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Comp Eliminator
Results for Qualifying Round 1POMONA, Calif. - POMONA 2 - Notes from round 1 qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 42nd annual Automobile Club of Southern California NHRA Finals listing lane, driver name, elapsed time, top speed, amount over/under index, and position in order following run, class and class index: Left Lane: Bryan Morrison Runs 8.188/163.75/-0.522, Now #1 F/AA Index: 8.71 Right Lane: Ed Sigmon Runs 8.732/145.03/-0.338, Now #2 C/SR Index: 9.0710:46 a.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 71 degrees, relative humidity 56 percent, barometer 29.06 inches, adjusted altitude 2031 feet, track temperature 80 degrees.It's almost 11:00am and we still have a low overcast and some fog keeping the track temperature down for the start of Comp. Eliminator qualifying.
Morrison gets a good pass to tune to, but Sigmon's time is not likely to keep him in the field before the end of qualifying tomorrow.
Left Lane: Tom Brown Runs 20.657/26.38/11.747, Now #4 F/ED Index: 8.91 Right Lane: Fred Gross Runs 8.650/157.61/-0.400, Now #2 G/A Index: 9.05Brown's little four banger has problems and motors on down the track. Gross is slow off the line, but cards a reasonable time.Left Lane: David Beckley Runs 6.855/186.23/-0.505, Now #2 A/AA Index: 7.36 Right Lane: Scott McClay Runs 17.889/51.15/9.959, Now #5 C/ED Index: 7.93Beckley goes right down Broadway and makes a clean and smooth pass. McClay has nothing at the hit and slowly drives down the track.Left Lane: David Sumek Runs 6.535/206.32/-0.635, Now #1 AA/AM Index: 7.17 Right Lane: Pete Adams Runs 7.755/176.93/-0.225, Now #6 C/A Index: 7.98Sumek runs our first sixty under the index pass with a less than straight pass to take over the current top spot.Left Lane: Mark Stewart Runs 8.938/150.78/-0.472, Now #4 G/SMA Index: 9.41 Right Lane: Ross Wilson Runs 8.306/163.20/-0.464, Now #5 B/SMA Index: 8.77Two clean passes two similar results.Left Lane: Dave Raybourn Runs 8.873/151.34/-0.257, Now #9 E/SMA Index: 9.13 Right Lane: Tom Mettler Runs 7.479/182.08/-0.591, Now #2 PST Index: 8.07Mettler takes his ProStock Truck into the new #2 spot with a clean and straight pass.Left Lane: Pete Carbery Runs 7.268/185.03/-0.422, Now #8 B/A Index: 7.69 Right Lane: Scott Hedlund Runs 8.159/165.82/-0.581, Now #3 B/SM Index: 8.74Hedlund is next to take over the #2 spot with a good run.Left Lane: John Edwards Runs 7.539/180.57/-0.511, Now #5 C/AA Index: 8.05 Right Lane: Tom Snyder Runs 12.073/84.71/4.913, Now #14 A/A Index: 7.16Snyder leaves hard and then has to lift. Edwards makes the full pull.Left Lane: Bob Marshall No Time, Now #5 B/AA Index: 7.73 Right Lane: Sam Blaylock Sr. Runs 7.968/179.88/0.238, Now #14 B/AA Index: 7.73Double trouble, as Marshall gets no time and Blaylock's altered is into the kitty litter at the end of the track.Left Lane: Vinnie Deceglie Runs 6.566/211.66/-0.594, Now #2 A/A Index: 7.16 Right Lane: Kevin Smith Runs 7.266/190.22/-0.464, Now #10 B/AA Index: 7.73Deceglie makes it look easy with a 1.016 sixty foot time with a great looking pass into the current #2 position.Left Lane: Jeff Lane Runs 8.000/164.09/-0.590, Now #4 B/SR Index: 8.59 Right Lane: Todd Patterson Runs 7.776/175.52/-0.584, Now #5 E/A Index: 8.36Two more clean passes and they both move into the top of the ladder.Left Lane: Dave Barcelon Runs 8.485/159.55/-0.565, Now #7 G/A Index: 9.05 Right Lane: Jim Cowan Runs 8.372/143.05/-0.558, Now #8 D/EA Index: 8.93Looks like mid-five-fifty under the index passes are now cheap.Left Lane: Lucky Snyder Runs 8.231/164.49/-0.459, Now #16 F/A Index: 8.69 Right Lane: Al Bresch Runs 9.015/150.58/-0.475, Now #12 G/SM Index: 9.49Left Lane: Lee Sharp Runs 8.584/158.04/-0.506, Now #11 D/SMA Index: 9.09 Right Lane: Adam Bowdish Runs 8.965/135.04/-0.455, Now #18 F/SM Index: 9.4211:19 a.m. We had a little delay as the starting line crew had to do a little dusting and cleaning in Bresch's lane.Left Lane: Tom Huggins Runs 7.100/193.07/-0.590, Now #5 B/A Index: 7.69 Right Lane: Brad Plourd No Time, Now #30 C/ED Index: 0.00Plourd's C/ED is pushed back behind the line after breaking on the burn out. Huggins gets a single and runs well under his index.Left Lane: Doug Lambeck Runs 8.500/157.32/-0.590, Now #6 D/SMA Index: 9.09 Right Lane: Alan Ellis Runs 10.790/110.51/3.430, Now #27 A/AA Index: 7.36Left