Comp Eliminator


Results for Qualifying Round 1
JOLIET, Ill. - CHICAGO 1 - Notes from round 1 qualifying in
        Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, Seventh
        annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals listing lane, driver name,
        elapsed time, amount over/under index, and position in order following
        run, class and class index: 
      Left Lane: Doug Engels      Runs 7.632/-0.368, Now #2
      D/ED Index: 8.00
     Right Lane: Paul Pittman     Runs 7.389/-0.411, Now #1
      B/AA Index: 7.80
Weather conditions: air temperature 70 degrees, relative humidity 100 percent, barometer 29.27 inches, adjusted altitude 29 feet, track temperature 88 degrees.

      Left Lane: Bill Zaskowski   Runs 9.052/-0.408, Now #2
      F/SM Index: 9.46
     Right Lane: Scott Chamness   Runs 6.807/-0.303, Now #4
      A/D Index: 7.11
      Left Lane: Pat Ross         Runs 8.515/-0.285, Now #6
      F/A Index: 8.80
     Right Lane: Jason Coan       Runs 8.471/-0.519, Now #1
      F/ED Index: 8.99
      Left Lane: Frank Affronti   Runs 7.610/-0.390, Now #4
      C/A Index: 8.00
     Right Lane: Joe Angelo       Runs 7.933/0.423, Now #8
      B/ED Index: 7.51
      Left Lane: Greg Kamplain    Runs 7.517/-0.443, Now #3
      C/ED Index: 7.96
     Right Lane: Brian StufflebeamRuns 7.353/-0.447, Now #2
      B/AA Index: 7.80
      Left Lane: Bo Butner III    Runs 7.766/-0.504, Now #2
      PSTA Index: 8.27
     Right Lane: Charlie Westcott Jr
                                  Runs 9.323/-0.457, Now #3
      H/SMA Index: 9.78
      Left Lane: Jeff Miller      Runs 8.511/-0.419, Now #6
      C/SMA Index: 8.93
     Right Lane: David Allen      Runs 11.097/2.297, Now #14
      F/A Index: 8.80
      Left Lane: Mike Lund        Runs 8.153/-0.477, Now #3
      A/SR Index: 8.63
     Right Lane: Dominic Surace   Runs 7.798/-0.292, Now #13
      PST Index: 8.09
      Left Lane: Larry Pritchett  Runs 8.039/-0.501, Now #4
      A/SM Index: 8.54
     Right Lane: Brian Browell    Runs 7.306/-0.524, Now #1
      D/D Index: 7.83
      Left Lane: Robert Bailey    Runs 6.787/-0.503, Now #4
      A/ED Index: 7.29
     Right Lane: Art Hodges       Runs 7.563/-0.437, Now #10
      C/A Index: 8.00
      Left Lane: Jeb Stewart      Runs 8.000/-0.270, Now #20
      PSTA Index: 8.27
     Right Lane: Steve Ambrose    Runs 7.887/-0.563, Now #1
      J/AA Index: 8.45
      Left Lane: Gary Chomiski    Runs 7.578/-0.422, Now #13
      C/A Index: 8.00
     Right Lane: Robert Book      Runs 6.687/-0.423, Now #12
      A/A Index: 7.11
      Left Lane: Douglas Stewart  Runs 8.699/-0.231, Now #24
      C/SMA Index: 8.93
     Right Lane: Wayne Henderson  Runs 7.040/-0.250, Now #23
      A/ED Index: 7.29
      Left Lane: Fred Allen       Runs 7.275/-0.235, Now #25
      C/ED Index: 7.51
     Right Lane: David Rampy      Runs 7.492/-0.498, Now #7
      A/EA Index: 7.99
      Left Lane: Mike Graves      Runs 7.977/-0.023, Now #28
      C/A Index: 8.00
     Right Lane: Patrick Stewart  Runs 7.857/-0.103, Now #27
      C/ED Index: 7.96
      Left Lane: William RiemenappRuns 8.337/-0.493, Now #9
      C/EA Index: 8.83
     Right Lane: Ian Landies Jr   Runs 8.243/-0.557, Now #2
      F/A Index: 8.80
      Left Lane: Ed Bennett III   Runs 7.318/-0.462, Now #11
      B/A Index: 7.78
     Right Lane: Mike Farrell     Runs 7.546/7.546, Now #34
      A/EA Index: 0.00
      Left Lane: Steve Johnson    Runs 8.544/0.404, Now #32
      F/A Index: 8.14
Top of Page


