

Order for Qualifying Round 1
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after one round of
        qualifying in Stock Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series,
        Seventh annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 Psn   Driver                   Class  Index    ET   Ov/Un
   1. Randy Shepard              A/S 11.25 10.274  -0.976
   2. Brent Darroch            F/FIA 12.95 11.976  -0.974
   3. Dave Edwards              I/SA 12.60 11.631  -0.969
   4. Al Corda                 A/FIA 11.30 10.337  -0.963
   5. Kyle Riley                CF/S 15.90 14.941  -0.959
   6. Dirk Olson                 B/S 11.50 10.547  -0.953
   7. Jim Marshall              H/SA 12.45 11.504  -0.946
   8. Bob Gipson                 M/S 13.15 12.207  -0.943
   9. Lyn Smith                 F/SA 12.15 11.220  -0.930
  10. Bob Gere                  L/SA 13.00 12.088  -0.912
  11. Daniel Jeska              G/SA 12.30 11.417  -0.883
  12. Micci Walter              E/SA 12.00 11.123  -0.877
  13. Ben Wenzel Sr              D/S 11.80 10.938  -0.862
  14. Thomas Rhoda             A/FIA 11.30 10.438  -0.862
  15. Robert Cifranic          G/FIA 13.15 12.295  -0.855
  16. Judy McCormack           F/FIA 12.95 12.107  -0.843
  17. Tim Gillespie             G/SA 12.30 11.460  -0.840
  18. Jason McCormack            B/S 11.50 10.666  -0.834
  19. Rob Turkal                 I/S 12.50 11.673  -0.827
  20. Debra Fickler            K/FIA 15.15 14.327  -0.823
  21. Shane Carr               B/FIA 11.70 10.901  -0.799
  22. Nick Folk                C/FIA 12.00 11.204  -0.796
  23. Bill Feist                 B/S 11.50 10.706  -0.794
  24. George Widuch             H/SA 12.45 11.665  -0.785
  25. Bill Kissinger            M/SA 13.15 12.367  -0.783
  26. Dan Bowers                 F/S 12.10 11.327  -0.773
  27. David Rampy               F/SA 12.15 11.382  -0.768
  28. James Kaekel Jr           E/SA 12.00 11.236  -0.764
  29. Lawrence Line             K/SA 12.95 12.188  -0.762
  30. Johnny Diekema             B/S 11.50 10.738  -0.762
  31. Joseph Martens             B/S 11.50 10.749  -0.751
  32. Clint Blezien            F/FIA 12.95 12.205  -0.745
  33. Marion Stephenson         P/SA 13.75 13.021  -0.729
  34. Richard Luneack           C/SA 11.70 10.974  -0.726
  35. Brad Zaskowski            H/SA 12.45 11.744  -0.706
  36. Jim Zaskowski              F/S 12.10 11.401  -0.699
  37. Greg Johnson              G/SA 12.30 11.605  -0.695
  38. Steve Welker              A/SA 11.30 10.623  -0.677
  39. Brian Livengood           B/SA 11.55 10.874  -0.676
  40. Wally Krueger             B/SA 11.55 10.889  -0.661
  41. Jerry Bennett             G/SA 12.30 11.656  -0.644
  42. Kyle Jeltema              E/SA 12.00 11.383  -0.617
  43. Dale Findell              H/SA 12.45 11.836  -0.614
  44. Jerry Heath               G/FI 13.15 12.541  -0.609
  45. Dan Fletcher              B/SA 11.55 11.041  -0.509
  46. Judi Bureski              E/SA 12.00 11.497  -0.503
  47. Mark Faul                 C/SA 11.70 11.208  -0.492
  48. Andrea McPherson         A/FIA 11.30 10.827  -0.473
  49. Kevin Zaskowski           E/SA 12.00 11.531  -0.469
  50. Jim Schaechter             D/S 11.80 11.345  -0.455
  51. Bruce Kastle              I/SA 12.60 12.235  -0.365
  52. Maxine Line               F/SA 12.15 12.005  -0.145
  53. Daryl Bureski             F/SA 12.15 12.088  -0.062
  54. Scott Pearson             P/SA 13.75 14.036   0.286
  55. Dennis Dunlap             J/SA 12.75 13.170   0.420
  56. Bill Ponshe               G/SA 12.30 18.345   6.045

