Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals COMPELIMINATOR
Pro Stock Bike


Results for Qualifying Round 1
JOLIET, Ill. - CHICAGO 1 - Notes from round 1 qualifying in
        Pro Stock Bike at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, Sixth annual
        Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals listing lane, rider name, elapsed
        time, top speed, and position in order following run: 
      Left Lane: Cary Phalen      Runs 7.643/172.23, Now #2
     Right Lane: Daniel Kovacevich Jr.
                                  Runs 7.454/174.03, Now #1
3:55 PM Phalen didn't appear to be reaching the power potential of his bike until about 1000 feet.
      Left Lane: David Feazell    Runs 7.413/179.59, Now #1
     Right Lane: Paul Gast        Runs 9.362/173.56, Now #4
Gast moved toward the left immediately and almost crossed the centerline at 80 feet.
      Left Lane: Hector Arana     No Time, Now #7
     Right Lane: Kurt Matte       Runs 7.755/168.37, Now #4
Arana broke after the burnout.
      Left Lane: Lloyd Straus     Runs 7.385/179.59, Now #1
     Right Lane: Greg Underdahl   Runs 7.476/180.16, Now #4
No apparent problems for either rider.
      Left Lane: Michael Lozano   Runs 7.926/164.29, Now #8
     Right Lane: Redell Harris    Runs 7.429/175.23, Now #3
Lozano moved toward the retaining wall at 100 feet and stayed there until about half track.
      Left Lane: Tommy Grimes Jr  Runs 7.383/179.47, Now #1
     Right Lane: Gary Tonglet     Runs 7.390/179.73, Now #3
      Left Lane: Keith Freeman    Runs 7.510/176.01, Now #9
     Right Lane: Wesley Wells     Runs 7.448/174.87, Now #6
Freeman had to fight to keep the bike off the centerline on the middle section of the track.
      Left Lane: Connie Cohen     Runs 7.672/155.47, Now #12
     Right Lane: Blaine Hale      Runs 7.401/176.51, Now #4
Cohen was slowing on the top end, the reason not apparent from here.
      Left Lane: Michael Phillips Runs 7.315/180.45, Now #2
     Right Lane: Joe DeSantis     Runs 7.262/179.68, Now #1
A good looking pass for both riders.
      Left Lane: John Smith       Runs 7.319/179.23, Now #4
     Right Lane: GT Tonglet       Runs 7.221/184.67, Now #1
Tonglet's engine "popped" on the hit, but it didn't appear to slow him down any.
      Left Lane: Sean Conner      Runs 7.289/179.92, Now #3
     Right Lane: Chris Reuter     Runs 7.389/177.44, Now #8
No problems for either rider.
      Left Lane: Fred Camarena    Runs 7.317/183.22, Now #5
     Right Lane: Steve Johnson    Runs 7.337/181.74, Now #7
Both riders take it straight down the groove.
      Left Lane: Karen Stoffer    Runs 7.276/181.25, Now #4
     Right Lane: Fred Collis      Runs 7.231/182.28, Now #2
Fred Collis' incremental times: 60ft-1.077 sec., 330ft-2.967, 660ft-4.582/151.04mph, 1,000ft-6.004
      Left Lane: Andrew Hines     Runs 7.338/178.54, Now #11
     Right Lane: Mike Berry       Runs 7.249/182.53, Now #3
Hines was very close to the centerline from about 400 feet through half track.
      Left Lane: Reggie Showers   Runs 13.703/53.84, Now #29
     Right Lane: Craig Treble     Runs 7.258/181.30, Now #4
Showers' engine went silent at about 250 feet, the reason not apparent from here.
      Left Lane: Antron Brown     Runs 7.428/171.93, Now #20
     Right Lane: Angelle Savoie   Runs 7.175/182.28, Now #1
Brown was definitely off his usual pace on this pass.

Antron Brown's incremental times: 60ft-1.129 sec., 330ft-3.067, 660ft-4.710/148.58mph, 1,000ft-6.161
Angelle Savoie's incremental times: 60ft-1.100 sec., 330ft-2.975, 660ft-4.571/153.11mph, 1,000ft-5.968
      Left Lane: Shawn Gann       Runs 7.213/185.15, Now #2
     Right Lane: Geno Scali       Runs 7.226/185.54, Now #4
Both riders were running strong on the top end of the track.
Top of Page