Order for Qualifying Round 1
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after one round of
        qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, Seventh annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 Psn   Driver                   Class  Index    ET   Ov/Un
   1. Steve Ambrose             J/AA  8.45  7.887  -0.563
   2. Ian Landies Jr             F/A  8.80  8.243  -0.557
   3. Brian Browell              D/D  7.83  7.306  -0.524
   4. Jason Coan                F/ED  8.99  8.471  -0.519
   5. Bo Butner III             PSTA  8.27  7.766  -0.504
   6. Robert Bailey             A/ED  7.29  6.787  -0.503
   7. Larry Pritchett           A/SM  8.54  8.039  -0.501
   8. David Rampy               A/EA  7.99  7.492  -0.498
   9. William Riemenapp         C/EA  8.83  8.337  -0.493
  10. Mike Lund                 A/SR  8.63  8.153  -0.477
  11. Ed Bennett III             B/A  7.78  7.318  -0.462
  12. Charlie Westcott Jr      H/SMA  9.78  9.323  -0.457
  13. Brian Stufflebeam         B/AA  7.80  7.353  -0.447
  14. Mike Farrell              A/EA  7.99  7.546  -0.444
  15. Greg Kamplain             C/ED  7.96  7.517  -0.443
  16. Art Hodges                 C/A  8.00  7.563  -0.437
  17. Robert Book                A/D  7.11  6.687  -0.423
  18. Gary Chomiski              C/A  8.00  7.578  -0.422
  19. Jeff Miller              C/SMA  8.93  8.511  -0.419
  20. Paul Pittman              B/AA  7.80  7.389  -0.411
  21. Bill Zaskowski             H/A  9.46  9.052  -0.408
  22. Frank Affronti             C/A  8.00  7.610  -0.390
  23. Doug Engels               D/ED  8.00  7.632  -0.368
  24. Scott Chamness             A/D  7.11  6.807  -0.303
  25. Dominic Surace             PST  8.09  7.798  -0.292
  26. Pat Ross                   F/A  8.80  8.515  -0.285
  27. Jeb Stewart               PSTA  8.27  8.000  -0.270
  28. Steve Johnson              F/A  8.80  8.544  -0.256
  29. Wayne Henderson           A/ED  7.29  7.040  -0.250
  30. Fred Allen                B/ED  7.51  7.275  -0.235
  31. Douglas Stewart          C/SMA  8.93  8.699  -0.231
  32. Patrick Stewart           C/ED  7.96  7.857  -0.103
  33. Mike Graves                C/A  8.00  7.977  -0.023
  34. Joe Angelo                B/ED  7.51  7.933   0.423
  35. David Allen                F/A  8.80 11.097   2.297

Top of Page


Results for Qualifying Round 2
JOLIET, Ill. - CHICAGO 1 - Notes from round 2 qualifying in
        Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, Seventh
        annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals listing lane, driver name,
        elapsed time, amount over/under index this round, position in order
        following run, best prior elapsed time & over/under Index, and
        position in order prior to run: 
      Left Lane: David Allen      Runs 8.487/-0.313, Now #24
      F/A Index: 8.80             Prior Best: 11.097/2.297, Was #35
     Right Lane: Mike Graves      Runs 7.891/-0.109, Now #33
      C/A Index: 8.00             Prior Best: 7.977/-0.023, Was #33
Weather conditions: air temperature 75 degrees, relative humidity 93 percent, barometer 29.27 inches, adjusted altitude 2,304 feet, track temperature 103 degrees.

