Comp Eliminator
Results for Qualifying Round 1JOLIET, Ill. - CHICAGO - Notes from round 1 qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals listing lane, driver name, elapsed time, top speed, amount over/under index, and position in order following run, class and class index: Left Lane: Jeff Taylor Runs 9.153/146.57/-0.407, Now #1 C/SMA Index: 9.56 Right Lane: Tim Freeman Runs 9.368/145.45/0.348, Now #2 D/SMA Index: 9.021:02 p.m.Left Lane: Russ Kelly Runs 6.952/193.60/-0.368, Now #2 A/AP Index: 7.32 Right Lane: Scott Chamness Runs 6.766/204.39/-0.274, Now #3 A/D Index: 7.04Left Lane: Jacklyn Gebhardt Runs 6.850/165.74/-0.300, Now #4 A/DA Index: 7.15 Right Lane: Fred Allen Runs 9.230/146.29/-0.330, Now #3 D/ED Index: 9.56Left Lane: Jerry Arnold Runs 8.113/162.37/-0.537, Now #1 G/ED Index: 8.65 Right Lane: Pat Ross Runs 8.312/161.38/-0.368, Now #4 F/A Index: 8.68Left Lane: Matt Harris Runs 7.944/170.73/-0.416, Now #2 E/A Index: 8.36 Right Lane: Charlie Greco Runs 7.879/171.36/-0.401, Now #4 B/EA Index: 8.28Left Lane: Steve Ambrose Runs 8.134/160.90/-0.266, Now #11 J/AA Index: 8.40 Right Lane: Mike Farrell Runs 7.532/173.14/-0.368, Now #7 A/EA Index: 7.90Left Lane: Adam Bowdish Runs 12.774/70.60/3.204, Now #14 H/SM Index: 9.57 Right Lane: Bill Yates Runs 6.792/200.20/-0.428, Now #2 A/ED Index: 7.22Left Lane: Rick Brown Runs 8.461/157.93/-0.469, Now #2 B/TA Index: 8.93 Right Lane: Jim Winje Runs 9.068/148.79/-0.072, Now #14 E/SM Index: 9.14Left Lane: Bruno Massel Runs 7.480/182.53/-0.570, Now #1 DD/AT Index: 8.05 Right Lane: David Rampy Runs 7.402/178.99/-0.498, Now #3 A/EA Index: 7.90Left Lane: Craig Bourgeois Runs 7.089/186.72/-0.581, Now #1 B/ND Index: 7.67 Right Lane: D. Billingsley Runs 7.474/182.55/-0.426, Now #7 A/EA Index: 7.90Left Lane: Mike Hazlett Runs 7.285/190.54/-0.365, Now #14 B/A Index: 7.65 Right Lane: N. Panagiotaros Runs 7.796/176.51/0.156, Now #20 B/AA Index: 7.64Left Lane: Robert Bailey Runs 6.773/200.17/-0.447, Now #6 A/ED Index: 7.22 Right Lane: Frank Aragona Runs 8.922/152.78/0.022, Now #21 G/EA Index: 8.90Left Lane: Jim Cowan Runs 8.441/145.47/-0.349, Now #17 I/AA Index: 8.79 Right Lane: Brian Browell Runs 7.279/181.32/-0.541, Now #3 D/D Index: 7.82Left Lane: Frank Cervelli Runs 7.158/185.05/-0.472, Now #6 C/DA Index: 7.63 Right Lane: Dan Fletcher Runs 8.309/160.38/-0.411, Now #12 C/EA Index: 8.72Left Lane: Mike Graves Runs 8.019/169.44/-0.341, Now #21 D/A Index: 8.36 Right Lane: Lee Sharp Runs 7.923/173.09/-0.357, Now #19 D/SMA Index: 8.28Left Lane: Jason Coan Runs 8.320/155.74/-0.580, Now #2 G/EA Index: 8.90 Right Lane: Peter Biondo Runs 7.988/165.76/-0.532, Now #6 F/SMA Index: 8.52Left Lane: Stephen Szupka Runs 8.490/157.08/-0.340, Now #24 F/ED Index: 8.83Left Lane: Greg Kamplain Runs 7.279/184.47/-0.351, Now #22 C/ED Index: 7.63