Lane: Jim Warter Runs 8.847/153.21/-0.573, Now #9 F/SM Index: 9.42 Right Lane: Bo Butner No Time, Now #33 AA/SM Index: 7.71Butner's Caviler is pushed back after trying a burnout.Left Lane: Mike DePalma Runs 8.194/166.17/-0.496, Now #17 F/A Index: 8.69 Right Lane: Jeff Taylor Runs 8.613/144.47/-0.597, Now #2 E/SM Index: 9.21Nice pass for Taylor to take over the current #2 spot. Scott McClay is on the bump spot at 9.959.Left Lane: Sal Biondo Runs 7.893/170.75/-0.467, Now #20 I/AA Index: 8.36 Right Lane: Bryan Fitzgerald Runs 7.941/169.47/-0.419, Now #26 E/AA Index: 8.36Left Lane: John Mihovetz Runs 9.073/110.28/1.683, Now #33 BB/AT Index: 7.39 Right Lane: Joe Mozeris Runs 7.679/174.96/-0.051, Now #31 B/AA Index: 7.73Mihovetz gets a lot of steering wheel practice off the line when the Thunder Kitty makes a hard move towards the centerline at 60 feet. He stays with it a while and finally gives it up as a bad idea.Left Lane: Max Tafoya Jr Runs 7.664/172.81/-0.266, Now #30 C/ED Index: 7.93 Right Lane: Michael Stone Runs 7.428/179.61/-0.502, Now #17 C/ED Index: 7.93Sam Blaylock Sr. is on the bump spot at 0.238. Two C/ED's and both bump into the filed.Left Lane: Randy Jones No Time, Now #41 F/SM Index: 9.21 Right Lane: Jacklyn Gebhardt Runs 6.615/203.00/-0.615, Now #2 A/ED Index: 7.23Jones can't get the car started and is pulled away. Gebhardt leaves with a strong 1.003 sixty foot time and parlays it into a strong pass into the #2 spot.11:35 a.m. David Sumek stays on top with a .635 under his index and Dave Raybourn is on the bump spot at -0.257.
Order for Qualifying Round 1POMONA, Calif. - SUMMIT FastNews - Revised order after one round of qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 42nd annual Automobile Club of Southern California NHRA Finals: Psn Driver Class Index ET Ov/Un 1. David Sumek AA/AM 7.17 6.535 -0.635 2. Jacklyn Gebhardt A/ED 7.23 6.615 -0.615 3. Jeff Taylor E/SM 9.21 8.613 -0.597 4. Vinnie Deceglie A/A 7.16 6.566 -0.594 5. Tom Mettler PST 8.07 7.479 -0.591 6. Jeff Lane B/SR 8.59 8.000 -0.590 7. Tom Huggins B/A 7.69 7.100 -0.590 8. Doug Lambeck D/SMA 9.09 8.500 -0.590 9. Todd Patterson E/A 8.36 7.776 -0.584 10. Scott Hedlund B/SM 8.74 8.159 -0.581 11. Jim Warter F/SM 9.42 8.847 -0.573 12. Dave Barcelon G/A 9.05 8.485 -0.565 13. Jim Cowan D/EA 8.93 8.372 -0.558 14. Bryan Morrison F/AA 8.71 8.188 -0.522 15. John Edwards C/AA 8.05 7.539 -0.511 16. Lee Sharp D/SMA 9.09 8.584 -0.506 17. David Beckley A/AA 7.36 6.855 -0.505 18. Michael Stone C/ED 7.93 7.428 -0.502 19. Mike DePalma F/A 8.69 8.194 -0.496 20. Ed Sigmon C/SR 9.22 8.732 -0.488 21. Al Bresch G/SM 9.49 9.015 -0.475 22. Mark Stewart G/SMA 9.41 8.938 -0.472 23. Sal Biondo E/AA 8.36 7.893 -0.467 24. Ross Wilson B/SMA 8.77 8.306 -0.464 25. Kevin Smith B/AA 7.73 7.266 -0.464 26. Lucky Snyder F/A 8.69 8.231 -0.459 27. Adam Bowdish F/SM 9.42 8.965 -0.455 28. Pete Carbery B/A 7.69 7.268 -0.422 29. Bryan Fitzgerald E/AA 8.36 7.941 -0.419 30. Fred Gross G/A 9.05 8.650 -0.400 31. Max Tafoya Jr C/ED 7.93 7.664 -0.266 32. Dave Raybourn E/SMA 9.13 8.873 -0.257 --------- Not Qualified --------- 33. Pete Adams C/A 7.98 7.755 -0.225 34. Joe Mozeris B/AA 7.73 7.679 -0.051 35. Sam Blaylock Sr. B/AA 7.73 7.968 0.238 36. John Mihovetz BB/AT 7.39 9.073 1.683 37. Alan Ellis A/AA 7.36 10.790 3.430 38. Tom Snyder A/A 7.16 12.073 4.913 39. Scott McClay C/ED 7.93 17.889 9.959 40. Tom Brown F/ED 8.91 20.657 11.747
Results for Qualifying Round 2POMONA, Calif. - POMONA 2 - Notes from round 2 qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 42nd annual Automobile Club of Southern California NHRA Finals listing lane, driver name, elapsed time, top speed this round, amount over/under index this round, position in order following run, best prior elapsed time, speed & over/under Index, and position in order prior to run: Left Lane: Pete Adams Runs 7.751/175.18/-0.229, Now #34 C/A Index: 7.98 Prior Best: 7.755/176.93/-0.225, Was #33 Right Lane: Randy Jones Runs 8.908/151.37/-0.302, Now #31 F/SM Index: 9.21 No Prior Run4:00 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 77 degrees, relative humidity 42 percent, barometer 29.02 inches, adjusted altitude 2,506 feet, track temperature 94 degrees.Second session of Comp is on the line. Jones broke before the first his hit and this is not a sterling effort for him. He gets in at #31 but there are cars to bump him. Adams gets no help either.