      Left Lane: Wayne Henderson  Runs 6.899/-0.391, Now #22
      A/ED Index: 7.29            Prior Best: 7.040/-0.250, Was #30
     Right Lane: Douglas Stewart  Runs 8.951/0.021, Now #32
      C/SMA Index: 8.93           Prior Best: 8.699/-0.231, Was #32
      Left Lane: Patrick Stewart  Runs 7.941/-0.019, Now #34
      C/ED Index: 7.96            Prior Best: 7.857/-0.103, Was #34
     Right Lane: Jeb Stewart      Runs 7.976/-0.294, Now #27
      PSTA Index: 8.27            Prior Best: 8.000/-0.270, Was #29
      Left Lane: Joe Angelo       Runs 7.383/-0.127, Now #33
      B/ED Index: 7.51            Prior Best: 7.933/0.423, Was #35
     Right Lane: Pat Ross         Runs 8.526/-0.274, Now #29
      F/A Index: 8.80             Prior Best: 8.515/-0.285, Was #29
      Left Lane: Dominic Surace   Runs 7.875/-0.215, Now #28
      PST Index: 8.09             Prior Best: 7.798/-0.292, Was #28
     Right Lane: William RiemenappNo Time, Now #9
      C/EA Index: 8.83            Prior Best: 8.337/-0.493, Was #9
Riemenapp couldn't get the car to start.
      Left Lane: Bob Gillings     Runs 8.376/-0.124, Now #34
      E/AA Index: 8.50            No Prior Run
     Right Lane: Bo Butner III    Runs 7.797/-0.473, Now #5
      PSTA Index: 8.27            Prior Best: 7.766/-0.504, Was #5
      Left Lane: Scott Chamness   Runs 6.776/-0.334, Now #25
      A/D Index: 7.11             Prior Best: 6.807/-0.303, Was #26
     Right Lane: Fred Allen       Runs 7.233/-0.277, Now #30
      C/ED Index: 7.51            Prior Best: 7.275/-0.235, Was #31
      Left Lane: Charlie Westcott Jr
                                  Runs 9.384/-0.396, Now #12
      H/SMA Index: 9.78           Prior Best: 9.323/-0.457, Was #12
     Right Lane: Bill Zaskowski   Runs 9.078/-0.382, Now #21
      F/SM Index: 9.46            Prior Best: 9.052/-0.408, Was #21
      Left Lane: Paul Pittman     Runs 27.088/19.288, Now #20
      B/AA Index: 7.80            Prior Best: 7.389/-0.411, Was #20
     Right Lane: Steve Johnson    Runs 8.598/-0.202, Now #31
      F/A Index: 8.80             Prior Best: 8.544/-0.256, Was #31
      Left Lane: Allen Wilson     No Time, Now #37
      A/ND Index: 7.65            No Prior Run
     Right Lane: Doug Engels      Runs 7.586/-0.414, Now #20
      D/ED Index: 8.00            Prior Best: 7.632/-0.368, Was #24
Wilson did the burnout and then shuts it off.
      Left Lane: Steve Ambrose    Runs 7.928/-0.522, Now #1
      J/AA Index: 8.45            Prior Best: 7.887/-0.563, Was #1
     Right Lane: Frank Affronti   Runs 7.745/-0.255, Now #24
      C/A Index: 8.00             Prior Best: 7.610/-0.390, Was #24
      Left Lane: Jason Coan       Runs 8.481/-0.509, Now #4
      F/ED Index: 8.99            Prior Best: 8.471/-0.519, Was #4
     Right Lane: Greg Kamplain    Runs 7.538/-0.422, Now #15
      C/ED Index: 7.96            Prior Best: 7.517/-0.443, Was #15
      Left Lane: Brian Browell    Runs 7.301/-0.529, Now #3
      D/D Index: 7.83             Prior Best: 7.306/-0.524, Was #3
     Right Lane: Robert Bailey    Runs 6.793/-0.497, Now #6
      A/ED Index: 7.29            Prior Best: 6.787/-0.503, Was #6
      Left Lane: Robert Book      Runs 6.638/-0.472, Now #11
      A/D Index: 7.11             Prior Best: 6.687/-0.423, Was #17
     Right Lane: Mike Lund        Runs 8.184/-0.446, Now #10
      A/SR Index: 8.63            Prior Best: 8.153/-0.477, Was #10
      Left Lane: Mike Farrell     Runs 7.516/-0.474, Now #11
      A/EA Index: 7.99            Prior Best: 7.546/-0.444, Was #15
     Right Lane: Jeff Miller      Runs 8.602/-0.328, Now #19
      C/SMA Index: 8.93           Prior Best: 8.511/-0.419, Was #19
      Left Lane: David Rampy      Runs 7.441/-0.549, Now #3
      A/EA Index: 7.99            Prior Best: 7.492/-0.498, Was #8
     Right Lane: Larry Pritchett  Runs 8.032/-0.508, Now #6
      A/SM Index: 8.54            Prior Best: 8.039/-0.501, Was #7
      Left Lane: Brian StufflebeamRuns 7.285/-0.515, Now #6
      B/AA Index: 7.80            Prior Best: 7.353/-0.447, Was #15
     Right Lane: Jacklyn Gebhardt Runs 6.843/-0.447, Now #16
      A/ED Index: 7.29            No Prior Run
      Left Lane: Art Hodges       Runs 7.587/-0.413, Now #18
      C/A Index: 8.00             Prior Best: 7.563/-0.437, Was #18
     Right Lane: Ed Bennett III   Runs 7.223/-0.557, Now #3
      B/A Index: 7.78             Prior Best: 7.318/-0.462, Was #14
      Left Lane: Ian Landies Jr   Runs 8.277/-0.523, Now #2
      F/A Index: 8.80             Prior Best: 8.243/-0.557, Was #2
     Right Lane: Gary Chomiski    Runs 7.589/-0.411, Now #19
      C/A Index: 8.00             Prior Best: 7.578/-0.422, Was #19
That wraps Comp and day one of qualifying.
Top of Page