Top of Page


Order for Qualifying Round 2
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after 2 rounds of
        qualifying in Stock Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series,
        Seventh annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 Psn   Driver                   Class  Index    ET   Ov/Un
   1. Bob Gere                  L/SA 13.00 11.982  -1.018
   2. Dave Edwards              I/SA 12.60 11.600  -1.000
   3. Bill Ponshe               G/SA 12.30 11.311  -0.989
   4. Brent Darroch            F/FIA 12.95 11.972  -0.978
   5. Randy Shepard              A/S 11.25 10.274  -0.976
   6. George Widuch             H/SA 12.45 11.475  -0.975
   7. Jim Marshall              H/SA 12.45 11.485  -0.965
   8. Al Corda                 A/FIA 11.30 10.337  -0.963
   9. Kyle Riley                CF/S 15.90 14.941  -0.959
  10. Dirk Olson                 B/S 11.50 10.547  -0.953
  11. Bob Gipson                 M/S 13.15 12.207  -0.943
  12. Daniel Jeska              G/SA 12.30 11.359  -0.941
  13. Dan Zrust                B/FIA 11.70 10.761  -0.939
  14. Lyn Smith                 F/SA 12.15 11.220  -0.930
  15. Jason McCormack            B/S 11.50 10.574  -0.926
  16. Debra Fickler            K/FIA 15.15 14.243  -0.907
  17. Micci Walter              E/SA 12.00 11.109  -0.891
  18. Bill Feist                 B/S 11.50 10.612  -0.888
  19. Jerry Bennett             G/SA 12.30 11.431  -0.869
  20. Robert Cifranic          G/FIA 13.15 12.281  -0.869
  21. Ben Wenzel Sr              D/S 11.80 10.938  -0.862
  22. Thomas Rhoda             A/FIA 11.30 10.438  -0.862
  23. Kevin Zaskowski           E/SA 12.00 11.138  -0.862
  24. Joseph Martens             B/S 11.50 10.642  -0.858
  25. Judy McCormack           F/FIA 12.95 12.107  -0.843
  26. Tim Gillespie             G/SA 12.30 11.460  -0.840
  27. Rob Turkal                 I/S 12.50 11.673  -0.827
  28. James Kaekel Jr           E/SA 12.00 11.179  -0.821
  29. Shane Carr               B/FIA 11.70 10.893  -0.807
  30. Nick Folk                C/FIA 12.00 11.204  -0.796
  31. Bill Kissinger            M/SA 13.15 12.367  -0.783
  32. Dan Bowers                 F/S 12.10 11.327  -0.773
  33. David Rampy               F/SA 12.15 11.382  -0.768
  34. Lawrence Line             K/SA 12.95 12.188  -0.762
  35. Johnny Diekema             B/S 11.50 10.738  -0.762
  36. Clint Blezien            F/FIA 12.95 12.205  -0.745
  37. Wally Krueger             B/SA 11.55 10.815  -0.735
  38. Marion Stephenson         P/SA 13.75 13.021  -0.729
  39. Richard Luneack           C/SA 11.70 10.973  -0.727
  40. Brad Zaskowski            H/SA 12.45 11.730  -0.720
  41. Greg Johnson              G/SA 12.30 11.598  -0.702
  42. Jim Zaskowski              F/S 12.10 11.401  -0.699
  43. Steve Welker              A/SA 11.30 10.623  -0.677
  44. Brian Livengood           B/SA 11.55 10.874  -0.676
  45. Kevin Murphy              K/SA 12.95 12.279  -0.671
  46. Jerry Heath               G/FI 13.15 12.494  -0.656
  47. Dale Findell              H/SA 12.45 11.814  -0.636
  48. Kyle Jeltema              E/SA 12.00 11.383  -0.617
  49. Dan Fletcher              B/SA 11.55 11.016  -0.534
  50. Judi Bureski              E/SA 12.00 11.497  -0.503
  51. Mark Faul                 C/SA 11.70 11.208  -0.492
  52. Andrea McPherson         A/FIA 11.30 10.827  -0.473
  53. Jim Schaechter             D/S 11.80 11.345  -0.455
  54. Bruce Kastle              I/SA 12.60 12.215  -0.385
  55. Scott Pearson             P/SA 13.75 13.422  -0.328
  56. Maxine Line               F/SA 12.15 11.994  -0.156
  57. Daryl Bureski             F/SA 12.15 12.088  -0.062
  58. Dennis Dunlap             J/SA 12.75 13.170   0.420