Left Lane: Tom Snyder Runs 7.482/184.57/0.322, Now #38 A/A Index: 7.16 Prior Best: 12.073/84.71/4.913, Was #39 Right Lane: John Mihovetz Runs 7.078/158.67/-0.312, Now #31 BB/AT Index: 7.39 Prior Best: 9.073/110.28/1.683, Was #37Mihovetz gets the BBAT into the field but awfully close to the bump. Snyder is out the show in Pappy's Pride.Left Lane: Joe Mozeris Runs 8.926/113.26/1.196, Now #36 B/AA Index: 7.73 Prior Best: 7.679/174.96/-0.051, Was #36 Right Lane: David Sumek Runs 6.666/201.19/-0.504, Now #1 AA/AM Index: 7.17 Prior Best: 6.535/206.32/-0.635, Was #1Sumek is all over the right lane, even more than his first hit earlier. Mozeris was coasting well before the stripe.Left Lane: Adam Bowdish Runs 8.978/135.43/-0.442, Now #27 F/SM Index: 9.42 Prior Best: 8.965/135.04/-0.455, Was #27 Right Lane: Jeff Lane Runs 8.014/164.29/-0.576, Now #6 B/SR Index: 8.59 Prior Best: 8.000/164.09/-0.590, Was #6No improvement for either driver.Left Lane: Kevin Smith Runs 7.836/128.01/0.106, Now #25 B/AA Index: 7.73 Prior Best: 7.266/190.22/-0.464, Was #25 Right Lane: Dave Raybourn Runs 9.804/101.54/0.674, Now #34 E/SMA Index: 9.13 Prior Best: 8.873/151.34/-0.257, Was #34Smith just about crosses the center stripe at about half track but pulls it back at the last instant. Raybourn remains #34.Left Lane: Tom Mettler Runs 7.470/181.08/-0.600, Now #3 PST Index: 8.07 Prior Best: 7.479/182.08/-0.591, Was #5 Right Lane: Mike DePalma Runs 8.140/166.58/-0.550, Now #14 F/A Index: 8.69 Prior Best: 8.194/166.17/-0.496, Was #19This time both drivers improve their positions.Left Lane: Alan Ellis Runs 6.870/201.04/-0.490, Now #21 A/AA Index: 7.36 Prior Best: 10.790/110.51/3.430, Was #39 Right Lane: Bob Marshall Runs 7.204/190.97/-0.526, Now #15 B/AA Index: 7.73 No Prior RunAnother case of both drivers getting it right and making the show.Left Lane: Scott McClay Runs 15.454/61.89/7.524, Now #41 C/ED Index: 7.93 Prior Best: 17.889/51.16/9.959, Was #41 Right Lane: John Edwards Runs 7.551/179.85/-0.499, Now #17 C/AA Index: 8.05 Prior Best: 7.539/180.57/-0.511, Was #17McClay has problems again and shuts off. Edwards slows slightly.Left Lane: Ed Sigmon Runs 8.713/149.35/-0.507, Now #18 C/SR Index: 9.22 Prior Best: 8.732/145.03/-0.488, Was #22 Right Lane: Dave Barcelon Runs 8.537/158.95/-0.513, Now #12 G/A Index: 9.05 Prior Best: 8.485/159.55/-0.565, Was #12Barcelon slows but Sigmon improves a few spots.Left Lane: Fred Gross Runs 8.544/157.63/-0.506, Now #20 G/A Index: 9.05 Prior Best: 8.650/157.61/-0.400, Was #32 Right Lane: Lucky Snyder Runs 8.311/147.33/-0.379, Now #29 F/A Index: 8.69 Prior Best: 8.231/164.49/-0.459, Was #28Gross gets off the bump but Snyder has his problems in the Alpine.Left Lane: Scott Hedlund Runs 8.176/165.40/-0.564, Now #10 B/SM Index: 8.74 Prior Best: 8.159/165.82/-0.581, Was #10 Right Lane: David Beckley Runs 6.894/185.26/-0.466, Now #21 A/AA Index: 7.36 Prior Best: 6.855/186.23/-0.505, Was #21Another pair that slows slightly.Left Lane: Al Bresch Runs 9.114/149.33/-0.376, Now #24 G/SM Index: 9.49 Prior Best: 9.015/150.58/-0.475, Was #24 Right Lane: Vinnie Deceglie Runs 6.547/211.79/-0.613, Now #3 A/A Index: 7.16 Prior Best: 6.566/211.66/-0.594, Was #5Deceglie gets a little more power to the track at goes to #3. No help for Bresch.Left Lane: Brad Plourd Runs 16.792/66.01/8.862, Now #42 C/ED Index: 7.93 No Prior Run Right Lane: Mark Stewart Runs 8.907/150.60/-0.503, Now #22 G/SMA Index: 9.41 Prior Best: 8.938/150.78/-0.472, Was #25Plourd has the car break right the hit and he coasts on out. He remains #42. Stewart improves slightly.Left Lane: Bo Butner Runs 7.214/191.19/-0.496, Now #24 AA/SM Index: 7.71 No Prior Run Right Lane: Tom Brown Runs 8.847/124.21/-0.063, Now #39 F/ED Index: 8.91 Prior Best: 20.657/26.38/11.747, Was #43Butner gets his car in after having problems in the first session. Brown misses the cut and leaves