Order for Qualifying Round 2
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after 2 rounds of
        qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, Seventh annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 Psn   Driver                   Class  Index    ET   Ov/Un
   1. Steve Ambrose             J/AA  8.45  7.887  -0.563
   2. Ian Landies Jr             F/A  8.80  8.243  -0.557
   3. Ed Bennett III             B/A  7.78  7.223  -0.557
   4. David Rampy               A/EA  7.99  7.441  -0.549
   5. Brian Browell              D/D  7.83  7.301  -0.529
   6. Jason Coan                F/ED  8.99  8.471  -0.519
   7. Brian Stufflebeam         B/AA  7.80  7.285  -0.515
   8. Larry Pritchett           A/SM  8.54  8.032  -0.508
   9. Bo Butner III             PSTA  8.27  7.766  -0.504
  10. Robert Bailey             A/ED  7.29  6.787  -0.503
  11. William Riemenapp         C/EA  8.83  8.337  -0.493
  12. Mike Lund                 A/SR  8.63  8.153  -0.477
  13. Mike Farrell              A/EA  7.99  7.516  -0.474
  14. Robert Book                A/D  7.11  6.638  -0.472
  15. Charlie Westcott Jr      H/SMA  9.78  9.323  -0.457
  16. Jacklyn Gebhardt          A/ED  7.29  6.843  -0.447
  17. Greg Kamplain             C/ED  7.96  7.517  -0.443
  18. Art Hodges                 C/A  8.00  7.563  -0.437
  19. Gary Chomiski              C/A  8.00  7.578  -0.422
  20. Jeff Miller              C/SMA  8.93  8.511  -0.419
  21. Doug Engels               D/ED  8.00  7.586  -0.414
  22. Paul Pittman              B/AA  7.80  7.389  -0.411
  23. Bill Zaskowski             H/A  9.46  9.052  -0.408
  24. Wayne Henderson           A/ED  7.29  6.899  -0.391
  25. Frank Affronti             C/A  8.00  7.610  -0.390
  26. Scott Chamness             A/D  7.11  6.776  -0.334
  27. David Allen                F/A  8.80  8.487  -0.313
  28. Jeb Stewart               PSTA  8.27  7.976  -0.294
  29. Dominic Surace             PST  8.09  7.798  -0.292
  30. Pat Ross                   F/A  8.80  8.515  -0.285
  31. Fred Allen                B/ED  7.51  7.233  -0.277
  32. Steve Johnson              F/A  8.80  8.544  -0.256
          --------- Not Qualified ---------
  33. Douglas Stewart          C/SMA  8.93  8.699  -0.231
  34. Joe Angelo                B/ED  7.51  7.383  -0.127
  35. Bob Gillings              E/AA  8.50  8.376  -0.124
  36. Mike Graves                C/A  8.00  7.891  -0.109
  37. Patrick Stewart           C/ED  7.96  7.857  -0.103

Top of Page


Results for Qualifying Round 3
JOLIET, Ill. - CHICAGO 1 - Notes from round 3 qualifying in
        Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, Seventh
        annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals listing lane, driver name,
        elapsed time, amount over/under index this round, position in order
        following run, best prior elapsed time & over/under Index, and
        position in order prior to run: 
      Left Lane: Bob Gillings     Runs 8.310/-0.190, Now #34
      E/AA Index: 8.50            Prior Best: 8.376/-0.124, Was #35
     Right Lane: Jeb Stewart      Runs 7.965/-0.305, Now #28
      PSTA Index: 8.27            Prior Best: 7.976/-0.294, Was #28
Weather conditions: air temperature 64 degrees, relative humidity 69 percent, barometer 29.37 inches, adjusted altitude 1,263 feet, track temperature 77 degrees.