Order for Qualifying Round 1JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after one round of qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: Psn Driver Class Index ET Ov/Un 1. Craig Bourgeois B/ND 7.67 7.089 -0.581 2. Jason Coan G/EA 8.90 8.320 -0.580 3. Bruno Massel DD/AT 8.05 7.480 -0.570 4. Brian Browell D/D 7.82 7.279 -0.541 5. Jerry Arnold G/ED 8.65 8.113 -0.537 6. Peter Biondo B/SR 8.52 7.988 -0.532 7. David Rampy A/EA 7.90 7.402 -0.498 8. Frank Cervelli C/DA 7.63 7.158 -0.472 9. Rick Brown B/TA 8.93 8.461 -0.469 10. Robert Bailey A/ED 7.22 6.773 -0.447 11. Bill Yates A/ED 7.22 6.792 -0.428 12. David Billingsley A/EA 7.90 7.474 -0.426 13. Matt Harris E/A 8.36 7.944 -0.416 14. Dan Fletcher C/EA 8.72 8.309 -0.411 15. Jeff Taylor H/SMA 9.56 9.153 -0.407 16. Charlie Greco D/AA 8.28 7.879 -0.401 17. Russ Kelly A/AP 7.32 6.952 -0.368 18. Pat Ross F/A 8.68 8.312 -0.368 19. Mike Farrell A/EA 7.90 7.532 -0.368 20. Mike Hazlett B/A 7.65 7.285 -0.365 21. Lee Sharp D/AA 8.28 7.923 -0.357 22. Greg Kamplain C/DA 7.63 7.279 -0.351 23. Jim Cowan I/AA 8.79 8.441 -0.349 24. Mike Graves D/A 8.36 8.019 -0.341 25. Stephen Szupka F/ED 8.83 8.490 -0.340 26. Fred Allen H/SMA 9.56 9.230 -0.330 27. Jacklyn Gebhardt A/DA 7.15 6.850 -0.300 28. Scott Chamness A/D 7.04 6.766 -0.274 29. Steve Ambrose J/AA 8.40 8.134 -0.266 30. Jim Winje E/SM 9.14 9.068 -0.072 31. Frank Aragona G/EA 8.90 8.922 0.022 32. Nick Panagiotaros B/AA 7.64 7.796 0.156 --------- Not Qualified --------- 33. Tim Freeman D/SMA 9.02 9.368 0.348 34. Adam Bowdish H/SM 9.57 12.774 3.204
Results for Qualifying Round 2JOLIET, Ill. - CHICAGO - Notes from round 2 qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals listing lane, driver name, elapsed time, top speed this round, amount over/under index this round, position in order following run, best prior elapsed time, speed & over/under Index, and position in order prior to run: Left Lane: N. Panagiotaros Runs 7.266/190.97/-0.374, Now #17 B/AA Index: 7.64 Prior Best: 7.796/176.51/0.156, Was #32 Right Lane: Mike Graves Runs 8.029/170.11/-0.331, Now #25 D/A Index: 8.36 Prior Best: 8.019/169.44/-0.341, Was #244:07 p.m.Left Lane: Jim Winje Runs 9.040/147.12/-0.100, Now #31 E/SM Index: 9.14 Prior Best: 9.068/148.79/-0.072, Was #31 Right Lane: Mike Hazlett Runs 7.247/191.35/-0.403, Now #16 B/A Index: 7.65 Prior Best: 7.285/190.54/-0.365, Was #21Left Lane: Bill Yates Runs 7.177/146.51/-0.043, Now #12 A/ED Index: 7.22 Prior Best: 6.792/200.20/-0.428, Was #11 Right Lane: Steve Ambrose Runs 7.911/165.19/-0.489, Now #8 J/AA Index: 8.40 Prior Best: 8.134/160.90/-0.266, Was #30Left Lane: Scott Chamness Runs 7.791/120.19/0.751, Now #30 A/D Index: 7.04 Prior Best: 6.766/204.39/-0.274, Was #30 Right Lane: Bruno Massel Runs 7.640/152.59/-0.410, Now #3 DD/AT Index: 8.05 Prior Best: 7.480/182.53/-0.570, Was #3Left Lane: Brian Browell Runs 7.282/182.45/-0.538, Now #4 D/D Index: 7.82 Prior Best: 7.279/181.32/-0.541, Was #4 Right Lane: Matt Harris Runs 7.938/171.10/-0.422, Now #14 E/A Index: 8.36 Prior Best: 7.944/170.73/-0.416, Was #14Left Lane: Pat Ross Runs 8.260/162.90/-0.420, Now #15 F/A Index: 8.68 Prior Best: 8.312/161.38/-0.368, Was #21 Right Lane: Adam Bowdish Runs 9.211/147.01/-0.359, Now #23 H/SM Index: 9.57 Prior Best: 12.774/70.60/3.204, Was #34Left Lane: David Rampy Runs 7.361/179.54/-0.539, Now #5 A/EA Index: 7.90 Prior Best: 7.402/178.99/-0.498, Was #7 Right Lane: Craig Bourgeois Runs 7.076/187.39/-0.594, Now #1 B/ND Index: 7.67 Prior Best: 7.089/186.72/-0.581, Was #1Left Lane: Dan Fletcher Runs 8.249/163.04/-0.471, Now #10 C/EA Index: 8.72 Prior Best: 8.309/160.38/-0.411, Was #16 Right Lane: Frank Cervelli Runs 7.135/187.31/-0.495, Now #8 C/DA Index: 7.63 Prior Best: 7.158/185.05/-0.472, Was #9Left Lane: Peter Biondo Runs 7.955/166.56/-0.565, Now #4 B/SR Index: 8.52 Prior Best: 7.988/165.76/-0.532, Was #7 Right Lane: Stephen Szupka Runs 8.452/157.85/-0.378, Now #20 F/ED Index: 8.83 Prior Best: 8.490/157.08/-0.340, Was #28Left Lane: Lee Sharp Runs 7.888/172.59/-0.392, Now #21 D/AA Index: 8.28 Prior Best: 7.923/173.09/-0.357, Was #25 Right Lane: Greg Kamplain Runs 7.233/184.57/-0.397, Now #20 C/ED Index: 7.63 Prior Best: 7.279/184.47/-0.351, Was #26Left Lane: Charlie Greco Runs 7.869/171.79/-0.411, Now #18 B/EA Index: 8.28 Prior Best: 7.879/171.36/-0.401, Was #19 Right Lane: Jim Cowan Runs 8.290/162.78/-0.500, Now #8 I/AA Index: 8.79 Prior Best: 8.441/145.47/-0.349, Was #27Left Lane: D. Billingsley Runs 7.446/182.82/-0.454, Now #13 A/EA Index: 7.90 Prior Best: 7.474/182.55/-0.426, Was #15 Right Lane: Jerry Arnold Runs 8.083/162.98/-0.567, Now #4 G/ED Index: 8.65 Prior Best: 8.113/162.37/-0.537, Was #7Left Lane: Mike Farrell Runs 7.637/174.68/-0.263, Now #26 A/EA Index: 7.90 Prior Best: 7.532/173.14/-0.368, Was #26 Right Lane: Rick Brown Runs 8.434/158.76/-0.496, Now #9 B/TA Index: 8.93 Prior Best: 8.461/157.93/-0.469, Was #12Left Lane: Fred Allen Runs 9.185/146.50/-0.375, Now #24 H/SMA Index: 9.56 Prior Best: 9.230/146.29/-0.330, Was #29 Right Lane: Jason Coan Runs 8.312/153.88/-0.588, Now #2 G/EA Index: 8.90 Prior Best: 8.320/155.74/-0.580, Was #2Left Lane: Tim Freeman Runs 8.560/157.37/-0.460, Now #13 D/SMA Index: 9.02 Prior Best: 9.368/145.45/0.348, Was #34 Right Lane: Robert Bailey Runs 6.762/201.10/-0.458, Now #14 A/ED Index: 7.22 Prior Best: 6.773/200.17/-0.447, Was #14Right Lane: Jacklyn Gebhardt Runs 6.674/203.61/-0.476, Now #12 A/DA Index: 7.15 Prior Best: 6.850/165.74/-0.300, Was #31Right Lane: Jeff Taylor Runs 9.149/147.34/-0.411, Now #21 H/SMA Index: 9.56 Prior Best: 9.153/146.57/-0.407, Was #21