Carbery on the bump.Left Lane: Michael Stone Runs 7.452/178.54/-0.478, Now #23 C/ED Index: 7.93 Prior Best: 7.428/179.61/-0.502, Was #23 Right Lane: Pete Carbery Runs 14.680/72.78/6.990, Now #32 B/A Index: 7.69 Prior Best: 7.268/185.03/-0.422, Was #32Carbery has the car shake and do a dance at the hit. He was coasting by 100 feet. Stone gets no help.Left Lane: Jim Cowan Runs 8.411/145.89/-0.519, Now #13 D/EA Index: 8.93 Prior Best: 8.372/143.05/-0.558, Was #13 Right Lane: Jim Warter Runs 8.813/153.20/-0.607, Now #4 F/SM Index: 9.42 Prior Best: 8.847/153.21/-0.573, Was #11Warter reaches the magic sixty under and picks up seven spots. Cowan slows from his first.Left Lane: Bryan Fitzgerald No Time, Now #33 E/AA Index: 8.36 Prior Best: 7.941/169.47/-0.419, Was #33 Right Lane: Lee Sharp Runs 8.590/158.86/-0.500, Now #19 D/SMA Index: 9.09 Prior Best: 8.584/158.04/-0.506, Was #19Fitzgerald is pushed away after the burnout and the starting line crew is cleaning up some stuff. Sharp fails to improve.Left Lane: Todd Patterson Runs 7.770/174.93/-0.590, Now #10 E/A Index: 8.36 Prior Best: 7.776/175.52/-0.584, Was #10 Right Lane: Bryan Morrison Runs 8.243/162.06/-0.467, Now #16 F/AA Index: 8.71 Prior Best: 8.188/163.75/-0.522, Was #16Patterson just about duplicates his first run and Morrison loses about a nickel.Left Lane: Jacklyn Gebhardt Runs 6.650/202.12/-0.580, Now #2 A/ED Index: 7.23 Prior Best: 6.615/203.00/-0.615, Was #2 Right Lane: Tom Huggins Runs 7.111/193.27/-0.579, Now #8 B/A Index: 7.69 Prior Best: 7.100/193.07/-0.590, Was #8Again both drivers slow from the morning session.Right Lane: Doug Lambeck Runs 8.683/133.94/-0.407, Now #9 D/SMA Index: 9.09 Prior Best: 8.500/157.32/-0.590, Was #9Lambeck lifted early and slowed from his first hit.Right Lane: Max Tafoya Jr Runs 7.798/165.56/-0.132, Now #36 C/ED Index: 7.93 Prior Best: 7.664/172.81/-0.266, Was #36Tafoya fails to improve or crack the field.Right Lane: Sal Biondo Runs 7.896/170.54/-0.464, Now #27 E/AA Index: 8.36 Prior Best: 7.893/170.75/-0.467, Was #27Again...no help. Biondo closes out round two of Comp Qualifying.
Order for Qualifying Round 2POMONA, Calif. - SUMMIT FastNews - Order after 2 rounds of qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 42nd annual Automobile Club of Southern California NHRA Finals: Psn Driver Class Index ET Ov/Un 1. David Sumek AA/AM 7.17 6.535 -0.635 2. Jacklyn Gebhardt A/ED 7.23 6.615 -0.615 3. Vinnie Deceglie A/A 7.16 6.547 -0.613 4. Jim Warter F/SM 9.42 8.813 -0.607 5. Tom Mettler PST 8.07 7.470 -0.600 6. Jeff Taylor E/SM 9.21 8.613 -0.597 7. Jeff Lane B/SR 8.59 8.000 -0.590 8. Tom Huggins B/A 7.69 7.100 -0.590 9. Doug Lambeck D/SMA 9.09 8.500 -0.590 10. Todd Patterson E/A 8.36 7.770 -0.590 11. Scott Hedlund B/SM 8.74 8.159 -0.581 12. Dave Barcelon G/A 9.05 8.485 -0.565 13. Jim Cowan D/EA 8.93 8.372 -0.558 14. Mike DePalma F/A 8.69 8.140 -0.550 15. Bob Marshall B/AA 7.73 7.204 -0.526 16. Bryan Morrison F/AA 8.71 8.188 -0.522 17. John Edwards C/AA 8.05 7.539 -0.511 18. Ed Sigmon C/SR 9.22 8.713 -0.507 19. Lee Sharp D/SMA 9.09 8.584 -0.506 20. Fred Gross G/A 9.05 8.544 -0.506 21. David Beckley A/AA 7.36 6.855 -0.505 22. Mark Stewart G/SMA 9.41 8.907 -0.503 23. Michael Stone C/ED 7.93 7.428 -0.502 24. Bo Butner AA/SM 7.71 7.214 -0.496 25. Alan Ellis A/AA 7.36 6.870 -0.490 26. Al Bresch G/SM 9.49 9.015 -0.475 27. Sal Biondo E/AA 8.36 7.893 -0.467 28. Ross Wilson B/SMA 8.77 8.306 -0.464 29. Kevin Smith B/AA 7.73 7.266 -0.464 30. Lucky Snyder F/A 8.69 8.231 -0.459 31. Adam Bowdish F/SM 9.42 8.965 -0.455 32. Pete Carbery B/A 7.69 7.268 -0.422 --------- Not Qualified --------- 33. Bryan Fitzgerald E/AA 8.36 7.941 -0.419 34. John Mihovetz BB/AT 7.39 7.078 -0.312 35. Randy Jones E/SM 9.21 8.908 -0.302 36. Max Tafoya Jr C/ED 7.93 7.664 -0.266 37. Dave Raybourn E/SMA 9.13 8.873 -0.257 38. Pete Adams C/A 7.98 7.751 -0.229 39. Tom Brown F/ED 8.91 8.847 -0.063 40. Joe Mozeris B/AA 7.73 7.679 -0.051 41. Sam Blaylock Sr. B/AA 7.73 7.968 0.238 42. Tom Snyder A/A 7.16 7.482 0.322 43. Scott McClay C/ED 7.93 15.454 7.524 44. Brad Plourd C/ED 7.93 16.792 8.862