      Left Lane: Dominic Surace   Runs 17.968/9.878, Now #30
      PST Index: 8.09             Prior Best: 7.798/-0.292, Was #29
     Right Lane: Pat Ross         Runs 8.392/-0.408, Now #24
      F/A Index: 8.80             Prior Best: 8.515/-0.285, Was #30
Surace had problems early in the run and coasted through the 1320.
      Left Lane: Joe Angelo       Runs 7.272/-0.238, Now #33
      B/ED Index: 7.51            Prior Best: 7.383/-0.127, Was #35
     Right Lane: Frank Affronti   Runs 7.582/-0.418, Now #21
      C/A Index: 8.00             Prior Best: 7.610/-0.390, Was #26
      Left Lane: Allen Wilson     Runs 7.318/-0.332, Now #29
      A/ND Index: 7.65            No Prior Run
     Right Lane: Steve Johnson    Runs 8.376/-0.424, Now #19
      F/A Index: 8.80             Prior Best: 8.544/-0.256, Was #32
      Left Lane: Patrick Stewart  Runs 7.892/-0.068, Now #38
      C/ED Index: 7.96            Prior Best: 7.857/-0.103, Was #38
     Right Lane: Mike Graves      Runs 7.831/-0.169, Now #37
      C/A Index: 8.00             Prior Best: 7.891/-0.109, Was #37
      Left Lane: Art Hodges       Runs 7.490/-0.510, Now #8
      C/A Index: 8.00             Prior Best: 7.563/-0.437, Was #18
     Right Lane: Douglas Stewart  Runs 8.555/-0.375, Now #28
      C/SMA Index: 8.93           Prior Best: 8.699/-0.231, Was #35
      Left Lane: Scott Chamness   Runs 6.699/-0.411, Now #25
      A/D Index: 7.11             Prior Best: 6.776/-0.334, Was #29
     Right Lane: Gary Chomiski    Runs 7.515/-0.485, Now #13
      C/A Index: 8.00             Prior Best: 7.578/-0.422, Was #20
      Left Lane: John Frech       Runs 8.295/-0.475, Now #15
      F/D Index: 8.77             No Prior Run
     Right Lane: William RiemenappRuns 8.209/-0.621, Now #1
      C/EA Index: 8.83            Prior Best: 8.337/-0.493, Was #12
Riemenapp with a great looking pass to go to the number one spot.
      Left Lane: Charlie Westcott Jr
                                  Runs 9.247/-0.533, Now #7
      H/SMA Index: 9.78           Prior Best: 9.323/-0.457, Was #18
     Right Lane: Mike Lund        Runs 8.071/-0.559, Now #3
      A/SR Index: 8.63            Prior Best: 8.153/-0.477, Was #14
      Left Lane: Brian Browell    Runs 7.253/-0.577, Now #2
      D/D Index: 7.83             Prior Best: 7.301/-0.529, Was #8
     Right Lane: Jim Winje        Runs 9.030/-0.310, Now #33
      D/SM Index: 9.34            No Prior Run
      Left Lane: Steve Ambrose    Runs 7.855/-0.595, Now #2
      J/AA Index: 8.45            Prior Best: 7.887/-0.563, Was #3
     Right Lane: Robert Bailey    Runs 6.750/-0.540, Now #8
      A/ED Index: 7.29            Prior Best: 6.787/-0.503, Was #14
      Left Lane: Wayne Henderson  Runs 9.529/2.239, Now #29
      A/ED Index: 7.29            Prior Best: 6.899/-0.391, Was #29
     Right Lane: Doug Engels      Runs 7.494/-0.506, Now #14
      D/ED Index: 8.00            Prior Best: 7.586/-0.414, Was #24
      Left Lane: Mike Farrell     Runs 13.348/5.358, Now #18
      A/EA Index: 7.99            Prior Best: 7.516/-0.474, Was #18
     Right Lane: Fred Allen       Runs 7.163/-0.347, Now #31
      C/ED Index: 7.51            Prior Best: 7.233/-0.277, Was #36
      Left Lane: David Allen      Runs 8.308/-0.492, Now #16
      F/A Index: 8.80             Prior Best: 8.487/-0.313, Was #33
     Right Lane: Jeff Miller      Runs 8.473/-0.457, Now #21
      C/SMA Index: 8.93           Prior Best: 8.511/-0.419, Was #23
      Left Lane: David Rampy      Runs 10.811/2.821, Now #8
      A/EA Index: 7.99            Prior Best: 7.441/-0.549, Was #7
     Right Lane: Bo Butner III    Runs 7.641/-0.629, Now #1
      PSTA Index: 8.27            Prior Best: 7.766/-0.504, Was #15
      Left Lane: Robert Book      Runs 6.590/-0.520, Now #11
      A/D Index: 7.11             Prior Best: 6.638/-0.472, Was #20
     Right Lane: Larry Pritchett  Runs 8.065/-0.475, Now #15
      A/SM Index: 8.54            Prior Best: 8.032/-0.508, Was #14
      Left Lane: Brian StufflebeamRuns 7.230/-0.570, Now #5
      B/AA Index: 7.80            Prior Best: 7.285/-0.515, Was #13
     Right Lane: Bill Zaskowski   Runs 8.988/-0.472, Now #21
      F/SM Index: 9.46            Prior Best: 9.052/-0.408, Was #28
      Left Lane: Jason Coan       Runs 8.420/-0.570, Now #6
      F/ED Index: 8.99            Prior Best: 8.471/-0.519, Was #13
     Right Lane: Greg Kamplain    Runs 7.516/-0.444, Now #24
      C/ED Index: 7.96            Prior Best: 7.517/-0.443, Was #24
      Left Lane: Ian Landies Jr   Runs 8.260/-0.540, Now #9
      F/A Index: 8.80             Prior Best: 8.243/-0.557, Was #8
     Right Lane: Ed Bennett III   Runs 7.094/-0.686, Now #1
      B/A Index: 7.78             Prior Best: 7.223/-0.557, Was #9
Bennett goes to the head of the list.
      Left Lane: Paul Pittman     Runs 7.234/-0.566, Now #8
      B/AA Index: 7.80            Prior Best: 7.389/-0.411, Was #27
     Right Lane: Jacklyn Gebhardt Runs 6.885/-0.405, Now #24
      A/ED Index: 7.29            Prior Best: 6.843/-0.447, Was #23
Top of Page