Top of Page


Order for Qualifying Round 3
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after 3 rounds of
        qualifying in Stock Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series,
        Seventh annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 Psn   Driver                   Class  Index    ET   Ov/Un
   1. Jim Marshall              H/SA 12.45 11.385  -1.065
   2. Brent Darroch            F/FIA 12.95 11.902  -1.048
   3. Bob Gere                  L/SA 13.00 11.982  -1.018
   4. Dave Edwards              I/SA 12.60 11.587  -1.013
   5. Jason McCormack            B/S 11.50 10.499  -1.001
   6. Dan Zrust                B/FIA 11.70 10.708  -0.992
   7. Bill Ponshe               G/SA 12.30 11.311  -0.989
   8. Dennis Dunlap             J/SA 12.75 11.770  -0.980
   9. Randy Shepard              A/S 11.25 10.274  -0.976
  10. George Widuch             H/SA 12.45 11.475  -0.975
  11. Al Corda                 A/FIA 11.30 10.337  -0.963
  12. Kyle Riley                CF/S 15.90 14.941  -0.959
  13. Dirk Olson                 B/S 11.50 10.547  -0.953
  14. Jerry Bennett             G/SA 12.30 11.347  -0.953
  15. Bob Gipson                 M/S 13.15 12.207  -0.943
  16. Daniel Jeska              G/SA 12.30 11.359  -0.941
  17. Lyn Smith                 F/SA 12.15 11.220  -0.930
  18. Debra Fickler            K/FIA 15.15 14.237  -0.913
  19. Micci Walter              E/SA 12.00 11.109  -0.891
  20. Bill Feist                 B/S 11.50 10.612  -0.888
  21. Judy McCormack           F/FIA 12.95 12.064  -0.886
  22. Robert Cifranic          G/FIA 13.15 12.281  -0.869
  23. Ben Wenzel Sr              D/S 11.80 10.938  -0.862
  24. Thomas Rhoda             A/FIA 11.30 10.438  -0.862
  25. Kevin Zaskowski           E/SA 12.00 11.138  -0.862
  26. Tim Gillespie             G/SA 12.30 11.441  -0.859
  27. Joseph Martens             B/S 11.50 10.642  -0.858
  28. Johnny Diekema             B/S 11.50 10.665  -0.835
  29. Rob Turkal                 I/S 12.50 11.673  -0.827
  30. James Kaekel Jr           E/SA 12.00 11.179  -0.821
  31. Shane Carr               B/FIA 11.70 10.893  -0.807
  32. Nick Folk                C/FIA 12.00 11.204  -0.796
  33. Bill Kissinger            M/SA 13.15 12.361  -0.789
  34. Dan Bowers                 F/S 12.10 11.327  -0.773
  35. David Rampy               F/SA 12.15 11.382  -0.768
  36. Lawrence Line             K/SA 12.95 12.188  -0.762
  37. Clint Blezien            F/FIA 12.95 12.205  -0.745
  38. Marion Stephenson         P/SA 13.75 13.014  -0.736
  39. Wally Krueger             B/SA 11.55 10.815  -0.735
  40. Brad Zaskowski            H/SA 12.45 11.719  -0.731
  41. Richard Luneack           C/SA 11.70 10.973  -0.727
  42. Greg Johnson              G/SA 12.30 11.598  -0.702
  43. Jim Zaskowski              F/S 12.10 11.401  -0.699
  44. Steve Welker              A/SA 11.30 10.623  -0.677
  45. Brian Livengood           B/SA 11.55 10.874  -0.676
  46. Kevin Murphy              K/SA 12.95 12.279  -0.671
  47. Jerry Heath               G/FI 13.15 12.494  -0.656
  48. Dale Findell              H/SA 12.45 11.814  -0.636
  49. Kyle Jeltema              E/SA 12.00 11.383  -0.617
  50. Dan Fletcher              B/SA 11.55 11.016  -0.534
  51. Mark Faul                 C/SA 11.70 11.181  -0.519
  52. Judi Bureski              E/SA 12.00 11.497  -0.503
  53. Andrea McPherson         A/FIA 11.30 10.813  -0.487
  54. Jim Schaechter             D/S 11.80 11.345  -0.455
  55. Daryl Bureski             F/SA 12.15 11.734  -0.416
  56. Bruce Kastle              I/SA 12.60 12.215  -0.385
  57. Scott Pearson             P/SA 13.75 13.422  -0.328
  58. Maxine Line               F/SA 12.15 11.985  -0.165
          --------- Not Qualified ---------
  59. John Corcoran              I/S 12.50   DQ

