ever the skeptic, I drove home with the snow pants and superstitiously decided to leave my snow boots in front of our door. The last time I put them away, we had an additional 6 inches of snow. I am not testing the fates, but I am writing this blog from the roof, listening to the Cubs game-with the stereo cheers booming from the park.

This day is like an alternate Opening Day. There is Opening Day in the “winter” and then, there is Opening Day in the spring. I am scared to admit it, but I think the new season has arrived- Spring and the Cubs.

Now, trust me. I am not in the tropics here. It is 65 degrees (in the sun), but you have to minus 10 degrees in the shade and account for wind conditions. So, it is a balmy 50 degrees or something. My toes are cold and I left all the other layers on except for the snow pants. But, this is a positive sign of the Season. Even Ronnie Santo is singing the Stretch today.

If I could wave at you, I would be shivering from behind that green score board- which is obstructing my view.

But, you can’t have everything. For now, I will settle for a bit of sun, wafts from the roof top grills, and a “W” flag waving in painful wind conditions that are burning my face. Ahh…Spring has definitely sprung in Wrigleyville.

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