Order for Qualifying Round 1
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after one round of
        qualifying in Pro Stock Bike at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series,
        Sixth annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 Psn   Rider                 Vehicle                       ET    Speed
   1. Angelle Savoie       Team 23 Suzuki                 7.175  182.28
   2. Shawn Gann           Gann Speed Airtech Suzuki      7.213  185.15
   3. GT Tonglet           Vance & Hines Harley           7.221  184.67
   4. Geno Scali           Trim-Tex Suzuki                7.226  185.54
   5. Fred Collis          Area 51 M'Sports Suzuki        7.231  182.28
   6. Mike Berry           MB Precision Suzuki            7.249  182.53
   7. Craig Treble         Matco Tools Suzuki             7.258  181.30
   8. Joe DeSantis         Alamo City H-D Suzuki          7.262  179.68
   9. Karen Stoffer        Suzuki                         7.276  181.25
  10. Sean Conner          Lartigue Racing Suzuki         7.289  179.92
  11. Michael Phillips     Suzuki                         7.315  180.45
  12. Fred Camarena        Camarena Racing Suzuki         7.317  183.22
  13. John Smith           Anoka-Ramsey Sports Kawasaki   7.319  179.23
  14. Steve Johnson        K&N Performance Filters Suzuk  7.337  181.74
  15. Andrew Hines         Harley                         7.338  178.54
  16. Tommy Grimes Jr      Suzuki                         7.383  179.47
          --------- Not Qualified ---------
  17. Lloyd Straus         Baxter Motorsports Suzuki      7.385  179.59
  18. Chris Reuter         Reuter Racing Suzuki           7.389  177.44
  19. Gary Tonglet         Suzuki                         7.390  179.73
  20. Blaine Hale          Cornwell Tools Suzuki          7.401  176.51
  21. David Feazell        Harley                         7.413  179.59
  22. Antron Brown         Lucas Oil Suzuki               7.428  171.93
  23. Redell Harris        No Limit Suzuki                7.429  175.23
  24. Greg Underdahl       Innovative Racing Suzuki       7.476  180.16
  25. Keith Freeman        Suzuki                         7.510  176.01
  26. Cary Phalen          Phalen Racing Suzuki           7.643  172.23
  27. Connie Cohen         C.C. Rider Suzuki              7.672  155.47
  28. Kurt Matte           Harly                          7.755  168.37
  29. Michael Lozano       Alamo City H-D Harley          7.926  164.29
  30. Paul Gast            Suzuki                         9.362  173.56
  31. Reggie Showers       PDI Prosthetic Design Suzuki  13.703   53.84
  32. Mike Kovacevich      Suzuki                          DQ
  33. Wesley Wells         Kawasaki                        DQ

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Results for Qualifying Round 2
JOLIET, Ill. - CHICAGO 1 - Notes from round 2 qualifying in
        Pro Stock Bike at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, Sixth annual
        Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals listing lane, rider name, elapsed
        time/top speed this round, position in order following run, best prior
        elapsed time/speed, and position in order prior to run: 
      Left Lane: Mike Kovacevich  Runs 7.575/174.21, Now #26
                                  No Prior Run
     Right Lane: Hector Arana     Runs 7.617/157.58, Now #27
                                  No Prior Run
6:24 PM Current weather conditions: 72 degrees, 50 percent relative humidity, the barometer 29.51 inches, with a track temperature of 82 degrees.

