Super Stock
Order for Qualifying Round 1JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after one round of qualifying in Super Stock at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: Psn Driver Class Index ET Ov/Un 1. Justin Lamb SS/BS 10.05 8.999 -1.051 2. Tom Randall GT/CA 10.70 9.706 -0.994 3. Don O'Malley SS/JA 11.30 10.314 -0.986 4. Jeff Gillman SS/BS 10.05 9.064 -0.986 5. Chris Chaney GT/CA 10.70 9.720 -0.980 6. Roy Whittemore GT/EA 10.95 9.978 -0.972 7. Robert Harrison SS/KA 11.55 10.581 -0.969 8. Ken Schindler SS/BA 10.20 9.236 -0.964 9. Irvin Johns GT/CA 10.70 9.741 -0.959 10. Alan Falcone GT/CA 10.70 9.749 -0.951 11. Jeff Taylor SS/BM 9.65 8.708 -0.942 12. Jerry Emmons GT/CA 10.70 9.763 -0.937 13. Bob Dennis GT/JA 11.60 10.666 -0.934 14. Michael Mans SS/CS 10.65 9.723 -0.927 15. John Coughlin SS/CM 9.80 8.890 -0.910 16. Russ Linke SS/JA 11.30 10.393 -0.907 17. Jeremy Duncan GT/DA 10.80 9.898 -0.902 18. Brandon Wilkinson SS/AA 10.00 9.116 -0.884 19. Byron Worner SS/IA 11.00 10.116 -0.884 20. Mike Park SS/IA 11.00 10.118 -0.882 21. Angelo DeCarlo SS/JA 11.30 10.422 -0.878 22. Darren Smith SS/EA 10.65 9.779 -0.871 23. Ricky Decker GT/CA 10.70 9.840 -0.860 24. Matt Lund GT/CA 10.70 9.853 -0.847 25. Gary Stinnett GT/AA 10.40 9.558 -0.842 26. Jeff Niceswanger GT/FA 11.10 10.260 -0.840 27. Mike Tueffel SS/BM 9.65 8.811 -0.839 28. Colin Wigle GT/AA 10.40 9.563 -0.837 29. Jeff Dona SS/HA 10.90 10.072 -0.828 30. Rock Running SS/LA 11.75 10.931 -0.819 31. Dave Layer GT/EA 10.95 10.132 -0.818 32. Gary Tompa GT/H 11.15 10.346 -0.804 33. Amber Billingsley SS/JA 11.30 10.524 -0.776 34. Bryan Worner GT/FA 11.10 10.326 -0.774 35. David Boertman GT/KA 11.75 10.978 -0.772 36. Mike Graham GT/FA 11.10 10.332 -0.768 37. Donald Sabin GT/FA 11.10 10.349 -0.751 38. Chuck Gallagher Jr. SS/BM 9.65 8.934 -0.716 39. Jeff Stealy SS/IA 11.00 10.285 -0.715 40. Joey Wilkes GT/GA 11.20 10.486 -0.714 41. Fred Bartoli GT/CA 10.70 9.987 -0.713 42. Nick Morris GT/LA 11.85 11.147 -0.703 43. Matt Forbes SS/NA 12.45 11.751 -0.699 44. Gregg Teel SS/IA 11.00 10.303 -0.697 45. Brad Haugaard GT/EA 10.95 10.269 -0.681 46. Jim Grande SS/D 10.50 9.841 -0.659 47. Dennis Nelson GT/LA 11.85 11.208 -0.642 48. Ryan Haag SS/EA 10.65 10.046 -0.604 49. Michael Iacono GT/DA 10.80 10.214 -0.586 50. Kevin Walsh GT/AA 10.40 9.817 -0.583 51. Don Duke SS/H 10.80 10.220 -0.580 52. Fred Bartoli GT/DA 10.80 10.246 -0.554 53. Gary Hansen SS/FA 10.75 10.203 -0.547 54. Dan Olding GT/JA 11.60 11.059 -0.541 55. Dean Mesenbring GT/IA 11.50 10.966 -0.534 56. Jack Sepanek SS/BA 10.20 9.666 -0.534 57. Greg Meyer GT/FA 11.10 10.601 -0.499 58. Jeff Adkinson SS/EM 10.35 9.865 -0.485 59. Anthony Bertozzi SS/AS 9.90 9.429 -0.471 60. John Auer SS/JA 