Results for Qualifying Round 3POMONA, Calif. - POMONA 2 - Notes from final, round 3 qualifying in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 42nd annual Automobile Club of Southern California NHRA Finals listing lane, driver name, elapsed time, top speed this round, amount over/under index this round, position in order following run, best prior elapsed time, speed & over/under Index, and position in order prior to run: Left Lane: Adam Bowdish Runs 8.846/150.88/-0.574, Now #12 F/SM Index: 9.42 Prior Best: 8.965/135.04/-0.455, Was #31 Right Lane: Bob Marshall Runs 7.256/190.65/-0.474, Now #16 B/AA Index: 7.73 Prior Best: 7.204/190.97/-0.526, Was #1511:19 a.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 74 degrees, relative humidity 35 percent, barometer 29.19 inches, adjusted altitude 2,020 feet, track temperature 98 degrees.Comp comes out for it's final round of qualifying. Lots of sun today and the temps will be up before the day is out. Big move for Bowdish as he goes well into the top half. Marshall slows from his best.
Left Lane: Brad Plourd Runs 7.620/173.49/-0.310, Now #35 C/ED Index: 7.93 Prior Best: 16.792/66.02/8.862, Was #44 Right Lane: Mark Stewart Runs 8.886/150.88/-0.524, Now #17 G/SMA Index: 9.41 Prior Best: 8.907/150.60/-0.503, Was #23Stewart just misses the top half and Plourd improves, just not enough to make the show.Left Lane: Al Bresch Runs 8.991/150.00/-0.499, Now #25 G/SM Index: 9.49 Prior Best: 9.015/150.58/-0.475, Was #27 Right Lane: Jim Warter Runs 8.806/153.70/-0.614, Now #3 F/SM Index: 9.42 Prior Best: 8.813/153.20/-0.607, Was #4Both drivers improve just a touch.Left Lane: Ed Sigmon Runs 8.710/149.66/-0.510, Now #20 C/SR Index: 9.22 Prior Best: 8.713/149.35/-0.507, Was #20 Right Lane: David Sumek Runs 6.660/202.36/-0.510, Now #1 AA/AM Index: 7.17 Prior Best: 6.535/206.32/-0.635, Was #1Sumek fails to improve with the altered as does Sigmon.Left Lane: Todd Patterson Runs 7.753/175.41/-0.607, Now #5 E/A Index: 8.36 Prior Best: 7.770/174.93/-0.590, Was #10 Right Lane: Lucky Snyder Runs 8.219/165.19/-0.471, Now #28 F/A Index: 8.69 Prior Best: 8.231/164.49/-0.459, Was #31it doesn't take much to move spots near the top of the show. Patterson picks up about .01 and FIVE spots in the field.Left Lane: Tom Snyder Runs 11.092/80.72/3.932, Now #43 A/A Index: 7.16 Prior Best: 7.482/184.57/0.322, Was #43 Right Lane: Max Tafoya Jr Runs 7.613/172.39/-0.317, Now #34 C/ED Index: 7.93 Prior Best: 7.664/172.81/-0.266, Was #37Snyder has the big altered go dead left on him and he'll be packing the trailer for the long drive back to Colorado. Tafoya will be doing the same for his return to Alberquerque.Left Lane: Fred Gross Runs 8.474/159.89/-0.576, Now #12 G/A Index: 9.05 Prior Best: 8.544/157.63/-0.506, Was #22 Right Lane: Bryan Morrison Runs 8.228/163.73/-0.482, Now #19 F/AA Index: 8.71 Prior Best: 8.188/163.75/-0.522, Was #18Gross goes around Morrison on the ladder and into the top half.Left Lane: Scott Hedlund Runs 8.156/166.03/-0.584, Now #12 B/SM Index: 8.74 Prior Best: 8.159/165.82/-0.581, Was #11 Right Lane: Lee Sharp Runs 8.490/159.68/-0.600, Now #7 D/SMA Index: 9.09 Prior Best: 8.584/158.04/-0.506, Was #22Sharp picks up a tenth and he moves into the top half. Hedlund gets no real help.Left Lane: Ross Wilson Runs 8.284/163.53/-0.486, Now #28 B/SMA Index: 8.77 Prior Best: 8.306/163.20/-0.464, Was #30 Right Lane: Dave Raybourn Runs 8.868/152.19/-0.262, Now #38 E/SMA Index: 9.13 Prior Best: 8.873/151.34/-0.257, Was #38Raybourn goes home but Wilson picks up a couple of spots.Left Lane: Pete Adams Runs 7.661/177.74/-0.319, Now #34 C/A Index: 7.98 Prior Best: 