Order for Qualifying Round 2JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after 2 rounds of qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: Psn Driver Class Index ET Ov/Un 1. Craig Bourgeois B/ND 7.67 7.076 -0.594 2. Jason Coan G/EA 8.90 8.312 -0.588 3. Bruno Massel DD/AT 8.05 7.480 -0.570 4. Jerry Arnold G/ED 8.65 8.083 -0.567 5. Peter Biondo B/SR 8.52 7.955 -0.565 6. Brian Browell D/D 7.82 7.279 -0.541 7. David Rampy A/EA 7.90 7.361 -0.539 8. Jim Cowan I/AA 8.79 8.290 -0.500 9. Rick Brown B/TA 8.93 8.434 -0.496 10. Frank Cervelli C/DA 7.63 7.135 -0.495 11. Steve Ambrose J/AA 8.40 7.911 -0.489 12. Jacklyn Gebhardt A/DA 7.15 6.674 -0.476 13. Dan Fletcher C/EA 8.72 8.249 -0.471 14. Tim Freeman D/SMA 9.02 8.560 -0.460 15. Robert Bailey A/ED 7.22 6.762 -0.458 16. David Billingsley A/EA 7.90 7.446 -0.454 17. Bill Yates A/ED 7.22 6.792 -0.428 18. Matt Harris E/A 8.36 7.938 -0.422 19. Pat Ross F/A 8.68 8.260 -0.420 20. Charlie Greco D/AA 8.28 7.869 -0.411 21. Jeff Taylor H/SMA 9.56 9.149 -0.411 22. Mike Hazlett B/A 7.65 7.247 -0.403 23. Greg Kamplain C/DA 7.63 7.233 -0.397 24. Lee Sharp D/AA 8.28 7.888 -0.392 25. Stephen Szupka F/ED 8.83 8.452 -0.378 26. Fred Allen H/SMA 9.56 9.185 -0.375 27. Nick Panagiotaros B/AA 7.64 7.266 -0.374 28. Russ Kelly A/AP 7.32 6.952 -0.368 29. Mike Farrell A/EA 7.90 7.532 -0.368 30. Adam Bowdish H/SM 9.57 9.211 -0.359 31. Mike Graves D/A 8.36 8.019 -0.341 32. Scott Chamness A/D 7.04 6.766 -0.274 --------- Not Qualified --------- 33. Jim Winje E/SM 9.14 9.040 -0.100 34. Frank Aragona G/EA 8.90 8.922 0.022
Results for Qualifying Round 3JOLIET, Ill. - CHICAGO - Notes from final, round 3 qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals listing lane, driver name, elapsed time, top speed this round, amount over/under index this round, position in order following run, best prior elapsed time, speed & over/under Index, and position in order prior to run: Left Lane: Peter Biondo Runs 7.925/167.14/-0.595, Now #1 B/SR Index: 8.52 Prior Best: 7.955/166.56/-0.565, Was #5 Right Lane: Jerry Arnold Runs 8.177/162.43/-0.473, Now #5 G/ED Index: 8.65 Prior Best: 8.083/162.98/-0.567, Was #411:35 a.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 83 degrees, relative humidity 63 percent, barometer 29.09 inches, adjusted altitude 3,456 feet, track temperature 106 degrees.Biondo improves here and takes the top spot for now. No help for Arnold.
