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Three-Day Relay: Miller Park and the Secret Sauce

28 May 2008 No Comment

In the last leg of the Three-Day Relay, we drove up to Miller Park in Milwaukee for Tuesday’s night game- Brewers versus Braves. I have written in detail about “sausage racing your way up north” and why it is worth the trip.

Here are the top three reasons that I make the trek north. First, there is the allure of the Sausage Race in the sixth. Second, there is the rousing rendition of “Roll Out the Barrel” in the Seventh. And, finally, there is the wide array of brats with the “secret stadium sauce.”

I have to admit that I find the brats quite ordinary, but it is the Secret Stadium Sauce that makes it worth the trip. Now, here is a tip to save you multiple trips to the park. There is a condiment station at every concession stand. The stadium sauce is all-you-can-pour…like a keg of unlimited-saucy-goodness. So, here is my plan for my next trip: I am bringing Tupperware and taking some for the road.

As with all trips to the Milwaukee, we made a mandatory visit to the Brat Stop as we drove through Kenosha on our way home.  Seems as though we are in good company with this ritual.  The Brat Stop had new photos on the wall commemorating a celebrity road tripper passing through on the campaign trail- Senator Hilary Clinton.
For Ultimate Dodger fan, Will, his Three-Day Relay was filled with milestones: Three days of new parks and new teams…in addition to downing at least two brats per day.  Not a bad showing for the Chicago rookie.  

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