Arana was slowing on the top end of the track.
      Left Lane: Wesley Wells     Runs 7.452/176.40, Now #25
                                  No Prior Run
     Right Lane: Reggie Showers   Runs 7.297/180.26, Now #11
                                  Best prior run: 13.703/53.84, Was #33
Showers kept the bike in the groove this time around and improves quite a bit.
      Left Lane: Paul Gast        Runs 7.411/183.29, Now #22
                                  Best prior run: 9.362/173.56, Was #34
     Right Lane: Michael Lozano   Runs 7.898/158.74, Now #34
                                  Best prior run: 7.926/164.29, Was #33
      Left Lane: Kurt Matte       Runs 7.869/166.91, Now #33
                                  Best prior run: 7.755/168.37, Was #33
     Right Lane: Connie Cohen     Runs 7.527/176.56, Now #29
                                  Best prior run: 7.672/155.47, Was #32
Cohen moves in the right direction, Matte doesn't.
      Left Lane: Greg Underdahl   Runs 7.436/179.71, Now #26
                                  Best prior run: 7.476/180.16, Was #27
     Right Lane: Cary Phalen      Runs 7.448/175.39, Now #27
                                  Best prior run: 7.643/172.23, Was #32
No apparent problems for either rider.
      Left Lane: Redell Harris    Runs 7.435/179.61, Now #25
                                  Best prior run: 7.429/175.23, Was #25
     Right Lane: Keith Freeman    No Time, Now #29
                                  Best prior run: 7.510/176.01, Was #29
Freeman broke on the burnout. Harris was pressing the centerline for most of this pass.
      Left Lane: Blaine Hale      No Time, Now #22
                                  Best prior run: 7.401/176.51, Was #21
     Right Lane: Antron Brown     Runs 7.296/178.80, Now #11
                                  Best prior run: 7.428/171.93, Was #24
Hale broke after the burnout and did not stage the bike.
      Left Lane: Gary Tonglet     Runs 7.489/176.77, Now #22
                                  Best prior run: 7.390/179.73, Was #21
     Right Lane: David Feazell    Runs 7.286/181.35, Now #10
                                  Best prior run: 7.413/179.59, Was #24
Feazell improves significantly here, a career best elapsed time and speed.
      Left Lane: Chris Reuter     Runs 7.366/180.55, Now #19
                                  Best prior run: 7.389/177.44, Was #21
     Right Lane: Lloyd Straus     Runs 7.472/162.31, Now #21
                                  Best prior run: 7.385/179.59, Was #20
Straus was off the throttle in the lights.
      Left Lane: Steve Johnson    Runs 7.296/181.35, Now #12
                                  Best prior run: 7.337/181.74, Was #17
     Right Lane: Tommy Grimes Jr  Runs 7.361/177.02, Now #19
                                  Best prior run: 7.383/179.47, Was #20
Johnson bumps his way into the show for now.
      Left Lane: Joe DeSantis     Runs 8.258/114.79, Now #9
                                  Best prior run: 7.262/179.68, Was #8
     Right Lane: Andrew Hines     Runs 7.259/179.66, Now #8
                                  Best prior run: 7.338/178.54, Was #18
DeSantis was close to the centerline from half track through about 1000 feet.
      Left Lane: Craig Treble     Runs 7.290/181.98, Now #7
                                  Best prior run: 7.258/181.30, Was #7
     Right Lane: John Smith       Runs 7.368/177.11, Now #18
                                  Best prior run: 7.319/179.23, Was #18
Smith was trailing smoke from the engine at the finish line.
      Left Lane: Mike Berry       Runs 7.302/181.96, Now #6
                                  Best prior run: 7.249/182.53, Was #6
     Right Lane: Fred Camarena    Runs 7.332/177.09, Now #17
                                  Best prior run: 7.317/183.22, Was #17
No visible problems for either rider.
      Left Lane: Fred Collis      Runs 7.245/182.62, Now #5
                                  Best prior run: 7.231/182.28, Was #5
     Right Lane: Michael Phillips Runs 8.349/114.98, Now #16
                                  Best prior run: 7.315/180.45, Was #16
Phillips was off the throttle by the 1000-foot mark.
      Left Lane: Geno Scali       Runs 7.291/180.16, Now #4
                                  Best prior run: 7.226/185.54, Was #4
     Right Lane: Sean Conner      Runs 7.367/178.42, Now #12
                                  Best prior run: 7.289/179.92, Was #12
No problems for either rider.
      Left Lane: GT Tonglet       Runs 7.182/184.80, Now #2
                                  Best prior run: 7.221/184.67, Was #3
     Right Lane: Karen Stoffer    Runs 7.270/178.80, Now #10
                                  Best prior run: 7.276/181.25, Was #10
Tonglet puts the V-Rod into the "teens" to move up to the number two position for now.
     Right Lane: Shawn Gann       Runs 7.227/181.08, Now #3
                                  Best prior run: 7.213/185.15, Was #3
Gann makes a solo pass to end the session. Angelle Savoie didn't make a pass this round and no one in the pressroom knows why.
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Order for Qualifying Round 2
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after 2 rounds of
        qualifying in Pro Stock Bike at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series,
        Sixth annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 Psn   Rider                 Vehicle                       ET    Speed
   1. Angelle Savoie       Team 23 Suzuki                 7.175  182.28
   2. GT Tonglet           Vance & Hines Harley           7.182  184.80
   3. Shawn Gann           Gann Speed Airtech Suzuki      7.213  185.15
   4. Geno Scali           Trim-Tex Suzuki                7.226  185.54
   5. Fred Collis          Area 51 M'Sports Suzuki        7.231  182.62
   6. Mike Berry           MB Precision Suzuki            7.249  182.53
   7. Craig Treble         Matco Tools Suzuki             7.258  181.98
   8. Andrew Hines         Harley                         7.259  179.66
   9. Joe DeSantis         Alamo City H-D Suzuki          7.262  179.68
  10. Karen Stoffer        Suzuki                         7.270  181.25
  11. David Feazell        Harley                         7.286  181.35
  12. Sean Conner          Lartigue Racing Suzuki         7.289  179.92
  13. Steve Johnson        K&N Performance Filters Suzuk  7.296  181.74
  14. Antron Brown         Lucas Oil Suzuki               7.296  178.80
  15. Reggie Showers       PDI Prosthetic Design Suzuki   7.297  180.26
  16. Michael Phillips     Suzuki                         7.315  180.45
          --------- Not Qualified ---------
  17. Fred Camarena        Camarena Racing Suzuki         7.317  183.22
  18. John Smith           Anoka-Ramsey Sports Kawasaki   7.319  179.23
  19. Tommy Grimes Jr      Suzuki                         7.361  179.47
  20. Chris Reuter         Reuter Racing Suzuki           7.366  180.55
  21. Lloyd Straus         Baxter Motorsports Suzuki      7.385  179.59
  22. Gary Tonglet         Suzuki                         7.390  179.73
  23. Blaine Hale          Cornwell Tools Suzuki          7.401  176.51
  24. Paul Gast            Suzuki                         7.411  183.29
  25. Redell Harris        No Limit Suzuki                7.429  179.61
  26. Greg Underdahl       Innovative Racing Suzuki       7.436  180.16
  27. Cary Phalen          Phalen Racing Suzuki           7.448  175.39
  28. Wesley Wells         Kawasaki                       7.452  176.40
  29. Keith Freeman        Suzuki                         7.510  176.01
  30. Connie Cohen         C.C. Rider Suzuki              7.527  176.56
  31. Mike Kovacevich      Suzuki                         7.575  174.21
  32. Hector Arana         Lucas Oil Suzuki               7.617  157.58
  33. Kurt Matte           Harly                          7.755  168.37
  34. Michael Lozano       Alamo City H-D Harley          7.898  164.29