Left Lane: D. Billingsley Runs 7.458/182.85/-0.442, Now #16 A/EA Index: 7.90 Prior Best: 7.446/182.82/-0.454, Was #16 Right Lane: Greg Kamplain Runs 7.600/141.52/-0.030, Now #23 C/ED Index: 7.63 Prior Best: 7.233/184.57/-0.397, Was #23Left Lane: Brian Browell Runs 7.262/182.16/-0.558, Now #6 D/D Index: 7.82 Prior Best: 7.279/181.32/-0.541, Was #6 Right Lane: Rick Brown Runs 8.404/158.76/-0.526, Now #8 B/TA Index: 8.93 Prior Best: 8.434/158.76/-0.496, Was #9Left Lane: Sal Biondo Runs 8.445/160.98/-0.345, Now #31 I/AA Index: 8.79 No Prior Run Right Lane: Matt Harris Runs 7.925/171.62/-0.435, Now #17 E/A Index: 8.36 Prior Best: 7.938/171.10/-0.422, Was #18Left Lane: Frank Aragona Runs 8.421/154.21/-0.479, Now #12 G/EA Index: 8.90 Prior Best: 8.922/152.78/0.022, Was #35 Right Lane: Steve Ambrose Runs 7.879/166.33/-0.521, Now #9 J/AA Index: 8.40 Prior Best: 7.911/165.19/-0.489, Was #11Left Lane: Charlie Greco Runs 7.786/173.34/-0.494, Now #12 B/EA Index: 8.28 Prior Best: 7.869/171.79/-0.411, Was #21 Right Lane: Craig Bourgeois Runs 7.000/187.83/-0.670, Now #1 B/ND Index: 7.67 Prior Best: 7.076/187.39/-0.594, Was #2Bourgeios makes a great pass and takes the top spot by a bunch. Greco improves and gets in the top half of the field.Left Lane: Pat Ross Runs 8.220/162.72/-0.460, Now #17 F/A Index: 8.68 Prior Best: 8.260/162.90/-0.420, Was #21 Right Lane: Frank Cervelli Runs 7.124/185.36/-0.506, Now #10 C/DA Index: 7.63 Prior Best: 7.135/187.31/-0.495, Was #11Left Lane: Scott Chamness Runs 6.753/204.85/-0.287, Now #34 A/D Index: 7.04 Prior Best: 6.766/204.39/-0.274, Was #34 Right Lane: Stephen Szupka Runs 8.480/156.86/-0.350, Now #26 F/ED Index: 8.83 Prior Best: 8.452/157.85/-0.378, Was #26Chamness improves but still doesn't get in the field.Left Lane: Lee Sharp Runs 7.829/173.36/-0.451, Now #20 D/AA Index: 8.28 Prior Best: 7.888/172.59/-0.392, Was #25 Right Lane: Robert Bailey Runs 6.722/201.85/-0.498, Now #12 A/ED Index: 7.22 Prior Best: 6.762/201.10/-0.458, Was #18Left Lane: Fred Allen Runs 9.171/146.65/-0.389, Now #26 H/SMA Index: 9.56 Prior Best: 9.185/146.50/-0.375, Was #27 Right Lane: Bruno Massel Runs 9.342/130.40/1.292, Now #4 DD/AT Index: 8.05 Prior Best: 7.480/182.53/-0.570, Was #4Left Lane: Mike Farrell Runs 7.456/177.28/-0.444, Now #21 A/EA Index: 7.90 Prior Best: 7.532/173.14/-0.368, Was #30 Right Lane: Jim Cowan Runs 8.267/163.53/-0.523, Now #9 I/AA Index: 8.79 Prior Best: 8.290/162.78/-0.500, Was #11Left Lane: Tim Freeman Runs 8.529/157.45/-0.491, Now #14 D/SMA Index: 9.02 Prior Best: 8.560/157.37/-0.460, Was #17 Right Lane: Adam Bowdish Runs 9.127/147.86/-0.443, Now #22 H/SM Index: 9.57 Prior Best: 9.211/147.01/-0.359, Was #31Left Lane: Bill Yates Runs 6.756/200.50/-0.464, Now #18 A/ED Index: 7.22 Prior Best: 6.792/200.20/-0.428, Was #24 Right Lane: Russ Kelly Runs 6.922/192.88/-0.398, Now #27 A/AP Index: 7.32 Prior Best: 6.952/193.60/-0.368, Was #31Left Lane: David Rampy Runs 7.333/180.12/-0.567, Now #6 A/EA Index: 7.90 Prior Best: 7.361/179.54/-0.539, Was #7 Right Lane: Mike Graves Runs 7.956/171.29/-0.404, Now #26 D/A Index: 8.36 Prior Best: 8.019/169.44/-0.341, Was #33Left Lane: Jim Winje Runs 9.067/147.99/-0.073, Now #35 E/SM Index: 9.14 Prior Best: 9.040/147.12/-0.100, Was #35 Right Lane: Jeff Taylor Runs 9.112/147.71/-0.448, Now #22 H/SMA Index: 9.56 Prior Best: 9.149/147.34/-0.411, Was #251:33 p.m. and we are back after a couple of small showers.Left Lane: Dan Fletcher Runs 8.215/163.69/-0.505, Now #12 C/EA Index: 8.72 Prior Best: 8.249/163.04/-0.471, Was #17 Right Lane: Mike Hazlett Runs 7.204/191.29/-0.446, Now #23 B/A Index: 7.65 Prior Best: 7.247/191.35/-0.403, Was #27Right Lane: Jacklyn Gebhardt Runs 6.655/202.97/-0.495, Now #14 A/DA Index: 7.15 Prior Best: 6.674/203.61/-0.476, Was #17Right Lane: Jason Coan Runs 8.267/157.12/-0.633, Now #2 G/EA Index: 8.90 Prior Best: 8.312/153.88/-0.588, Was #3
Order for Qualifying Round 3JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Final order after 3 rounds of qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: Psn Driver Class Index ET Ov/Un 1. Craig Bourgeois B/ND 7.67 7.000 -0.670 2. Jason Coan G/EA 8.90 8.267 -0.633 3. Peter Biondo B/SR 8.52 7.925 -0.595 4. Bruno Massel DD/AT 8.05 7.480 -0.570 5. Jerry Arnold G/ED 8.65 8.083 -0.567 6. David Rampy A/EA 7.90 7.333 -0.567 7. Brian Browell D/D 7.82 7.262 -0.558 8. Rick Brown B/TA 8.93 8.404 -0.526 9. Jim Cowan I/AA 8.79 8.267 -0.523 10. Steve Ambrose J/AA 8.40 7.879 -0.521 11. Frank Cervelli C/DA 7.63 7.124 -0.506 12. Dan Fletcher C/EA 8.72 8.215 -0.505 13. Robert Bailey A/ED 7.22 6.722 -0.498 14. Jacklyn Gebhardt A/DA 7.15 6.655 -0.495 15. Charlie Greco D/AA 8.28 7.786 -0.494 16. Tim Freeman D/SMA 9.02 8.529 -0.491 17. Frank Aragona G/EA 8.90 8.421 -0.479 18. Bill Yates A/ED 7.22 6.756 -0.464 19. Pat Ross F/A 8.68 8.220 -0.460 20. David Billingsley A/EA 7.90 7.446 -0.454 21. Lee Sharp D/AA 8.28 7.829 -0.451 22. Jeff Taylor H/SMA 9.56 9.112 -0.448 23. Mike Hazlett B/A 7.65 7.204 -0.446 24. Mike Farrell A/EA 7.90 7.456 -0.444 25. Adam Bowdish H/SM 9.57 9.127 -0.443 26. Matt Harris E/A 8.36 7.925 -0.435 27. Mike Graves D/A 8.36 7.956 -0.404 28. Russ Kelly A/AP 7.32 6.922 -0.398 29. Greg Kamplain C/DA 7.63 7.233 -0.397 30. Fred Allen H/SMA 9.56 9.171 -0.389 31. Stephen Szupka F/ED 8.83 8.452 -0.378 32. Nick Panagiotaros B/AA 7.64 7.266 -0.374 --------- Not Qualified --------- 33. Sal Biondo I/AA 8.79 8.445 -0.345 34. Scott Chamness A/D 7.04 6.753 -0.287 35. Jim Winje E/SM 9.14 9.040 -0.100
Results for Elimination Round 1JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 1 eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: W/L Driver Class Index RT ET Ov/Un (W) Frank Cervelli C/DA 7.63 0.051 7.276 -0.354 (L) Mike Graves D/A 8.36 -0.027(R) 7.956 -0.4045:43 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 84 degrees, relative humidity 61 percent, barometer 29.09 inches, adjusted altitude 3,570 feet, track temperature 98 degrees.Graces leaves a little too quickly and gives Cervelli the win.