11.30 10.831 -0.469 61. Alex Denysenko SS/LA 11.75 11.324 -0.426 62. Joe Covert SS/AM 9.30 8.888 -0.412 63. Aaron Disinger GT/IA 11.50 11.090 -0.410 64. Mark Faul GT/EA 10.95 10.543 -0.407 65. Jimmy Ronzello SS/BX 10.85 10.489 -0.361 66. Slate Cummings SS/CM 9.80 9.441 -0.359 67. Anthony Geanconteri SS/BS 10.05 9.899 -0.151 68. Michael Lund GT/DA 10.80 10.807 0.007 69. Dan Fletcher SS/AM 9.30 9.372 0.072 70. Randy Folk SS/TB 10.25 11.134 0.884 71. Pat Storey SS/TA 10.20 28.000 17.800 --------- Not Qualified --------- 72. Kenny Morris GT/KA 11.75 DQ 73. Larry Hodge SS/KA 11.55 DQ 74. Brad Allen GT/TB 11.15 DQ 75. Tim Cole SS/AX 9.80 DQ
Order for Qualifying Round 2JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after 2 rounds of qualifying in Super Stock at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: Psn Driver Class Index ET Ov/Un 1. Roy Whittemore GT/EA 10.95 9.873 -1.077 2. Justin Lamb SS/BS 10.05 8.999 -1.051 3. Irvin Johns GT/CA 10.70 9.673 -1.027 4. Tom Randall GT/CA 10.70 9.674 -1.026 5. Jeff Gillman SS/BS 10.05 9.025 -1.025 6. Ken Schindler SS/BA 10.20 9.202 -0.998 7. Don O'Malley SS/JA 11.30 10.314 -0.986 8. Chris Chaney GT/CA 10.70 9.720 -0.980 9. Robert Harrison SS/KA 11.55 10.581 -0.969 10. Jeff Dona SS/HA 10.90 9.935 -0.965 11. Jeff Taylor SS/BM 9.65 8.689 -0.961 12. Michael Mans SS/CS 10.65 9.694 -0.956 13. Alan Falcone GT/CA 10.70 9.745 -0.955 14. Tim Cole SS/AX 9.80 8.849 -0.951 15. Jerry Emmons GT/CA 10.70 9.763 -0.937 16. Bob Dennis GT/JA 11.60 10.666 -0.934 17. Jeremy Duncan GT/DA 10.80 9.881 -0.919 18. John Coughlin SS/CM 9.80 8.890 -0.910 19. Kenny Morris GT/KA 11.75 10.841 -0.909 20. Russ Linke SS/JA 11.30 10.393 -0.907 21. Darren Smith SS/EA 10.65 9.747 -0.903 22. Brandon Wilkinson SS/AA 10.00 9.099 -0.901 23. Angelo DeCarlo SS/JA 11.30 10.402 -0.898 24. Byron Worner SS/IA 11.00 10.110 -0.890 25. Mike Park SS/IA 11.00 10.118 -0.882 26. Jeff Niceswanger GT/FA 11.10 10.227 -0.873 27. Ricky Decker GT/CA 10.70 9.840 -0.860 28. Gary Stinnett GT/AA 10.40 9.542 -0.858 29. Matt Lund GT/CA 10.70 9.849 -0.851 30. Rock Running SS/LA 11.75 10.906 -0.844 31. Mike Tueffel SS/BM 9.65 8.811 -0.839 32. Colin Wigle GT/AA 10.40 9.563 -0.837 33. Bryan Worner GT/FA 11.10 10.276 -0.824 34. Dave Layer GT/EA 10.95 10.132 -0.818 35. Pat Storey SS/TA 10.20 9.395 -0.805 36. Gary Tompa GT/H 11.15 10.346 -0.804 37. Joey Wilkes GT/GA 11.20 10.409 -0.791 38. Mike Graham GT/FA 11.10 10.310 -0.790 39. Amber Billingsley SS/JA 11.30 10.524 -0.776 40. Gregg Teel SS/IA 11.00 10.227 -0.773 41. David Boertman GT/KA 11.75 10.978 -0.772 42. Donald Sabin GT/FA 11.10 10.346 -0.754 43. Ryan Haag SS/EA 10.65 9.913 -0.737 44. Chuck Gallagher Jr. SS/BM 9.65 8.928 -0.722 45. Larry Hodge SS/KA 11.55 10.832 -0.718 46. Brad Haugaard GT/EA 10.95 10.233 -0.717 47. Jeff Stealy SS/IA 11.00 10.285 -0.715 48. Fred Bartoli GT/CA 10.70 9.986 -0.714 49. Nick Morris GT/LA 11.85 11.142 -0.708 50. Matt Forbes SS/NA 12.45 11.746 -0.704 51. Jim Grande SS/D 10.50 9.821 -0.679 52. Dennis Nelson GT/LA 11.85 11.187 -0.663 53. Greg Meyer GT/FA 11.10 10.454 -0.646 54. Mark Faul GT/EA 10.95 10.334 -0.616 55. Dean Mesenbring GT/IA 11.50 10.902 -0.598 56. Michael Iacono GT/DA 10.80 10.214 -0.586 57. Kevin Walsh GT/AA 10.40 9.817 -0.583 58. Don Duke SS/H 10.80 10.220 -0.580 59. Fred Bartoli GT/DA 10.80 10.221 -0.579 60. Jack Sepanek SS/BA 10.20 9.635 -0.565 61. Gary Hansen SS/FA 10.75 10.203 -0.547 62. Dan Olding GT/JA 11.60 11.059 -0.541 63. Jeff Adkinson SS/EM 10.35 9.814 -0.536 64. Alex Denysenko SS/LA 11.75 11.277 -0.473 65. Anthony Bertozzi SS/AS 9.90 9.429 -0.471 66. John Auer SS/JA 11.30 10.831 -0.469 67. Aaron Disinger GT/IA 11.50 11.033 -0.467 68. Joe Covert SS/AM 9.30 8.888 -0.412 69. Jimmy Ronzello SS/BX 10.85 10.489 -0.361 70. Slate Cummings SS/CM 9.80 9.441 -0.359 71. Craig Marshall SS/AM 9.30 9.072 -0.228 72. Brad Allen GT/TB 11.15 10.928 -0.222 73. Randy Folk SS/TB 10.25 10.049 -0.201 74. Anthony Geanconteri SS/BS 10.05 9.863 -0.187 75. Michael Lund GT/DA 10.80 10.807 0.007 76. Dan Fletcher SS/AM 9.30 9.372 0.072
Order for Qualifying Round 3JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Final order after 3 rounds of qualifying in Super Stock at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: Psn Driver Class Index ET Ov/Un 1. Jeff Gillman SS/BS 10.05 8.945 -1.105 2. Justin Lamb SS/BS 10.05 8.958 -1.092 3. Roy Whittemore GT/EA 10.95 9.873 -1.077 4. John Coughlin SS/CM 9.80 8.756 -1.044 5. Irvin Johns GT/CA 10.70 9.670 -1.030 6. Tom Randall GT/CA 10.70 9.674 -1.026 7. Don O'Malley SS/JA 11.30 10.299 -1.001 8. Ken Schindler SS/BA 10.20 9.202 -0.998 9. Chris Chaney GT/CA 10.70 9.720 -0.980 10. Robert Harrison SS/KA 11.55 10.577 -0.973 11. Jeff Dona SS/HA 10.90 9.935 -0.965 12. Jeff Taylor SS/BM 9.65 8.689 -0.961 13. Alan Falcone GT/CA 10.70 9.742 -0.958 14. Michael Mans SS/CS 10.65 9.694 -0.956 15. Tim Cole SS/AX 9.80 8.849 -0.951 16. Jerry Emmons GT/CA 10.70 9.763 -0.937 17. Bob Dennis GT/JA 11.60 10.666 -0.934 18. Darren Smith SS/EA 10.65 9.721 -0.929 19. Jeremy Duncan GT/DA 10.80 9.881 -0.919 20. Russ Linke SS/JA 11.30 10.383 -0.917 21. Brad Allen GT/TB 11.15 10.237 -0.913 22. Kenny Morris GT/KA 11.75 10.841 -0.909 23. Amber Billingsley SS/JA 11.30 10.391 -0.909 24. Angelo DeCarlo SS/JA 11.30 10.393 -0.907 25. Byron Worner SS/IA 11.00 10.096 -0.904 26. Brandon Wilkinson SS/AA 10.00 9.099 -0.901 27. Mike Park SS/IA 11.00 10.118 -0.882 28. Gary Stinnett GT/AA 10.40 9.519 -0.881 29. Jeff Niceswanger