Top of Page


Order for Qualifying Round 4
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after 4 rounds of
        qualifying in Stock Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series,
        Seventh annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 Psn   Driver                   Class  Index    ET   Ov/Un
   1. Brent Darroch            F/FIA 12.95 11.797  -1.153
   2. Bob Gere                  L/SA 13.00 11.911  -1.089
   3. Jim Marshall              H/SA 12.45 11.385  -1.065
   4. Bill Ponshe               G/SA 12.30 11.237  -1.063
   5. Dennis Dunlap             J/SA 12.75 11.702  -1.048
   6. Dave Edwards              I/SA 12.60 11.564  -1.036
   7. Al Corda                 A/FIA 11.30 10.291  -1.009
   8. Jason McCormack            B/S 11.50 10.499  -1.001
   9. Dan Zrust                B/FIA 11.70 10.708  -0.992
  10. Randy Shepard              A/S 11.25 10.274  -0.976
  11. George Widuch             H/SA 12.45 11.475  -0.975
  12. Kyle Riley                CF/S 15.90 14.934  -0.966
  13. Lyn Smith                 F/SA 12.15 11.188  -0.962
  14. Dirk Olson                 B/S 11.50 10.547  -0.953
  15. Jerry Bennett             G/SA 12.30 11.347  -0.953
  16. Shane Carr               B/FIA 11.70 10.756  -0.944
  17. Bob Gipson                 M/S 13.15 12.207  -0.943
  18. Daniel Jeska              G/SA 12.30 11.359  -0.941
  19. Lawrence Line             K/SA 12.95 12.022  -0.928
  20. Micci Walter              E/SA 12.00 11.079  -0.921
  21. Robert Cifranic          G/FIA 13.15 12.233  -0.917
  22. Thomas Rhoda             A/FIA 11.30 10.383  -0.917
  23. Debra Fickler            K/FIA 15.15 14.237  -0.913
  24. Bill Feist                 B/S 11.50 10.600  -0.900
  25. Ben Wenzel Sr              D/S 11.80 10.902  -0.898
  26. Joseph Martens             B/S 11.50 10.606  -0.894
  27. Judy McCormack           F/FIA 12.95 12.064  -0.886
  28. Tim Gillespie             G/SA 12.30 11.416  -0.884
  29. Kevin Zaskowski           E/SA 12.00 11.125  -0.875
  30. Nick Folk                C/FIA 12.00 11.131  -0.869
  31. Johnny Diekema             B/S 11.50 10.647  -0.853
  32. James Kaekel Jr           E/SA 12.00 11.153  -0.847
  33. Rob Turkal                 I/S 12.50 11.664  -0.836
  34. Bill Kissinger            M/SA 13.15 12.327  -0.823
  35. Richard Luneack           C/SA 11.70 10.883  -0.817
  36. Mike Fuller               C/SA 11.70 10.888  -0.812
  37. Marion Stephenson         P/SA 13.75 12.957  -0.793
  38. Brad Zaskowski            H/SA 12.45 11.659  -0.791
  39. Dan Bowers                 F/S 12.10 11.327  -0.773
  40. Wally Krueger             B/SA 11.55 10.779  -0.771
  41. David Rampy               F/SA 12.15 11.382  -0.768
  42. Jerry Heath               G/FI 13.15 12.399  -0.751
  43. Clint Blezien            F/FIA 12.95 12.205  -0.745
  44. Greg Johnson              G/SA 12.30 11.581  -0.719
  45. Jim Zaskowski              F/S 12.10 11.401  -0.699
  46. Steve Welker              A/SA 11.30 10.623  -0.677
  47. Brian Livengood           B/SA 11.55 10.874  -0.676
  48. Kevin Murphy              K/SA 12.95 12.279  -0.671
  49. Dale Findell              H/SA 12.45 11.803  -0.647
  50. Kyle Jeltema              E/SA 12.00 11.383  -0.617
  51. Jim Schaechter             D/S 11.80 11.199  -0.601
  52. Dan Fletcher              B/SA 11.55 10.950  -0.600
  53. Judi Bureski              E/SA 12.00 11.421  -0.579
  54. Mark Faul                 C/SA 11.70 11.157  -0.543
  55. Andrea McPherson         A/FIA 11.30 10.813  -0.487
  56. Daryl Bureski             F/SA 12.15 11.721  -0.429
  57. Bruce Kastle              I/SA 12.60 12.210  -0.390
  58. Scott Pearson             P/SA 13.75 13.414  -0.336
  59. Maxine Line               F/SA 12.15 11.985  -0.165
  60. John Corcoran              I/S 12.50 13.154   0.654