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Results for Qualifying Round 3
JOLIET, Ill. - CHICAGO 1 - Notes from round 3 qualifying in
        Pro Stock Bike at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, Sixth annual
        Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals listing lane, rider name, elapsed
        time/top speed this round, position in order following run, best prior
        elapsed time/speed, and position in order prior to run: 
      Left Lane: Keith Freeman    Runs 7.429/180.45, Now #25
                                  Best prior run: 7.510/176.01, Was #29
     Right Lane: Blaine Hale      Runs 7.477/179.16, Now #23
                                  Best prior run: 7.401/176.51, Was #23
12:39 PM Current weather conditions: 51 degrees, 84 percent relative humidity, the barometer 29.94 inches, with a track temperature of 75 degrees.

Hale was pressing the centerline for most of this pass.
      Left Lane: Michael Phillips Runs 7.213/184.42, Now #4
                                  Best prior run: 7.315/180.45, Was #16
     Right Lane: Angelle Savoie   Runs 7.539/130.63, Now #1
                                  Best prior run: 7.175/182.28, Was #1
Savoie was having electrical problems last night and was unable to make it to the line for the second round of qualifying. She moved toward the wall at about 1000 feet, and while she fought to get the bike back into the groove, she tagged the retaining wall just past the finish line.
      Left Lane: Michael Lozano   Runs 7.786/163.16, Now #34
                                  Best prior run: 7.898/158.74, Was #34
     Right Lane: Joe DeSantis     No Time, Now #10
                                  Best prior run: 7.262/179.68, Was #10
DeSantis moved to the left almost immediately and he crossed the centerline at about 200 feet.
      Left Lane: Hector Arana     Runs 7.448/181.37, Now #28
                                  Best prior run: 7.617/157.58, Was #32
     Right Lane: Kurt Matte       Runs 15.926/72.04, Now #33
                                  Best prior run: 7.755/168.37, Was #33
Matte had problems from the beginning and was off the throttle before 330 feet.
     Right Lane: Mike Kovacevich  Runs 7.819/147.17, Now #32
                                  Best prior run: 7.575/174.21, Was #32
Kovacevich was to the left of the groove for most of this pass.
      Left Lane: Lloyd Straus     Runs 7.332/178.33, Now #19
                                  Best prior run: 7.385/179.59, Was #21
     Right Lane: Gary Tonglet     Runs 7.475/177.02, Now #22
                                  Best prior run: 7.390/179.73, Was #22
Tonglet took more than a second to leave, but otherwise there were no apparent problems for either rider.
      Left Lane: Cary Phalen      Runs 7.469/177.72, Now #30
                                  Best prior run: 7.448/175.39, Was #29
     Right Lane: Wesley Wells     Runs 7.363/176.19, Now #21
                                  Best prior run: 7.452/176.40, Was #30
Wells improves but is still not in the show.
      Left Lane: John Smith       Runs 7.272/182.72, Now #12
                                  Best prior run: 7.319/179.23, Was #18
     Right Lane: Greg Underdahl   Runs 7.336/180.81, Now #20
                                  Best prior run: 7.436/179.71, Was #28
Smith moves up the ladder putting Antron Brown on the bump.
      Left Lane: Sean Conner      Runs 7.220/184.98, Now #5
                                  Best prior run: 7.289/179.92, Was #14
     Right Lane: Redell Harris    Runs 7.424/178.05, Now #27
                                  Best prior run: 7.429/175.23, Was #28
Harris had to have his engine re-started on the line.
      Left Lane: Tommy Grimes Jr  Runs 7.326/180.74, Now #20
                                  Best prior run: 7.361/177.02, Was #21
     Right Lane: Paul Gast        Runs 7.320/177.30, Now #19
                                  Best prior run: 7.411/183.29, Was #26
Decent numbers for both riders, but not quite good enough.
      Left Lane: Fred Camarena    Runs 7.270/182.95, Now #12
                                  Best prior run: 7.317/183.22, Was #18
     Right Lane: Chris Reuter     Runs 7.942/129.78, Now #24
                                  Best prior run: 7.366/180.55, Was #24
Reuter drifted toward the centerline at 200 feet, stayed there through half track, then moved across the groove and finished the run close to the wall.
      Left Lane: Reggie Showers   Runs 7.180/185.51, Now #2
                                  Best prior run: 7.297/180.26, Was #18
     Right Lane: Mike Berry       Runs 7.196/181.84, Now #4
                                  Best prior run: 7.249/182.53, Was #8
A good looking pass for both riders.
      Left Lane: Antron Brown     Runs 7.227/185.15, Now #9
                                  Best prior run: 7.296/178.80, Was #18
     Right Lane: Steve Johnson    Runs 7.284/181.08, Now #17
                                  Best prior run: 7.296/181.35, Was #17
Brown bumps his way back onto the ladder while Johnson falls just a little bit short.
      Left Lane: David Feazell    Runs 7.239/182.21, Now #11
                                  Best prior run: 7.286/181.35, Was #18
     Right Lane: Geno Scali       Runs 7.166/185.87, Now #1
                                  Best prior run: 7.226/185.54, Was #8
Another career best pass for Feazell, both ET and speed.
      Left Lane: Karen Stoffer    Runs 10.515/77.51, Now #16
                                  Best prior run: 7.270/178.80, Was #16
     Right Lane: Craig Treble     Runs 7.191/181.67, Now #5
                                  Best prior run: 7.258/181.30, Was #12
Stoffer drifted toward the retaining wall at about 300 feet and had to lift.
      Left Lane: Andrew Hines     Runs 7.310/180.84, Now #13
                                  Best prior run: 7.259/179.66, Was #13
     Right Lane: Fred Collis      Runs 7.144/185.77, Now #1
                                  Best prior run: 7.231/182.28, Was #11
It sounded like Hines might have shifted into second gear a little early.
      Left Lane: Shawn Gann       Runs 7.141/183.12, Now #1
                                  Best prior run: 7.213/185.15, Was #8
     Right Lane: GT Tonglet       Runs 7.185/180.02, Now #6
                                  Best prior run: 7.182/184.80, Was #5
Gann moves into the top spot and Stoffer is on the bump going into the final round of qualifying.
Top of Page