GT/FA 11.10 10.227 -0.873 30. Matt Lund GT/CA 10.70 9.835 -0.865 31. Ricky Decker GT/CA 10.70 9.840 -0.860 32. Rock Running SS/LA 11.75 10.897 -0.853 33. Dave Layer GT/EA 10.95 10.104 -0.846 34. Bryan Worner GT/FA 11.10 10.256 -0.844 35. David Boertman GT/KA 11.75 10.908 -0.842 36. Mike Tueffel SS/BM 9.65 8.811 -0.839 37. Colin Wigle GT/AA 10.40 9.563 -0.837 38. Michael Iacono GT/DA 10.80 9.982 -0.818 39. Pat Storey SS/TA 10.20 9.395 -0.805 40. Gary Tompa GT/H 11.15 10.346 -0.804 41. Joey Wilkes GT/GA 11.20 10.409 -0.791 42. Fred Bartoli GT/CA 10.70 9.909 -0.791 43. Mike Graham GT/FA 11.10 10.310 -0.790 44. Gregg Teel SS/IA 11.00 10.227 -0.773 45. Nick Morris GT/LA 11.85 11.092 -0.758 46. Donald Sabin GT/FA 11.10 10.346 -0.754 47. Ryan Haag SS/EA 10.65 9.913 -0.737 48. Chuck Gallagher Jr. SS/BM 9.65 8.917 -0.733 49. Greg Meyer GT/FA 11.10 10.373 -0.727 50. Brad Haugaard GT/EA 10.95 10.223 -0.727 51. Larry Hodge SS/KA 11.55 10.832 -0.718 52. Jeff Stealy SS/IA 11.00 10.285 -0.715 53. Matt Forbes SS/NA 12.45 11.740 -0.710 54. Anthony Bertozzi SS/AS 9.90 9.209 -0.691 55. Jim Grande SS/D 10.50 9.821 -0.679 56. Dennis Nelson GT/LA 11.85 11.187 -0.663 57. Mark Faul GT/EA 10.95 10.328 -0.622 58. Alex Denysenko SS/LA 11.75 11.145 -0.605 59. Fred Bartoli GT/DA 10.80 10.196 -0.604 60. Dean Mesenbring GT/IA 11.50 10.902 -0.598 61. Kevin Walsh GT/AA 10.40 9.802 -0.598 62. Don Duke SS/H 10.80 10.220 -0.580 63. Jack Sepanek SS/BA 10.20 9.622 -0.578 64. Gary Hansen SS/FA 10.75 10.203 -0.547 65. Dan Olding GT/JA 11.60 11.059 -0.541 66. Jeff Adkinson SS/EM 10.35 9.814 -0.536 67. Aaron Disinger GT/IA 11.50 10.975 -0.525 68. John Auer SS/JA 11.30 10.828 -0.472 69. Michael Lund GT/DA 10.80 10.377 -0.423 70. Joe Covert SS/AM 9.30 8.888 -0.412 71. Jimmy Ronzello SS/BX 10.85 10.489 -0.361 72. Slate Cummings SS/CM 9.80 9.441 -0.359 73. Randy Folk SS/TB 10.25 9.972 -0.278 74. Craig Marshall SS/AM 9.30 9.072 -0.228 75. Anthony Geanconteri SS/BS 10.05 9.863 -0.187 76. Steve Hoff SS/AS 9.90 9.913 0.013 77. Dan Fletcher SS/AM 9.30 9.367 0.067
Results for Elimination Round 1JOLIET, Ill. - Round 1 winners and next round pairs in Super Stock at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: Num Class Driver, Home Town, Car Type 37 SS/BS Jeff Gillman, Marne MI, '05 Sunfire 366 GT/TB Brad Allen, Winamac IN, '03 S-10 3269 SS/HA Jeff Dona, Gordonville MO, '69 Camaro 3358 GT/CA Matt Lund, Bettendorf IA, '90 Camaro 344 GT/CA Tom Randall, Montgomery IL, '02 Cavalier 1748 SS/IA Byron Worner, Duncannon PA, '96 Camaro 213A SS/AS Anthony Bertozzi, Ashland VA, '98 Grand Am 3555 GT/KA David Boertman, Norton Shores MI, '88 Formula 32 SS/CM John Coughlin, Delaware OH, '07 Cobalt 398 SS/JA Amber Billingsley, Decatur IL, '65 Nova 