Top of Page


Order for Qualifying Round 5
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Final order after 5 rounds
        of qualifying in Stock Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, Seventh annual Lucas Oil NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 Psn   Driver                   Class  Index    ET   Ov/Un
   1. Kyle Riley                CF/S 15.90 14.733  -1.167
   2. Bill Ponshe               G/SA 12.30 11.196  -1.104
   3. Bob Gere                  L/SA 13.00 11.911  -1.089
   4. George Widuch             H/SA 12.45 11.373  -1.077
   5. Dave Edwards              I/SA 12.60 11.527  -1.073
   6. Dennis Dunlap             J/SA 12.75 11.680  -1.070
   7. Jim Marshall              H/SA 12.45 11.385  -1.065
   8. Jason McCormack            B/S 11.50 10.469  -1.031
   9. Al Corda                 A/FIA 11.30 10.291  -1.009
  10. Dan Zrust                B/FIA 11.70 10.708  -0.992
  11. Dirk Olson                 B/S 11.50 10.513  -0.987
  12. Randy Shepard              A/S 11.25 10.267  -0.983
  13. Lawrence Line             K/SA 12.95 11.973  -0.977
  14. Jerry Bennett             G/SA 12.30 11.324  -0.976
  15. Daniel Jeska              G/SA 12.30 11.327  -0.973
  16. Lyn Smith                 F/SA 12.15 11.188  -0.962
  17. Shane Carr               B/FIA 11.70 10.756  -0.944
  18. Bob Gipson                 M/S 13.15 12.207  -0.943
  19. Ben Wenzel Sr              D/S 11.80 10.867  -0.933
  20. Micci Walter              E/SA 12.00 11.076  -0.924
  21. Robert Cifranic          G/FIA 13.15 12.233  -0.917
  22. Thomas Rhoda             A/FIA 11.30 10.383  -0.917
  23. Judy McCormack           F/FIA 12.95 12.033  -0.917
  24. Debra Fickler            K/FIA 15.15 14.237  -0.913
  25. Bill Feist                 B/S 11.50 10.600  -0.900
  26. Joseph Martens             B/S 11.50 10.606  -0.894
  27. Tim Gillespie             G/SA 12.30 11.409  -0.891
  28. Dan Fletcher              B/SA 11.55 10.662  -0.888
  29. James Kaekel Jr           E/SA 12.00 11.121  -0.879
  30. Kevin Zaskowski           E/SA 12.00 11.125  -0.875
  31. Nick Folk                C/FIA 12.00 11.131  -0.869
  32. Rob Turkal                 I/S 12.50 11.635  -0.865
  33. Johnny Diekema             B/S 11.50 10.647  -0.853
  34. Richard Luneack           C/SA 11.70 10.867  -0.833
  35. Bill Kissinger            M/SA 13.15 12.327  -0.823
  36. Mike Fuller               C/SA 11.70 10.888  -0.812
  37. Greg Johnson              G/SA 12.30 11.502  -0.798
  38. Marion Stephenson         P/SA 13.75 12.957  -0.793
  39. Brad Zaskowski            H/SA 12.45 11.659  -0.791
  40. Dan Bowers                 F/S 12.10 11.327  -0.773
  41. Wally Krueger             B/SA 11.55 10.779  -0.771
  42. David Rampy               F/SA 12.15 11.382  -0.768
  43. Jerry Heath               G/FI 13.15 12.399  -0.751
  44. Clint Blezien            F/FIA 12.95 12.205  -0.745
  45. Kyle Jeltema              E/SA 12.00 11.265  -0.735
  46. Jim Zaskowski              F/S 12.10 11.401  -0.699
  47. Steve Welker              A/SA 11.30 10.604  -0.696
  48. Brian Livengood           B/SA 11.55 10.874  -0.676
  49. Kevin Murphy              K/SA 12.95 12.279  -0.671
  50. Dale Findell              H/SA 12.45 11.795  -0.655
  51. Mark Faul                 C/SA 11.70 11.082  -0.618
  52. Jim Schaechter             D/S 11.80 11.199  -0.601
  53. Judi Bureski              E/SA 12.00 11.421  -0.579
  54. Andrea McPherson         A/FIA 11.30 10.813  -0.487
  55. Daryl Bureski             F/SA 12.15 11.721  -0.429
  56. Bruce Kastle              I/SA 12.60 12.210  -0.390
  57. Scott Pearson             P/SA 13.75 13.376  -0.374
  58. Maxine Line               F/SA 12.15 11.965  -0.185
  59. John Corcoran              I/S 12.50 12.888   0.388
          --------- Not Qualified ---------
  60. Brent Darroch            F/FIA 12.95   DQ