Order for Qualifying Round 3
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after 3 rounds of
        qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, Seventh annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 Psn   Driver                   Class  Index    ET   Ov/Un
   1. Ed Bennett III             B/A  7.78  7.094  -0.686
   2. Bo Butner III             PSTA  8.27  7.641  -0.629
   3. William Riemenapp         C/EA  8.83  8.209  -0.621
   4. Steve Ambrose             J/AA  8.45  7.855  -0.595
   5. Brian Browell              D/D  7.83  7.253  -0.577
   6. Brian Stufflebeam         B/AA  7.80  7.230  -0.570
   7. Jason Coan                F/ED  8.99  8.420  -0.570
   8. Paul Pittman              B/AA  7.80  7.234  -0.566
   9. Mike Lund                 A/SR  8.63  8.071  -0.559
  10. Ian Landies Jr             F/A  8.80  8.243  -0.557
  11. David Rampy               A/EA  7.99  7.441  -0.549
  12. Robert Bailey             A/ED  7.29  6.750  -0.540
  13. Charlie Westcott Jr      H/SMA  9.78  9.247  -0.533
  14. Robert Book                A/D  7.11  6.590  -0.520
  15. Art Hodges                 C/A  8.00  7.490  -0.510
  16. Larry Pritchett           A/SM  8.54  8.032  -0.508
  17. Doug Engels               D/ED  8.00  7.494  -0.506
  18. David Allen                F/A  8.80  8.308  -0.492
  19. Gary Chomiski              C/A  8.00  7.515  -0.485
  20. John Frech                 F/D  8.77  8.295  -0.475
  21. Mike Farrell              A/EA  7.99  7.516  -0.474
  22. Bill Zaskowski             H/A  9.46  8.988  -0.472
  23. Jeff Miller              C/SMA  8.93  8.473  -0.457
  24. Jacklyn Gebhardt          A/ED  7.29  6.843  -0.447
  25. Greg Kamplain             C/ED  7.96  7.516  -0.444
  26. Steve Johnson              F/A  8.80  8.376  -0.424
  27. Frank Affronti             C/A  8.00  7.582  -0.418
  28. Scott Chamness             A/D  7.11  6.699  -0.411
  29. Pat Ross                   F/A  8.80  8.392  -0.408
  30. Wayne Henderson           A/ED  7.29  6.899  -0.391
  31. Douglas Stewart          C/SMA  8.93  8.555  -0.375
  32. Fred Allen                B/ED  7.51  7.163  -0.347
          --------- Not Qualified ---------
  33. Allen Wilson              A/ND  7.65  7.318  -0.332
  34. Jim Winje                 E/SM  9.34  9.030  -0.310
  35. Jeb Stewart               PSTA  8.27  7.965  -0.305
  36. Dominic Surace             PST  8.09  7.798  -0.292
  37. Joe Angelo                B/ED  7.51  7.272  -0.238
  38. Bob Gillings              E/AA  8.50  8.310  -0.190
  39. Mike Graves                C/A  8.00  7.831  -0.169
  40. Patrick Stewart           C/ED  7.96  7.857  -0.103

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Order for Qualifying Round 4
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Final order after 4 rounds
        of qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, Seventh annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 Psn   Driver                   Class  Index    ET   Ov/Un
   1. Ed Bennett III             B/A  7.78  7.094  -0.686
   2. Bo Butner III             PSTA  8.27  7.641  -0.629
   3. Bill Riemenapp            C/EA  8.83  8.209  -0.621
   4. Steve Ambrose             J/AA  8.45  7.855  -0.595
   5. Brian Browell              D/D  7.83  7.253  -0.577
   6. Ian Landies Jr             F/A  8.80  8.227  -0.573
   7. Brian Stufflebeam         B/AA  7.80  7.230  -0.570
   8. Jason Coan                F/ED  8.99  8.420  -0.570
   9. Paul Pittman              B/AA  7.80  7.234  -0.566
  10. Mike Lund                 A/SR  8.63  8.071  -0.559
  11. David Rampy               A/EA  7.99  7.436  -0.554
  12. Robert Bailey             A/ED  7.29  6.750  -0.540
  13. Charlie Westcott Jr      H/SMA  9.78  9.247  -0.533
  14. Bob Book                   A/D  7.11  6.590  -0.520
  15. Art Hodges                 C/A  8.00  7.490  -0.510
  16. Larry Pritchett           A/SM  8.54  8.032  -0.508
  17. Doug Engels               D/ED  8.00  7.494  -0.506
  18. David Allen                F/A  8.80  8.308  -0.492
  19. Gary Chomiski              C/A  8.00  7.515  -0.485
  20. John Frech                 F/D  8.77  8.295  -0.475
  21. Mike Farrell              A/EA  7.99  7.516  -0.474
  22. Bill Zaskowski             H/A  9.46  8.988  -0.472
  23. Jeff Miller              C/SMA  8.93  8.473  -0.457
  24. Jacklyn Gebhardt          A/ED  7.29  6.843  -0.447
  25. Greg Kamplain             C/ED  7.96  7.516  -0.444
  26. Steve Johnson              F/A  8.80  8.376  -0.424
  27. Frank Affronti             C/A  8.00  7.582  -0.418
  28. Scott Chamness             A/D  7.11  6.694  -0.416
  29. Pat Ross                   F/A  8.80  8.386  -0.414
  30. Wayne Henderson           A/ED  7.29  6.898  -0.392
  31. Doug Stewart             C/SMA  8.93  8.555  -0.375
  32. Fred Allen                B/ED  7.51  7.163  -0.347
          --------- Not Qualified ---------
  33. Allen Wilson              A/ND  7.65  7.309  -0.341
  34. Jim Winje                 E/SM  9.34  9.030  -0.310
  35. Jeb Stewart               PSTA  8.27  7.965  -0.305
  36. Dominic Surace             PST  8.09  7.798  -0.292
  37. Joe Angelo                B/ED  7.51  7.272  -0.238
  38. Bob Gillings              E/AA  8.50  8.310  -0.190
  39. Mike Graves                C/A  8.00  7.831  -0.169
  40. Patrick Stewart           C/ED  7.96  7.857  -0.103