Order for Qualifying Round 3
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after 3 rounds of
        qualifying in Pro Stock Bike at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series,
        Sixth annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 Psn   Rider                 Vehicle                       ET    Speed
   1. Shawn Gann           Gann Speed Airtech Suzuki      7.141  185.15
   2. Fred Collis          Area 51 M'Sports Suzuki        7.144  185.77
   3. Geno Scali           Trim-Tex Suzuki                7.166  185.87
   4. Angelle Savoie       Team 23 Suzuki                 7.175  182.28
   5. Reggie Showers       PDI Prosthetic Design Suzuki   7.180  185.51
   6. GT Tonglet           Screamin' Eagle Harley         7.182  184.80
   7. Craig Treble         Matco Tools Suzuki             7.191  181.98
   8. Mike Berry           MB Precision Suzuki            7.196  182.53
   9. Michael Phillips     Suzuki                         7.213  184.42
  10. Sean Conner          Lartigue Racing Suzuki         7.220  184.98
  11. Antron Brown         Lucas Oil Suzuki               7.227  185.15
  12. David Feazell        Harley                         7.239  182.21
  13. Andrew Hines         Screamin' Eagle Harley         7.259  180.84
  14. Joe DeSantis         Alamo City H-D Suzuki          7.262  179.68
  15. Fred Camarena        Camarena Racing Suzuki         7.270  183.22
  16. Karen Stoffer        Suzuki                         7.270  181.25
          --------- Not Qualified ---------
  17. John Smith           Anoka-Ramsey Sports Kawasaki   7.272  182.72
  18. Steve Johnson        K&N Performance Filters Suzuk  7.284  181.74
  19. Paul Gast            Suzuki                         7.320  183.29
  20. Tommy Grimes Jr      Suzuki                         7.326  180.74
  21. Lloyd Straus         Baxter Motorsports Suzuki      7.332  179.59
  22. Greg Underdahl       Innovative Racing Suzuki       7.336  180.81
  23. Wesley Wells         Kawasaki                       7.363  176.40
  24. Chris Reuter         Reuter Racing Suzuki           7.366  180.55
  25. Gary Tonglet         Suzuki                         7.390  179.73
  26. Blaine Hale          Cornwell Tools Suzuki          7.401  179.16
  27. Redell Harris        No Limit Suzuki                7.424  179.61
  28. Keith Freeman        Suzuki                         7.429  180.45
  29. Hector Arana         Lucas Oil Suzuki               7.448  181.37
  30. Cary Phalen          Phalen Racing Suzuki           7.448  177.72
  31. Connie Cohen         C.C. Rider Suzuki              7.527  176.56
  32. Mike Kovacevich      Suzuki                         7.575  174.21
  33. Kurt Matte           Harly                          7.755  168.37
  34. Michael Lozano       Alamo City H-D Harley          7.786  164.29