(W) Brian Browell D/D 7.82 0.041 7.266 -0.554 (L) Mike Hazlett B/A 7.65 0.047 7.170 -0.480Browell takes the win but will take a CIC adjustment in the next round.(W) Matt Harris E/A 8.36 0.078 8.255 -0.105 (L) Steve Ambrose J/AA 8.40 -0.055(R) 9.330 0.930Ambrose is a little too quick off the line, Harris gets the win.(W) Rick Brown B/TA 8.93 0.111 8.392 -0.538 (L) Mike Farrell A/EA 7.90 0.046 7.432 -0.468Rick Brown's MOV: 0.0050 seconds (approximately 16 inches).(W) Jason Coan G/EA 8.90 0.014 8.316 -0.584 (L) Bill Yates A/ED 7.22 0.052 6.743 -0.477Coan is first off the line and stays on the throttle all the way through the run. he will take a CIC adjustment in the next round.(W) Fred Allen H/SMA 9.56 0.020 9.189 -0.371 (L) Jacklyn Gebhardt A/DA 7.15 0.182 6.620 -0.530Gebhardt is late off the line and can't run down Allen. Fred Allen's MOV: 0.0035 seconds (approximately 13 inches).(W) Lee Sharp D/AA 8.28 0.025 7.820 -0.460 (L) Jerry Arnold G/ED 8.65 0.155 8.097 -0.553Arnold is late off the line and has to take a CIC hit to run down Sharp.(W) Greg Kamplain C/DA 7.63 0.018 7.154 -0.476 (L) Robert Bailey A/ED 7.22 0.098 6.715 -0.505Bailey spins the tires off the line and he can't run down Kamplain.(W) Peter Biondo B/SR 8.52 0.042 8.038 -0.482 (L) Pat Ross F/A 8.68 0.021 8.235 -0.445Biondo gets out og the groove early but hangs on for the win.(W) Nick Panagiotaros B/AA 7.64 0.166 7.626 -0.014 (L) Tim Freeman D/SMA 9.02 -0.045(R) 8.552 -0.468Freeman leaves too soon and gives the win to Panagiotaros.(W) Dan Fletcher C/EA 8.72 0.029 8.327 -0.393 (L) Russ Kelly A/AP 7.32 -0.009(R) 6.912 -0.408Kelly just misses the tree and gives the win to Fletcher. Fletcher backs off the throttle early.(W) Adam Bowdish H/SM 9.57 0.115 9.149 -0.421 (L) Jim Cowan I/AA 8.79 0.049 8.456 -0.334(W) Sal Biondo I/AA 8.79 0.010 8.254 -0.536 (L) Charlie Greco D/AA 8.28 0.043 7.779 -0.501Biondi gets the hole-shot and holds off Greco for the win.(W) David Billingsley A/EA 7.90 0.069 7.548 -0.352 (L) Bruno Massel DD/AT 8.05 0.180 9.046 0.996Massel has problems off the line.(W) Craig Bourgeois B/ND 7.67 0.016 7.169 -0.501 (L) Frank Aragona G/EA 8.90 0.037 8.415 -0.485Bourgeois gets the hole-shot and runs down Aragona without hitting his index.(W) David Rampy A/EA 7.90 0.032 7.453 -0.447 (L) Jeff Taylor H/SMA 9.56 0.114 9.232 -0.328Rampy gets a big hole-shot and drives by Taylor for the win.
Results for Elimination Round 2JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 2 eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: W/L Driver Class Index RT ET Ov/Un (W) Craig Bourgeois B/ND 7.67 0.026 7.199 -0.471 (L) Adam Bowdish H/SM 9.57 0.048 9.127 -0.4438:51 a.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 81 degrees, relative humidity 69 percent, barometer 29.17 inches, adjusted altitude 3,267 feet, track temperature 97 degrees.Bourgeois gets the advantage off the line and drives around Bowdish for the win.