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Results for Elimination Round 1
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 1
        eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, Seventh annual NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 W/L  Driver               Class  Index    RT        ET   Ov/Un

 (W) Brian Browell            D/D   7.83  0.027     7.313 -0.517
 (L) Mike Farrell            A/EA   7.99  0.052     7.501 -0.489
10:32 a.m. - Weather conditions: air temperature 74 degrees, relative humidity 77 percent, barometer 29.11 inches, adjusted altitude 2,321 feet, track temperature 91 degrees.

Brian Browell's incremental margins MOV: 0.0536 seconds (approximately 14 feet).

 (W) Jason Coan              F/ED   8.99  0.055     8.453 -0.537
 (L) Jacklyn Gebhardt        A/ED   7.29  0.030     6.818 -0.472
Jason Coan's MOV: 0.0404 seconds (approximately 12 feet).
 (W) Steve Ambrose           J/AA   8.45  0.026     7.862 -0.588
 (L) John Frech               F/D   8.77  0.083     8.286 -0.484
Steve Ambrose's MOV: 0.1616 seconds (approximately 38 feet).
 (W) Scott Chamness           A/D   7.11  0.028     6.691 -0.419
 (L) Robert Bailey           A/ED   7.29  0.042     6.878 -0.412
Scott Chamness' MOV: 0.0218 seconds (approximately 6 feet).
 (W) Art Hodges               C/A   8.00  0.131     7.569 -0.431
 (L) Doug Stewart           C/SMA   8.93  0.009     8.648 -0.282
Art Hodges' MOV: 0.0275 seconds (approximately 6 feet).
 (W) Mike Lund               A/SR   8.63  0.177     8.145 -0.485
 (L) Steve Johnson            F/A   8.80  0.021     8.529 -0.271
Mike Lund's MOV: 0.0586 seconds (approximately 14 feet).
 (W) David Rampy             A/EA   7.99  0.006     7.666 -0.324
 (L) Frank Affronti           C/A   8.00  0.034     8.153  0.153
 (W) Ed Bennett III           B/A   7.78  0.079     7.458 -0.322
 (L) Doug Engels             D/ED   8.00  0.135    NT-Broke After
Engels stepped on the throttle, the car backfired and it sent the hood scoop high into the air.
 (W) Jeff Miller            C/SMA   8.93  0.052     8.668 -0.262
 (L) Brian Stufflebeam       B/AA   7.80  0.083     8.338  0.538
Stufflebeam's car started smoking at mid track.
 (W) Bob Book                 A/D   7.11  0.001     6.719 -0.391
 (L) Wayne Henderson         A/ED   7.29  0.184     7.807  0.517
Henderson's car lifted the front wheels when he launched and headed toward the center line. He had to back off the throttle to get it back in the groove.
 (W) Larry Pritchett         A/SM   8.54  0.019     8.108 -0.432
 (L) Fred Allen              B/ED   7.51  0.053     7.192 -0.318
Larry Pritchett's MOV: 0.1489 seconds (approximately 41 feet).
 (W) Bo Butner III           PSTA   8.27  0.110     8.041 -0.229
 (L) David Allen              F/A   8.80  -0.016(R) 8.417 -0.383
 (W) Gary Chomiski            C/A   8.00  0.090     7.547 -0.453
 (L) Bill Riemenapp          C/EA   8.83  0.110     8.387 -0.443
Gary Chomiski's MOV: 0.0303 seconds (approximately 7 feet).
 (W) Charlie Westcott Jr    H/SMA   9.78  0.056     9.316 -0.464
 (L) Pat Ross                 F/A   8.80  0.017     8.388 -0.412
Charlie Westcott Jr's MOV: 0.0136 seconds (approximately 3 feet).
 (W) Greg Kamplain           C/ED   7.96  0.036     7.557 -0.403
 (L) Paul Pittman            B/AA   7.80  0.094    14.212  6.412
Greg Kamplain's MOV: 0.3198 seconds (approximately 47 feet).
 (W) Ian Landies Jr           F/A   8.80  0.067     8.560 -0.240
 (L) Bill Zaskowski           H/A   9.46  -0.020(R) 9.035 -0.425
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Results for Elimination Round 2
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 2
        eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, Seventh annual NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 W/L  Driver               Class  Index    RT        ET   Ov/Un

 (W) Scott Chamness           A/D   7.11  -0.068    7.654  0.544
 (L) Steve Ambrose           J/AA   8.37  -0.002(R)12.820  4.450
12:42 p.m. - Weather conditions: air temperature 74 degrees, relative humidity 72 percent, barometer 28.99 inches, adjusted altitude 2,430 feet, track temperature 95 degrees.