7.751/175.18/-0.229, Was #39 Right Lane: Mike DePalma Runs 8.145/167.05/-0.545, Now #17 F/A Index: 8.69 Prior Best: 8.140/166.58/-0.550, Was #17DePalma remains #17 and Adams is sent packing.Left Lane: Bryan Fitzgerald Runs 9.231/108.05/0.871, Now #33 E/AA Index: 8.36 Prior Best: 7.941/169.47/-0.419, Was #33 Right Lane: Vinnie Deceglie Runs 6.738/211.49/-0.422, Now #4 A/A Index: 7.16 Prior Best: 6.547/211.79/-0.613, Was #4Fitzgerald slows on this hit and will not make the show. Deceglie has no problem and remains #4.Left Lane: Alan Ellis Runs 6.776/201.55/-0.584, Now #13 A/AA Index: 7.36 Prior Best: 6.870/201.04/-0.490, Was #27 Right Lane: David Beckley Runs 6.847/203.43/-0.513, Now #22 A/AA Index: 7.36 Prior Best: 6.855/186.23/-0.505, Was #23Two AAAAs and two different ways to do it. Ellis in the traditional raodster and Beckley in the '63 Vette. Ellis gets the job done with the T-Ford and goes top half. Beckley remains #22 in the Vette.Left Lane: Tom Mettler Runs 7.463/181.72/-0.607, Now #6 PST Index: 8.07 Prior Best: 7.470/181.08/-0.600, Was #6 Right Lane: Tom Brown Runs 8.534/152.30/-0.376, Now #34 F/ED Index: 8.91 Prior Best: 8.847/124.21/-0.063, Was #40Brown closes out his weekend with the DNQ but Mettler is sixty under again in the truck.Left Lane: Jacklyn Gebhardt Runs 6.626/202.64/-0.604, Now #2 A/ED Index: 7.23 Prior Best: 6.615/203.00/-0.615, Was #2 Right Lane: Jeff Lane Runs 8.045/164.39/-0.545, Now #9 B/SR Index: 8.59 Prior Best: 8.000/164.09/-0.590, Was #9Gebhardt remains #2 and Lane #9.Left Lane: Bo Butner Runs 7.147/195.62/-0.563, Now #17 AA/SM Index: 7.71 Prior Best: 7.214/191.19/-0.496, Was #27 Right Lane: Sal Biondo Runs 7.846/171.51/-0.514, Now #23 E/AA Index: 8.36 Prior Best: 7.893/170.75/-0.467, Was #30Butner moves up ten spots and Biondo is a little further away from the bump.Left Lane: Jeff Taylor Runs 8.536/152.26/-0.674, Now #1 E/SM Index: 9.21 Prior Best: 8.613/144.47/-0.597, Was #8 Right Lane: Doug Lambeck Runs 8.495/157.80/-0.595, Now #9 D/SMA Index: 9.09 Prior Best: 8.500/157.32/-0.590, Was #11Oh MY! Taylor moves right to the top and near the ESM record. Lambeck improves slightly.Left Lane: Kevin Smith Runs 7.141/192.00/-0.589, Now #13 B/AA Index: 7.73 Prior Best: 7.266/190.22/-0.464, Was #31 Right Lane: Dave Barcelon Runs 8.460/159.93/-0.590, Now #12 G/A Index: 9.05 Prior Best: 8.485/159.55/-0.565, Was #16Big move up the ladder for Smith. Barcelon picks up a few spots.Left Lane: Jim Cowan Runs 8.312/157.48/-0.618, Now #3 D/EA Index: 8.93 Prior Best: 8.372/143.05/-0.558, Was #19 Right Lane: John Edwards Runs 7.508/181.79/-0.542, Now #21 C/AA Index: 8.05 Prior Best: 7.539/180.57/-0.511, Was #26Cowan moves from #19 to #3 on that one. Heck of a pass. Edwards picks up the pace as well.Left Lane: Scott McClay Runs 7.522/175.87/-0.408, Now #35 C/ED Index: 7.93 Prior Best: 15.454/61.90/7.524, Was #44 Right Lane: John Mihovetz Runs 6.640/208.20/-0.750, Now #1 BB/AT Index: 7.39 Prior Best: 7.078/158.67/-0.312, Was #37Bad KITTY!!! BAD!!! Mihovetz was bumped early in the session but boy, is he back in! I doubt anyone will catch that cat. McClay has his off weekend come to an end.Left Lane: Joe Mozeris Runs 7.662/180.14/-0.068, Now #42 B/AA Index: 7.73 Prior Best: 7.679/174.96/-0.051, Was #42 Right Lane: Randy Jones Runs 9.837/106.95/0.627, Now #40 F/SM Index: 9.21 Prior Best: 8.908/151.37/-0.302, Was #40Mozeris had a bunch of monkey motion at the hit and when the car settled down the power just wasn't there. Jones is another casualty of a tough session.Left Lane: Michael Stone Runs 7.389/180.43/-0.541, Now #23 C/ED Index: 7.93 Prior Best: 7.428/179.61/-0.502, Was #29 Right Lane: Tom Huggins Runs 7.094/194.44/-0.596, Now #11 B/A Index: 7.69 Prior Best: 7.100/193.07/-0.590, Was #13The final pair of the session and both drivers improve their starting positions. Next time outn for these folks is round 1.