Top of Page


Results for Elimination Round 1
JOLIET, Ill. - Round 1 winners and next round pairings in
        Stock Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, Seventh annual
        NHRA Route 66 Nationals. Weather conditions: air temperature 76 degrees,
        relative humidity 90 percent, barometer 29.13 inches, adjusted altitude
        1,971 feet, track temperature 76 degrees.

     Num  Class Driver, Home Town, Car Type

       36  CF/S  Kyle Riley, Chicago IL, '91 Olds
     3120  F/SA  Lyn Smith, Pontiac IL, '72 Buick GS

     5300 A/FIA  Al Corda, Elk Mound WI, '02 Firebird
     3446  E/SA  Judi Bureski, Des Plaines IL, '70 Olds 442

     3606  C/SA  Richard Luneack, Breckenridge MI, '70 Roadrunner
     3845  E/SA  Micci Walter, Paris OH, '67 Camaro

     3955  B/SA  Wally Krueger, Appleton WI, '66 Plymouth
     3382  I/SA  Bruce Kastle, Naperville IL, '72 Torino Sport

     3105   I/S  Rob Turkal, Rapids City IL, '80 Camaro
     1041  A/SA  Steve Welker, Tower City PA, '69 Camaro

     5583 B/FIA  Dan Zrust, Maple Grove MN, '02 Camaro
     5566   B/S  Bill Feist, Maple Grove MN, '69 Mustang

     1967  H/SA  Jim Marshall, Scottsville NY, '80 Corvette
     7777 A/FIA  Thomas Rhoda, Brookfield WI, '02 Firebird

     3391  G/SA  Jerry Bennett, Mayfield KY, '79 Aspen
     3836  E/SA  James Kaekel Jr, Coloma MI, '70 Cutlass

     3640  G/SA  Bill Ponshe, Custer Park IL, '73 Duster
     2700 B/FIA  Shane Carr, Williamstown NJ, '94 Camaro

     3274  M/SA  Bill Kissinger, Valparaiso IN, '88 Cutlass
     5243  H/SA  Dale Findell, Cambridge MN, '73 Barracuda

     2885  F/SA  David Rampy, Piedmont AL, '67 Camaro
        3  B/SA  Dan Fletcher, Churchville NY, '69 Camaro

       51   B/S  Johnny Diekema, Blue Grass IA, '70 Nova
      751   D/S  Ben Wenzel Sr, Freeland MI, '67 Camaro

     5036   B/S  Dirk Olson, LaCrosse WI, '69 Nova
       35  F/SA  Daryl Bureski, Lombard IL, '70 Oldsmobile

     3123  G/SA  Greg Johnson, Pontiac IL, '72 Buick GS
     3163   D/S  Jim Schaechter, St. Charles IL, '66 Nova

       33 F/FIA  Clint Blezien, Bensenville IL, '91 Camaro
       32  E/SA  Kevin Zaskowski, Grand Rapids MI, '68 Camaro

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Results for Elimination Round 2
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 2
        eliminations in Stock Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, Seventh annual NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 W/L  Driver               Class   Dial    RT        ET   Ov/Un