(W) Rick Brown B/TA 8.90 0.076 8.429 -0.471 (L) Nick Panagiotaros B/AA 7.64 0.145 7.253 -0.387Brown gets a big head start and holds off Panagiotaros for the win.(W) Jason Coan G/EA 8.82 0.007 8.363 -0.457 (L) Matt Harris E/A 8.36 -0.039(R) 8.622 0.262Harris leaves a little too quickly and gives Coan the win.(W) Sal Biondo I/AA 8.76 0.035 8.524 -0.236 (L) Brian Browell D/D 7.77 -0.034(R) 7.775 0.005Biondo won the Allstar race last night and is looking to double-up. He takes another step toward that goal here, Browell jumps the gun and gives Biondo the win.(W) Greg Kamplain C/DA 7.63 -0.008 7.257 -0.373 (L) Lee Sharp D/AA 8.28 -0.075(R) 7.909 -0.371Sharp leaves way too early and gives Kamplain the win.(W) David Billingsley A/EA 7.90 0.038 7.370 -0.530 (L) Dan Fletcher C/EA 8.72 0.017 8.235 -0.485Fletcher is out of the gate first but he can't hold off Billingsley.(W) Peter Biondo B/SR 8.52 0.022 7.979 -0.541 (L) Frank Cervelli C/DA 7.63 0.027 7.107 -0.523Biondo gets the advantage off the line but has to use a little CIC to take the win.(W) David Rampy A/EA 7.90 0.045 7.501 -0.399 (L) Fred Allen H/SMA 9.56 0.068 9.170 -0.390In the next round it will be Bourgeios vs. Kamplain, Peter Biondo vs. Sal Biondo, Coan vs. Rampy, and Billingsley vs. Brown.
Results for Elimination Round 3JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 3 eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: W/L Driver Class Index RT ET Ov/Un (W) Sal Biondo I/AA 8.76 0.031 8.276 -0.484 (L) Peter Biondo B/SR 8.48 0.025 8.002 -0.4784:38 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 89 degrees, relative humidity 62 percent, barometer 29.12 inches, adjusted altitude 3,951 feet, track temperature 111 degrees.Sal Biondo's MOV: 0.0003 seconds (approximately 1 inches).
(W) David Rampy A/EA 7.90 0.032 7.385 -0.515 (L) Jason Coan G/EA 8.82 0.000 8.342 -0.478David Rampy's MOV: 0.0055 seconds (approximately 15 inches).(W) David Billingsley A/EA 7.87 0.036 7.414 -0.456 (L) Rick Brown B/TA 8.90 0.070 8.456 -0.444Billingsley will take on Rampy in the next round.(W) Craig Bourgeois B/ND 7.67 0.031 7.202 -0.468 (L) Harold Stout F/EA 0.00 0.056 7.213 7.213Bourgeois gets the hole-shot and drives away for the win. He will take on Sal Biono in the next round.
Results for Elimination Round 4JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 4 eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: W/L Driver Class Index RT ET Ov/Un (W) David Rampy A/EA 7.90 0.024 7.393 -0.507 (L) David Billingsley A/EA 7.90 0.013 7.412 -0.4885:47 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 88 degrees, relative humidity 63 percent, barometer 29.11 inches, adjusted altitude 3,878 feet, track temperature 112 degrees.Billingsley is a little quicker out of the gate but Rampy drives around him just before the finish-line to take the win.
(W) Craig Bourgeois B/ND 7.67 0.049 7.686 0.016 (L) Sal Biondo I/AA 8.76 -0.021(R) 8.773 0.013Biondo leaves a bit too early, Bourgeois backs off at the 1000-foot mark.
Results for Final RoundJOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of final, round 5 eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: W/L Driver Class Index RT ET Ov/Un (W) Craig Bourgeois B/ND 7.67 0.008 7.047 -0.623 (L) David Rampy A/EA 7.89 0.007 7.327 -0.5636:37 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 87 degrees, relative humidity 57 percent, barometer 29.05 inches, adjusted altitude 3,777 feet, track temperature 101 degrees.Both drivers do their job on the line but Bourgeois had too much power for Rampy.