TIKI on the North Side
When you go to a ridiculous amount of games across many different types of sports, you start to develop some unlikely friendships or in some cases, acquaintances. Case in point…the Scalper on our Lawn, Broker Ben (who scalps at Wrigley and Northwestern (of all places), and our good friend Tiki.
Tiki is the parking attendant at Red Top’s United Center lot. We go to quite a few Bulls and Hawks games in the dead of winter and God BVless this man, but he is out there every night collecting money and vouchers for parking.
Now, here is a quick tip about Red Top Lots at the United Center: you can prepay and get a booklet of tickets and save a few bucks.
For the regulars, Tiki will recognize you and if you forget your ticket, he will ‘get ya next time.’
With Opening Day so close and the Bulls going nowhere, you must wonder why Tiki is even on this blog. Well, it is a small, small sports world. We went to park our car at the Red Top lot on our corner and whose car is in our regular spot? TIKI’s.
We presume its for a Red Top Staff meeting in preparation for the season but we just love the irony of the parking karma coming full circle….well, “get ya next time, Tiki!”
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