 (W) Wally Krueger           B/SA  10.85  0.036    10.859  0.009
 (L) Bruce Kastle            I/SA  12.19  0.035    12.202  0.012
Weather conditions: air temperature 70 degrees, relative humidity 85 percent, barometer 29.10 inches, adjusted altitude 2,094 feet, track temperature 84 degrees.

Wally Krueger's MOV: 0.0029 seconds (approximately 6 inches).

 (W) Richard Luneack         C/SA  10.95  0.039    10.959  0.009
 (L) Micci Walter            E/SA  11.05  0.040    11.102  0.052
 (W) Johnny Diekema           B/S  10.69  0.020    10.689 -0.001
 (L) Ben Wenzel Sr            D/S  10.90  0.018    10.873 -0.027
 (W) Bill Kissinger          M/SA  12.32  0.100    12.352  0.032
 (L) Dale Findell            H/SA  11.80  0.083    11.889  0.089
 (W) Steve Welker            A/SA  10.63  0.085    10.618 -0.012
 (L) Rob Turkal               I/S  11.67  0.024    11.657 -0.013
 (W) Dirk Olson               B/S  10.54  0.089    10.553  0.013
 (L) Daryl Bureski           F/SA  11.77  0.101    11.812  0.042
 (W) Jerry Bennett           G/SA  11.38  0.064    11.414  0.034
 (L) James Kaekel Jr         E/SA  11.18  0.080    11.241  0.061
 (W) Thomas Rhoda           A/FIA  10.45  0.047    10.442 -0.008
 (L) Jim Marshall            H/SA  11.48  0.039    11.456 -0.024
 (W) Bill Feist               B/S  10.63  0.081    10.631  0.001
 (L) Dan Zrust              B/FIA  10.72  0.052    10.754  0.034
Bill Feist's MOV: 0.0041 seconds (approximately 9 inches).
 (W) Kevin Zaskowski         E/SA  11.14  0.033    11.177  0.037
 (L) Clint Blezien          F/FIA  12.21  0.051    12.201 -0.009
 (W) David Rampy             F/SA  11.45  0.004    11.459  0.009
 (L) Dan Fletcher            B/SA  10.83  0.039    10.807 -0.023
 (W) Kyle Riley              CF/S  15.05  0.070    15.083  0.033
 (L) Lyn Smith               F/SA  11.18  -0.019(R)11.166 -0.014
 (W) Judi Bureski            E/SA  11.46  0.021    11.464  0.004
 (L) Al Corda               A/FIA  10.32  -0.004(R)10.364  0.044
 (W) Greg Johnson            G/SA  11.57  0.025    11.566 -0.004
 (L) Jim Schaechter           D/S  11.23  -0.043(R)11.196 -0.034
 (W) Shane Carr             B/FIA  10.94  0.056    10.952  0.012
 (L) Bill Ponshe             G/SA  11.24  0.027    11.319  0.079
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Results for Elimination Round 3
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 3
        eliminations in Stock Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, Seventh annual NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 W/L  Driver               Class   Dial    RT        ET   Ov/Un

 (W) Wally Krueger           B/SA  10.85  0.003    10.873  0.023
 (L) Richard Luneack         C/SA  10.96  0.018    10.931 -0.029
Weather conditions: air temperature 76 degrees, relative humidity 77 percent, barometer 29.11 inches, adjusted altitude 2,432 feet, track temperature 101 degrees.