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Results for Qualifying Round 4
JOLIET, Ill. - CHICAGO 1 - Notes from final, round 4
        qualifying in Pro Stock Bike at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series,
        Sixth annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals listing lane, rider name,
        elapsed time/top speed this round, position in order following run, best
        prior elapsed time/speed, and position in order prior to run: 
      Left Lane: Mike Kovacevich  Runs 7.663/139.34, Now #32
                                  Best prior run: 7.575/174.21, Was #32
     Right Lane: Michael Lozano   No Time, Now #34
                                  Best prior run: 7.786/163.16, Was #34
3:26 PM Current weather conditions: 58 degrees, 68 percent relative humidity, the barometer 29.96 inches, with a track temperature of 81 degrees.

Lozano broke on the burnout.
      Left Lane: Redell Harris    Runs 7.722/179.16, Now #27
                                  Best prior run: 7.424/178.05, Was #27
     Right Lane: Cary Phalen      Runs 7.481/173.87, Now #30
                                  Best prior run: 7.448/175.39, Was #30
Phalen moved toward the centerline at 100 feet and stayed there through half track. Then it was Harris' turn as he pressed the centerline from 800 feet through the finish.
      Left Lane: Blaine Hale      Runs 7.293/186.59, Now #19
                                  Best prior run: 7.401/176.51, Was #26
     Right Lane: Hector Arana     Runs 7.339/182.55, Now #24
                                  Best prior run: 7.448/181.37, Was #29
A game effort by both riders, but it isn't good enough.
      Left Lane: Gary Tonglet     Runs 7.309/180.38, Now #20
                                  Best prior run: 7.390/179.73, Was #27
     Right Lane: Keith Freeman    Runs 7.366/179.47, Now #28
                                  Best prior run: 7.429/180.45, Was #29
No apparent problems for either rider.
      Left Lane: Chris Reuter     Runs 7.277/183.44, Now #18
                                  Best prior run: 7.366/180.55, Was #27
     Right Lane: Lloyd Straus     Runs 7.320/180.94, Now #22
                                  Best prior run: 7.332/178.33, Was #23
Not enough for either rider.
      Left Lane: Wesley Wells     Runs 7.355/179.66, Now #27
                                  Best prior run: 7.363/176.19, Was #27
     Right Lane: Tommy Grimes Jr  Runs 7.397/179.83, Now #24
                                  Best prior run: 7.326/180.74, Was #24
Grimes fought to keep the bike off the centerline from 300 feet through 1000 feet.
      Left Lane: Greg Underdahl   Runs 7.346/179.37, Now #25
                                  Best prior run: 7.336/180.81, Was #25
     Right Lane: John Smith       Runs 7.267/183.77, Now #15
                                  Best prior run: 7.272/182.72, Was #17
Smith moves into the show, bumping Stoffer.
      Left Lane: Paul Gast        Runs 7.363/180.79, Now #23
                                  Best prior run: 7.320/177.30, Was #23
     Right Lane: Karen Stoffer    Runs 7.688/131.20, Now #17
                                  Best prior run: 7.270/178.80, Was #17
Stoffer was off the throttle near the finish, the reason not apparent from here.
      Left Lane: Steve Johnson    Runs 7.301/181.06, Now #19
                                  Best prior run: 7.284/181.08, Was #19
     Right Lane: Fred Camarena    Runs 7.253/182.28, Now #13
                                  Best prior run: 7.270/182.95, Was #16
A good run for Camarena, even though most of it was done right next to the centerline.
      Left Lane: Joe DeSantis     Runs 8.319/112.91, Now #15
                                  Best prior run: 7.262/179.68, Was #15
     Right Lane: Andrew Hines     Runs 7.365/152.07, Now #14
                                  Best prior run: 7.259/179.66, Was #14
It sounded like DeSantis blew the engine at about 1000 feet.
      Left Lane: Mike Berry       No Time, Now #8
                                  Best prior run: 7.196/181.84, Was #8
     Right Lane: David Feazell    Runs 7.420/170.88, Now #12
                                  Best prior run: 7.239/182.21, Was #12
Berry broke on the line.
      Left Lane: Craig Treble     Runs 7.143/185.79, Now #2
                                  Best prior run: 7.191/181.67, Was #7