Results for Elimination Round 1POMONA, Calif. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 1 eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 42nd annual Automobile Club of Southern California NHRA Finals: W/L Driver Class Index RT ET Ov/Un (W) Scott Hedlund B/SM 8.74 0.014 8.464 -0.276 (L) Lucky Snyder F/A 8.69 -0.047(R) 8.247 -0.44311:13 a.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 73 degrees, relative humidity 45 percent, barometer 29.12 inches, adjusted altitude 2,080 feet, track temperature 88 degrees.Forty four cars attempted to qualify for the final race of the year and we will see the thirty two that made the grade in round one. The indexes are close for these two, so we should see a close race down the track. But no, we get the Traditional Red Light in the first pair instead.
(W) Vinnie Deceglie A/A 7.16 0.057 6.772 -0.388 (L) Michael Stone C/ED 7.93 -0.005(R) 7.887 -0.043680c.i. Corvette and a small CID dragster to the line. Another red light to make this a non-event.Deceglie launches hard and then clicks it off to ensure no CIC penality in round two.(W) Bryan Morrison F/AA 8.71 0.001 8.248 -0.462 (L) Lee Sharp D/SMA 9.09 0.091 8.590 -0.500Great .001 light time for Morrison and he steals the win from Sharp.(W) Tom Mettler PST 8.07 0.046 7.563 -0.507 (L) Mark Stewart G/SMA 9.41 0.111 8.961 -0.449Stewart goes way over to the right and then way over to the left before clicking it off. Mettler nibbles at the CIC in an easy win.(W) Alan Ellis A/AA 7.36 0.062 6.857 -0.503 (L) John Mihovetz BB/AT 7.39 0.045 7.098 -0.292Two very different ways to run an altered. Both cars have similar RT's, but Mihovetz can't run the number. Ellis takes the upset win.(W) Adam Bowdish F/SM 9.42 0.044 8.880 -0.540 (L) David Sumek AA/AM 7.17 0.060 6.731 -0.439Sumek has his hands full keeping the high HP altered off the center line and it costs him. Bowdish gets the upset win, but will get a little CIC hit for his troubles.(W) Dave Barcelon G/A 9.05 0.079 8.510 -0.540 (L) Al Bresch G/SM 9.49 0.128 8.979 -0.511No upset this time, Barcelon has all of the numbers to take a decisive win.(W) Jim Cowan D/EA 8.93 0.072 8.364 -0.566 (L) Bo Butner AA/SM 7.71 0.024 7.363 -0.347Butler struggled in qualifying after his fire at Vegas and his problems continue today. A little tire spin off the line and he has to watch Cowan take the easy win.(W) Jacklyn Gebhardt A/ED 7.23 0.054 6.709 -0.521 (L) Mike DePalma F/A 8.69 0.080 8.149 -0.541Gebhardt gets the hole shot win over DePalms. Jacklyn Gebhardt's MOV: 0.0063 seconds (approximately 18 inches).(W) Jeff Taylor E/SM 9.21 0.034 8.604 -0.606 (L) Fred Gross G/A 9.05 0.006 8.492 -0.558Taylor has to push the CIC hard to get the win, as Gross gets a major RT advantage off the line.(W) John Edwards C/AA 8.05 0.064 8.330 0.280 (L) Jim Warter F/SM 9.42 -0.005(R) 9.642 0.222Warter just misses the green by -0.005 to give Edwards the easy win.(W) Ed Sigmon C/SR 9.22 0.044 8.720 -0.500 (L) Jeff Lane B/SR 8.59 0.084 8.064 -0.526Lane is late and then has a big wiggle near mid-track that costs him the win. Sigmon runs a perfect -.0500 under to get the win without a CIC hit for next round. Ed Sigmon's MOV: 0.0148 seconds (approximately 4 feet).(W) Todd Patterson E/A 8.36 0.046 7.978 -0.382 (L) Bob Marshall B/AA 7.73 -0.116(R) 7.492 -0.238Marshall goes red big time and Patterson will go on to round two.(W) Kevin Smith B/AA 7.73 0.063 7.299 -0.431 (L) Ross Wilson B/SMA 8.77 0.104 8.337 -0.433Marshall's red light troubles get worse, as the engine expired near the 1000 foot lights. We are on hold while the Safety Safari rolls to clean up his mess.11:37 a.m. ...and we are back. Wilson is late and Smith takes an easy win.
(W) Tom Huggins B/A 7.69 0.117 7.088 -0.602 (L) Sal Biondo E/AA 8.36 0.056 7.851 -0.509Huggins is late too and it will cost him a dime in CIC next round to ensure the win over Biondo.(W) Doug Lambeck D/SMA 9.09 0.037 8.828 -0.262 (L) David Beckley A/AA 7.36 -0.005(R) 6.978 -0.382Last pair and Beckley throws it away with a close -0.005 red light. Lambeck will get to play again this afternoon in round two.11:43 a.m. In Round Two: Ellis vs. Mettler; Gebhardt vs. Sigmon; Bowdish vs. Huggins; Deceglie vs. Smith; Taylor vs. Morrison; Edwards vs. Barcelon; Cowan vs. Lambeck; and Patterson vs. Hedlund.