6 SS/CS Michael Mans, Rogers MN, '00 Firebird 39 GT/EA Dave Layer, Dayton OH, '08 Cobalt 3750 SS/EA Ryan Haag, Memphis IN, '67 Camaro 51 GT/AA Gary Stinnett, Emporia KS, '92 Camaro 6021 GT/EA Mark Faul, Tacoma WA, '98 Grand Am 1977 GT/DA Michael Iacono, Wading River NY, '87 Camaro Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye 35 GT/H Gary Tompa, Saginaw MI, '84 Firebird Bye 2207 SS/BM Jeff Taylor, Floyds Knobs IN, '67 Camaro 3153 GT/DA Michael Lund, Bettendorf IA, '89 Camaro 31 GT/LA Nick Morris, Bardstown KY, '98 Mustang 324 SS/AA Brandon Wilkinson, Bowling Green KY, '69 Corvette 2093 GT/JA Bob Dennis, Shorter AL, '91 Calais 3473 SS/AM Craig Marshall, Columbus OH, '98 Grand Am 391 GT/CA Irvin Johns, Charlestown IN, '08 Cobalt 347 SS/JA Angelo DeCarlo, Schaumburg IL, '63 Corvette 3855 SS/NA Matt Forbes, Horse Cave KY, '66 BelAir 11 GT/FA Bryan Worner, Duncannon PA, '90 Camaro 3013 SS/KA Robert Harrison, Albion IL, '66 Nova 3740 GT/FA Jeff Niceswanger, Zanesville OH, '86 Camaro 3038 SS/LA Alex Denysenko, Michigan City IL, '65 Mustang 1781 SS/AM Dan Fletcher, Churchville NY, '69 Camaro 5650 GT/EA Roy Whittemore, Geneseo IL, '88 Mustang 3572 GT/KA Kenny Morris, Jeffersonville IN, '83 Trans Am 61 GT/CA Alan Falcone, Seattle WA, '91 Calais 3081 SS/AM Joe Covert, Saukville WI, '05 Grand Am 2302 SS/BA Ken Schindler, Hendersonville TN, '71 Corvette 3173 GT/JA Dan Olding, Hartland MI, '99 Monte Carlo 1 SS/EA Darren Smith, Palmdale CA, '68 Dart 3868 SS/BS Anthony Geanconteri, Bartlett IL, '68 Malibu Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye
Results for Elimination Round 2JOLIET, Ill. - Round 2 winners and next round pairs in Super Stock at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: Num Class Driver 37 SS/BS J Gillman 3358 GT/CA M Lund 1748 SS/IA B Worner 213A SS/AS A Bertozzi 32 SS/CM J Coughlin 39 GT/EA D Layer 51 GT/AA G Stinnett 1977 GT/DA M Iacono Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye Bye 35 GT/H G Tompa 2207 SS/BM J Taylor 324 SS/AA B Wilkinson 2093 GT/JA B Dennis 391 GT/CA I Johns 3855 SS/NA M Forbes 3740 GT/FA J Niceswanger 1781 SS/AM D Fletcher 5650 GT/EA R Whittemore 3081 SS/AM J Covert 3173 GT/JA D Olding 1 SS/EA D Smith Bye Bye Bye Bye
Results for Elimination Round 3JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 3 eliminations in Super Stock at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: W/L Driver Class Dial RT ET Ov/Un (W) Jeff Gillman SS/BS 8.99 0.003 9.054 0.064 (L) Matt Lund GT/CA 9.80 0.030 9.839 0.039Weather conditions: air temperature 76 degrees, relative humidity 79 percent, barometer 29.37 inches, adjusted altitude 2,832 feet, track temperature 86 degrees.Jeff Gillman's MOV: 0.0022 seconds (approximately 5 inches).