     Right Lane: Antron Brown     Runs 7.262/172.76, Now #11
                                  Best prior run: 7.227/185.15, Was #11
A stout pass for Treble, moving him into the number two spot for now.
      Left Lane: GT Tonglet       Runs 7.209/184.72, Now #7
                                  Best prior run: 7.182/184.80, Was #7
     Right Lane: Sean Conner      Runs 7.658/144.88, Now #10
                                  Best prior run: 7.220/184.98, Was #10
Conner was moving his body up with each transmission shift.
      Left Lane: Angelle Savoie   Runs 7.195/182.80, Now #5
                                  Best prior run: 7.175/182.28, Was #5
     Right Lane: Michael Phillips No Time, Now #9
                                  Best prior run: 7.213/184.42, Was #9
Phillips broke in the hit, the bike only moved a couple feet.
      Left Lane: Geno Scali       Runs 7.139/186.36, Now #1
                                  Best prior run: 7.166/185.87, Was #4
     Right Lane: Reggie Showers   Runs 7.200/184.04, Now #6
                                  Best prior run: 7.180/185.51, Was #6
A good looking pass for both riders.
      Left Lane: Fred Collis      Runs 7.150/185.38, Now #4
                                  Best prior run: 7.144/185.77, Was #4
     Right Lane: Shawn Gann       Runs 7.469/144.92, Now #2
                                  Best prior run: 7.141/183.12, Was #2
Gann was slowing on the top end, the reason not apparent from here.
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Order for Qualifying Round 4
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Final order after 4 rounds
        of qualifying in Pro Stock Bike at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series,
        Sixth annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 Psn   Rider                 Vehicle                       ET    Speed
   1. Geno Scali           Trim-Tex Suzuki                7.139  186.36
   2. Shawn Gann           Gann Speed Airtech Suzuki      7.141  185.15
   3. Craig Treble         Matco Tools Suzuki             7.143  185.79
   4. Fred Collis          Area 51 M'Sports Suzuki        7.144  185.77
   5. Angelle Savoie       Team 23 Suzuki                 7.175  182.80
   6. Reggie Showers       PDI Prosthetic Design Suzuki   7.180  185.51
   7. GT Tonglet           Screamin' Eagle Harley         7.182  184.80
   8. Mike Berry           MB Precision Suzuki            7.196  182.53
   9. Michael Phillips     Suzuki                         7.213  184.42
  10. Sean Conner          Lartigue Racing Suzuki         7.220  184.98
  11. Antron Brown         Lucas Oil Suzuki               7.227  185.15
  12. David Feazell        Harley                         7.239  182.21
  13. Fred Camarena        Camarena Racing Suzuki         7.253  183.22
  14. Andrew Hines         Screamin' Eagle Harley         7.259  180.84
  15. Joe DeSantis         Alamo City H-D Suzuki          7.262  179.68
  16. John Smith           Anoka-Ramsey Sports Kawasaki   7.267  183.77
          --------- Not Qualified ---------
  17. Karen Stoffer        Suzuki                         7.270  181.25
  18. Chris Reuter         Reuter Racing Suzuki           7.277  183.44
  19. Steve Johnson        K&N Performance Filters Suzuk  7.284  181.74
  20. Blaine Hale          Cornwell Tools Suzuki          7.293  186.59
  21. Gary Tonglet         Suzuki                         7.309  180.38
  22. Lloyd Straus         Baxter Motorsports Suzuki      7.320  180.94
  23. Paul Gast            Suzuki                         7.320  183.29
  24. Tommy Grimes Jr      Suzuki                         7.326  180.74
  25. Greg Underdahl       Innovative Racing Suzuki       7.336  180.81
  26. Hector Arana         Lucas Oil Suzuki               7.339  182.55
  27. Wesley Wells         Kawasaki                       7.355  179.66
  28. Keith Freeman        Suzuki                         7.366  180.45
  29. Redell Harris        No Limit Suzuki                7.424  179.61
  30. Cary Phalen          Phalen Racing Suzuki           7.448  177.72
  31. Connie Cohen         C.C. Rider Suzuki              7.527  176.56
  32. Mike Kovacevich      Suzuki                         7.575  174.21
  33. Kurt Matte           Harly                          7.755  168.37
  34. Michael Lozano       Alamo City H-D Harley          7.786  164.29