Ambrose missed the tree by two-thousandths of a second so Chamness got the win.

 (W) Charlie Westcott Jr    H/SMA   9.78  0.051     9.371 -0.409
 (L) Brian Browell            D/D   7.82  -0.006(R) 7.858  0.038
Another red light in the right lane. This time it was Browell who left too soon and Westcott got the win.
 (W) Mike Lund               A/SR   8.63  0.063     8.120 -0.510
 (L) Bo Butner III           PSTA   8.27  0.106     7.724 -0.546
Lund had a better start and stayed out in front to take the win. Mike Lund's MOV: 0.0074 seconds (approximately 23 inches).
 (W) Larry Pritchett         A/SM   8.54  0.082     8.026 -0.514
 (L) Jason Coan              F/ED   8.96  0.085     8.466 -0.494
Coan's dragster is powered by a 186 cubic inch Chevy four-cylinder engine, Pritchett's Sunfire has a Chevy V8. Pritchett got off the starting line three-thousandths of a second quicker and got the win. He'll race Chamness in the next round. Larry Pritchett's MOV: 0.0237 seconds (approximately 5 feet).
 (W) Ian Landies Jr           F/A   8.80  0.127     8.512 -0.288
 (L) Bob Book                 A/D   7.11  -0.069(R) 6.677 -0.433
Book didn't wait for the green light and left too soon so Landies got the win. He'll face Lund in the next round.
 (W) David Rampy             A/EA   7.99  0.032     7.592 -0.398
 (L) Gary Chomiski            C/A   8.00  0.092     7.552 -0.448
Rampy had the better start and needed it because Chomiski was closing in at the end of the quarter mile. David Rampy's MOV: 0.0101 seconds (approximately 3 feet).
 (W) Ed Bennett III           B/A   7.78  0.041     7.317 -0.463
 (L) Greg Kamplain           C/ED   7.96  0.040     7.569 -0.391
Kamplain had a slightly better start but Bennett got by him right away for the win. Kamplain will race Westcott in the next round. Ed Bennett III's MOV: 0.0715 seconds (approximately 16 feet).
 (W) Art Hodges               C/A   8.00  0.083    12.093  4.093
 (L) Jeff Miller            C/SMA   8.93  -9.999(R)NT-No Show
Miller was not able to answer the call so Hodges had a solo run into a second round race against David Rampy.
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Results for Elimination Round 3
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 3
        eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, Seventh annual NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 W/L  Driver               Class  Index    RT        ET   Ov/Un

 (W) Ed Bennett III           B/A   7.78  0.014     7.256 -0.524
 (L) Charlie Westcott Jr    H/SMA   9.78  0.049     9.310 -0.470
Weather conditions: air temperature 76 degrees, relative humidity 75 percent, barometer 28.97 inches, adjusted altitude 2,607 feet, track temperature 95 degrees.

Bennett with a great light and the win.

 (W) Larry Pritchett         A/SM   8.53  0.063     8.296 -0.234
 (L) Scott Chamness           A/D   7.11  -0.117(R) 7.527  0.417
 (W) David Rampy             A/EA   7.99  0.014     7.509 -0.481
 (L) Art Hodges               C/A   8.00  -0.012(R) 8.394  0.394
Rampy will face Bennett in the semifinal.
 (W) Ian Landies Jr           F/A   8.80  0.046     8.299 -0.501
 (L) Mike Lund               A/SR   8.62  0.120     8.144 -0.476
Landies will face Pritchett in the other semifinal.
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Results for Elimination Round 4
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 4
        eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, Seventh annual NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 W/L  Driver               Class  Index    RT        ET   Ov/Un

 (W) David Rampy             A/EA   7.99  0.027     7.464 -0.526
 (L) Ed Bennett III           B/A   7.76  0.097     7.195 -0.565
Weather conditions: air temperature 73 degrees, relative humidity 82 percent, barometer 28.96 inches, adjusted altitude 2,407 feet, track temperature 88 degrees.

This was a great drag race and Rampy took a hit for the win by nine feet.

 (W) Ian Landies Jr           F/A   8.80  0.010     8.269 -0.531
 (L) Larry Pritchett         A/SM   8.53  0.066     8.153 -0.377
Pritchett spun the tires on the starting line and this is his worst pass of the weekend. Landies with the win going to his second final this year.
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Results for Final Round 
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of final, round 5
        eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, Seventh annual NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 W/L  Driver               Class  Index    RT        ET   Ov/Un

 (W) Ian Landies Jr           F/A   8.77  0.046     8.238 -0.532
 (L) David Rampy             A/EA   7.97  0.038     7.449 -0.521
4:08 p.m. - Weather conditions: air temperature 78 degrees, relative humidity 72 percent, barometer 28.96 inches, adjusted altitude 2,752 feet, track temperature 88 degrees.

It's always tough going up against David Rampy but Ian Landies Jr. had what it took today as he squeezed out a narrow win to take the Comp Eliminator title. Ian Landies Jr's MOV: 0.0036 seconds (approximately 10 inches).

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