 (W) Bill Feist               B/S  10.64  0.011    10.609 -0.031
 (L) Steve Welker            A/SA  10.62  -0.002(R)10.649  0.029
 (W) Judi Bureski            E/SA  11.45  0.155    11.449 -0.001
 (L) Kyle Riley              CF/S  15.10  0.121    15.065 -0.035
 (W) Jerry Bennett           G/SA  11.33  0.042    11.354  0.024
 (L) Thomas Rhoda           A/FIA  10.44  0.043    10.433 -0.007
 (W) Greg Johnson            G/SA  11.57  0.107    11.531 -0.039
 (L) Kevin Zaskowski         E/SA  11.18  -0.028(R)11.140 -0.040
 (W) Dirk Olson               B/S  11.50  0.017    10.432 -1.068
 (L) Johnny Diekema           B/S  11.50  0.023    10.480 -1.020
 (W) Bill Kissinger          M/SA  12.34  0.001    12.313 -0.027
 (L) David Rampy             F/SA  11.46  -0.027(R)11.408 -0.052
 (W) Shane Carr             B/FIA  10.92  0.039    10.870 -0.050
     was unopposed
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Results for Elimination Round 4
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 4
        eliminations in Stock Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, Seventh annual NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 W/L  Driver               Class   Dial    RT        ET   Ov/Un

 (W) Shane Carr             B/FIA  10.97  0.023    11.028  0.058
 (L) Bill Kissinger          M/SA  12.32  -0.039(R)12.426  0.106
2:37 p.m. - Carr red lights, Kissinger wins.
 (W) Shane Carr             B/FIA  10.97  0.023    11.028  0.058
 (L) Bill Kissinger          M/SA  12.32  -0.039(R)12.426  0.106
 (W) Wally Krueger           B/SA  10.85  -0.032   10.921  0.071
 (L) Judi Bureski            E/SA  11.46  -0.009(R)11.512  0.052
 (W) Bill Feist               B/S  10.64  0.047    10.649  0.009
 (L) Jerry Bennett           G/SA  11.35  0.021    11.439  0.089
Bill Feist's MOV: 0.0544 seconds (approximately 9 feet).
 (W) Wally Krueger           B/SA  10.85  -0.032   10.921  0.071
 (L) Judi Bureski            E/SA  11.46  -0.009(R)11.512  0.052
 (W) Bill Feist               B/S  10.64  0.047    10.649  0.009
 (L) Jerry Bennett           G/SA  11.35  0.021    11.439  0.089
Bill Feist's MOV: 0.0544 seconds (approximately 9 feet).
 (W) Dirk Olson               B/S  10.55  0.057    10.605  0.055
 (L) Greg Johnson            G/SA  11.56  0.085    11.594  0.034
Dirk Olson's MOV: 0.0073 seconds (approximately 14 inches).
 (W) Dirk Olson               B/S  10.55  0.057    10.605  0.055
 (L) Greg Johnson            G/SA  11.56  0.085    11.594  0.034
Dirk Olson's MOV: 0.0073 seconds (approximately 14 inches).
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Results for Elimination Round 5
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 5
        eliminations in Stock Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, Seventh annual NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 W/L  Driver               Class   Dial    RT        ET   Ov/Un

 (W) Shane Carr             B/FIA  10.98  0.049    11.000  0.020
 (L) Dirk Olson               B/S  10.55  0.016    10.631  0.081
3:24 p.m. - Weather conditions: air temperature 73 degrees, relative humidity 82 percent, barometer 28.96 inches, adjusted altitude 2,407 feet, track temperature 88 degrees.

Olsen had a better start but Carr got the win.

 (W) Wally Krueger           B/SA  10.92  0.018    10.926  0.006
 (L) Bill Feist               B/S  10.63  0.077    10.692  0.062
It'll be Krueger vs. Carr in the final round.
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Results for Final Round 
JOLIET, Ill. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of final, round 6
        eliminations in Stock Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing
        Series, Seventh annual NHRA Route 66 Nationals: 
 W/L  Driver               Class   Dial    RT        ET   Ov/Un

 (W) Wally Krueger           B/SA  10.92  0.149    10.960  0.040
 (L) Shane Carr             B/FIA  10.95  0.047    11.105  0.155
Weather conditions: air temperature 78 degrees, relative humidity 72 percent, barometer 28.96 inches, adjusted altitude 2,752 feet, track temperature 88 degrees.

This is Krueger's first national event and he takes the win. Wally Krueger's MOV: 0.0132 seconds (approximately 24 inches).

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