Results for Elimination Round 2POMONA, Calif. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 2 eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 42nd annual Automobile Club of Southern California NHRA Finals: W/L Driver Class Index RT ET Ov/Un (W) Dave Barcelon G/A 9.01 0.036 8.513 -0.497 (L) John Edwards C/AA 8.05 0.238 7.503 -0.5476:31 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 68 degrees, relative humidity 41 percent, barometer 29.08 inches, adjusted altitude 1,773 feet, track temperature 77 degrees.Comp is next out as the temp drops and full night sets in. Horrible light for Edwards and Barcelon takes the easy win.
(W) Ed Sigmon C/SR 9.22 0.054 8.715 -0.505 (L) Jacklyn Gebhardt A/ED 7.21 0.198 DQ-CenterlineGebhardt had some big problems in tghe A/ED. The car got loose and appeared hit the left wall and then go across into the other lane. It's really dark out and hard to see. Some reported the car actually did a few snap rolls. Word back from the site of the incident is that Gebhardt is out of her Spitzer dragster and walking around. We're down for a clean up.(W) Alan Ellis A/AA 7.36 0.018 6.747 -0.613 (L) Tom Mettler PST 8.07 0.006 7.507 -0.563Ellis will Sigmon in the next round.(W) Adam Bowdish F/SM 9.38 0.069 9.383 0.003 (L) Tom Huggins B/A 7.59 -0.500(R)16.024 8.434Huggins rolled the beam and then just drove on down the lane.(W) Kevin Smith B/AA 7.73 0.051 7.762 0.032 (L) Vinnie Deceglie A/A 7.16 -0.086(R) 7.512 0.352Deceglie was too quick on the tree and Smith gets the freebie. Smith will face Bowdish in the next round.(W) Scott Hedlund B/SM 8.74 0.049 8.136 -0.604 (L) Todd Patterson E/A 8.36 0.112 7.762 -0.598(W) Jeff Taylor E/SM 9.11 0.008 8.751 -0.359 (L) Bryan Morrison F/AA 8.71 -0.015(R) 8.170 -0.540Morrison was too quick on the tree and Taylor with the freebie. Taylor will Barcelon in the next round.(W) Doug Lambeck D/SMA 9.09 0.037 8.526 -0.564 (L) Jim Cowan D/EA 8.87 0.152 8.445 -0.425Lambeck will take a hit and the win. He will face Hedlund in the next round.
Results for Elimination Round 3POMONA, Calif. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 3 eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 42nd annual Automobile Club of Southern California NHRA Finals: W/L Driver Class Index RT ET Ov/Un (W) Adam Bowdish F/SM 9.38 0.030 8.882 -0.498 (L) Kevin Smith B/AA 7.73 0.008 7.276 -0.4542:17 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 72 degrees, relative humidity 36 percent, barometer 29.19 inches, adjusted altitude 1,931 feet, track temperature 95 degrees.Smith goes .008 green but still can't catch Bowdish. Smith turned right at the hit and rode the center line to the finish.
(W) Jeff Taylor E/SM 9.11 0.017 8.557 -0.553 (L) Dave Barcelon G/A 9.01 0.041 8.451 -0.559Both drivers go .55 under but for Taylor the cost is permanent.(W) Alan Ellis A/AA 7.25 0.043 7.703 0.453 (L) Ed Sigmon C/SR 9.22 -0.079(R) 8.786 -0.434Sigmon can't wait and Ellis gets the automatic win.(W) Doug Lambeck D/SMA 9.03 0.012 8.569 -0.461 (L) Scott Hedlund B/SM 8.64 0.060 8.194 -0.446Lambeck with the great light and so far he's only lost .06 to CIC. The semis will have Ellis vs Bowdish and Taylor vs Lambeck.
Results for Elimination Round 4POMONA, Calif. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of round 4 eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 42nd annual Automobile Club of Southern California NHRA Finals: W/L Driver Class Index RT ET Ov/Un (W) Alan Ellis A/AA 7.25 0.033 6.723 -0.527 (L) Adam Bowdish F/SM 9.38 0.056 8.844 -0.5363:31 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 73 degrees, relative humidity 34 percent, barometer 29.16 inches, adjusted altitude 2,024 feet, track temperature 90 degrees.No CIC's earlier for these two. Ellis has the better RT and powers on by Bowdish to take the close win in the lights. They were both close to the centerline at the lights too. Alan Ellis' MOV: 0.0149 seconds (approximately 3 feet).
(W) Jeff Taylor E/SM 9.06 0.024 8.540 -0.520 (L) Doug Lambeck D/SMA 9.03 0.047 8.517 -0.513Jeff Taylor has a 0.15 CIC penalty; Doug Lambeck has a 0.06 CIC penalty. They have very close indexes and Taylor gets the RT advantage to stay ahead of Lambeck from start to finish.
Results for Final RoundPOMONA, Calif. - SUMMIT FastNews - Results of final, round 5 eliminations in Competition Eliminator at the NHRA POWERade Drag Racing Series, 42nd annual Automobile Club of Southern California NHRA Finals: W/L Driver Class Index RT ET Ov/Un (W) Jeff Taylor E/SM 9.04 0.072 8.903 -0.137 (L) Alan Ellis A/AA 7.23 -0.010(R) 7.129 -0.1015:06 p.m. Weather conditions: air temperature 79 degrees, relative humidity 28 percent, barometer 29.19 inches, adjusted altitude 2,385 feet, track temperature 89 degrees.Comp is next up for their final. Ellis goes red and hands the win to Taylor. AS he coasted out I noticed that the plug was still in the air intake on Taylor's Grand Am. Guess the engine didn't need air.