(W) Dave Layer GT/EA 10.06 0.009 10.079 0.019 (L) John Coughlin SS/CM 8.70 0.073 8.755 0.055(W) Darren Smith SS/EA 9.68 0.030 9.719 0.039 (L) Dan Olding GT/JA 10.97 -0.005(R)11.031 0.061(W) Brandon Wilkinson SS/AA 9.06 0.099 9.030 -0.030 (L) Bob Dennis GT/JA 10.67 0.005 10.636 -0.034(W) Roy Whittemore GT/EA 9.85 0.006 10.188 0.338 (L) Joe Covert SS/AM 8.99 0.009 13.701 4.711(W) Irvin Johns GT/CA 9.60 0.018 9.625 0.025 (L) Matt Forbes SS/NA 11.69 -0.021(R)11.707 0.017(W) Gary Tompa GT/H 10.24 0.005 10.259 0.019 (L) Jeff Taylor SS/BM 8.58 0.030 8.614 0.034(W) Michael Iacono GT/DA 9.96 0.034 9.924 -0.036 (L) Gary Stinnett GT/AA 9.48 -0.018(R) 9.494 0.014(W) Dan Fletcher SS/AM 9.27 0.012 9.309 0.039 (L) Jeff Niceswanger GT/FA 10.18 0.035 10.210 0.030(W) Anthony Bertozzi SS/AS 9.19 0.017 9.207 0.017 (L) Byron Worner SS/IA 10.04 0.064 10.050 0.010
Results for Elimination Round 4JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 4 eliminations in Super Stock at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: W/L Driver Class Dial RT ET Ov/Un (W) Brandon Wilkinson SS/AA 9.04 0.016 9.079 0.039 (L) Gary Tompa GT/H 10.25 0.009 10.304 0.0548:46 a.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 81 degrees, relative humidity 69 percent, barometer 29.17 inches, adjusted altitude 3,267 feet, track temperature 97 degrees.Brandon Wilkinson's MOV: 0.0081 seconds (approximately 17 inches).
(W) Darren Smith SS/EA 9.73 0.021 9.688 -0.042 (L) Roy Whittemore GT/EA 9.85 -0.057(R) 9.870 0.020(W) Irvin Johns GT/CA 9.63 0.010 9.629 -0.001 (L) Dan Fletcher SS/AM 9.26 -0.001(R) 9.818 0.558(W) Dave Layer GT/EA 10.09 0.026 10.092 0.002 (L) Michael Iacono GT/DA 9.93 0.049 9.954 0.024(W) Anthony Bertozzi SS/AS 9.23 0.015 9.914 0.684 (L) Jeff Gillman SS/BS 9.04 NT-Broke After StagingGillman breaks on the line and gives Bertozzi the win.In the next round it will be Bertozzi vs. Layer, Wilkinson vs. Johns and Smith with a bye.
Results for Elimination Round 5JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 5 eliminations in Super Stock at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: W/L Driver Class Dial RT ET Ov/Un (W) Darren Smith SS/EA 10.65 0.039 9.776 -0.874 was unopposed(W) Brandon Wilkinson SS/AA 9.08 0.015 9.170 0.090 (L) Irvin Johns GT/CA 9.67 -0.015(R) 9.688 0.018(W) Anthony Bertozzi SS/AS 9.25 0.042 9.297 0.047 (L) Dave Layer GT/EA 10.10 0.013 10.182 0.082Anthony Bertozzi's MOV: 0.0064 seconds (approximately 15 inches).
Results for Elimination Round 6JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 6 eliminations in Super Stock at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: W/L Driver Class Dial RT ET Ov/Un (W) Darren Smith SS/EA 9.77 0.039 9.777 0.007 (L) Brandon Wilkinson SS/AA 9.18 0.028 9.221 0.041Weather conditions: air temperature 88 degrees, relative humidity 63 percent, barometer 29.11 inches, adjusted altitude 3,878 feet, track temperature 112 degrees.(W) Anthony Bertozzi SS/AS 9.47 0.015 9.453 -0.017 was unopposed
Results for Final RoundJOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of final, round 7 eliminations in Super Stock at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 11th annual Torco Racing Fuels Route 66 NHRA Nationals: W/L Driver Class Dial RT ET Ov/Un (W) Anthony Bertozzi SS/AS 9.27 0.005 9.275 0.005 (L) Darren Smith SS/EA 9.76 0.023 9.727 -0.033Weather conditions: air temperature 87 degrees, relative humidity 57 percent, barometer 29.05 inches, adjusted altitude 3,777 feet, track temperature 101 degrees.Bertozzi with a great light and he will double up.