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Results for Elimination Round 1
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - (Revised) results of round 1
        eliminations in Pro Stock Bike at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series,
        Sixth annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 W/L  Driver                                       RT        ET   Speed

 (W) Geno Scali (Trim-Tex Suzuki)                0.028      7.121 186.98
 (L) John G. Smith (Anoka-Ramsey Sports Kawasaki)0.024      7.232 184.09
12:20 PM This is the first time these two riders have faced each other in eliminations this season. They have met eight times in the past, each rider with four wins.

Scali runs low ET of the weekend for this win.

 (W) Mike Berry (MB Precision Suzuki)            -0.003     7.199 184.19
 (L) Michael Phillips (Suzuki)                   -0.010(R)  7.261 182.43
This is the first time these two riders have faced each other in eliminations this season. They have met three times in the past, Berry winning all three times

Both riders leave early, Phillips earlier than Berry.

 (W) GT Tonglet (Screamin' Eagle Harley)         0.064      7.133 185.61
 (L) Sean Conner (Lartigue Racing Suzuki)        0.069     10.411  77.27
This is the first time these riders have ever faced each other in eliminations.

Conner was sitting up on the bike well before the finish line.

 (W) Angelle Savoie (Team 23 Suzuki)             0.115      7.118 185.51
 (L) David Feazell (Harley)                      0.050      7.251 180.91
This is the first time these two riders have ever faced each other in eliminations. Angelle Savoie's career statistics: 94 Races; 30 Wins; 15 Runner Up's; Qualified No. 1 32 times; DNQ zero.

Savoie now has the quickest pass of the weekend. Angelle Savoie's MOV: 0.0682 seconds (approximately 18 feet).

 (W) Fred Collis (Area 51 M'Sports Suzuki)       0.072      7.169 183.44
 (L) Fred Camarena (Camarena Racing Suzuki)      0.033      7.343 170.75
This is the first time these two riders have ever faced each other eliminations.

Camarena was close to the centerline for most of this pass.

 (W) Craig Treble (Matco Tools Suzuki)           0.076      7.154 185.03
 (L) Andrew Hines (Screamin' Eagle Harley)       -0.006(R)  7.201 185.46
These two riders have faced each other in eliminations once this season, Hines winning that matchup in Gainesville. They have met a total of sixteen times, Hines winning eleven of sixteen.

Hines tried to beat Treble at the tree and left early.

 (W) Reggie Showers (PDI Prosthetic Design Suzuki0.024      7.192 184.09
 (L) Antron Brown (Lucas Oil Suzuki)             0.022      7.224 184.37
These two riders have faced each other in eliminations once this season, Showers winning that one in Atlanta. They have met a total of ten times, Brown getting the win light eight times.

Reggie Showers' MOV: 0.0305 seconds (approximately 8 feet).

 (W) Joe DeSantis (Alamo City H-D Suzuki)        -0.015    21.995  29.40
 (L) Shawn Gann (Gann Speed Airtech Suzuki)      0.139      9.999 No
This is the first time this season these two riders have faced each other in eliminations. They have met four times in the past, Gann winning all four times.

An outstanding pass for Gann! He sets the track elapsed time record here. DeSantis was off the throttle as soon as he realized he had left early.

Just got the word from the scales that Gann was DQ'ed for being light.

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Results for Elimination Round 2
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 2
        eliminations in Pro Stock Bike at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series,
        Sixth annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 W/L  Driver                                       RT        ET   Speed

 (W) Geno Scali (Trim-Tex Suzuki)                0.016      7.169 185.92
 (L) Mike Berry (MB Precision Suzuki)            0.006      7.251 184.12
2:34 PM Scali holds a 2-1 heads-up advantage over Berry going into this round.

Berry did his job at the tree but Scali was able to run him down.

 (W) Reggie Showers (PDI Prosthetic Design Suzuki0.003      7.198 184.57
 (L) Craig Treble (Matco Tools Suzuki)           0.066      7.209 185.92
Treble has beaten Showers 8 of the 9 previous meetings between them.

Showers takes this one from wire to wire.

 (W) GT Tonglet (Screamin' Eagle Harley)         0.336      7.992 123.73
 (L) Joe DeSantis (Alamo City H-D Suzuki)        0.120     13.091  55.33
Something broke on DeSantis' machine and he sat up very early. Tonglet blew up the engine at about 900 feet, but will advance to the semis.
 (W) Angelle Savoie (Team 23 Suzuki)             0.036      7.151 185.43
 (L) Fred Collis (Area 51 M'Sports Suzuki)       0.023      7.238 182.60
Collis had the early advantage but Savoie changed that by the 330-foot mark. Angelle Savoie's MOV: 0.0748 seconds (approximately 20 feet).
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Results for Elimination Round 3
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 3
        eliminations in Pro Stock Bike at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series,
        Sixth annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 W/L  Driver                                       RT        ET   Speed

 (W) Reggie Showers (PDI Prosthetic Design Suzuki0.105      7.189 184.52
 (L) GT Tonglet (Screamin' Eagle Harley)         -0.003(R)  7.164 185.05
4:09 PM Tonglet has a 2-1 advantage over Showers in previous elimination rounds.

Tonglet is running with a new engine after blowing one up in the last round. The new engine could have won it but GT left just a hair early.

 (W) Angelle Savoie (Team 23 Suzuki)             0.046      7.130 190.51
 (L) Geno Scali (Trim-Tex Suzuki)                -0.035(R)  7.149 186.56
Savoie and Scali have met a total of 17 times in eliminations, Savoie winning 14 of those encounters.

Scali left early and it was all over. Savoie will have lane choice in the final round.

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Results for Final Round 
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of final, round 4
        eliminations in Pro Stock Bike at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series,
        Sixth annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 W/L  Driver                                       RT        ET   Speed

 (W) Angelle Savoie (Team 23 Suzuki)             0.061      7.123 187.16
 (L) Reggie Showers (PDI Prosthetic Design Suzuki0.060      7.238 184.30
5:29 PM This the first meeting in eliminations for these two riders this season. They have faced each other five times in the past, Savoie winning all five times.

Savoie runs another low "teen" to take the win.

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